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  • About me
    The alpha-fail
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    Southampton, UK
  • Interests
    Computers, Cars, Transport Planning

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  1. That's not gone well! Mine is a video sadly so can't be bothered to GIF it. I landed in the ocean, the craft proceeded to sink rapidly and ended up spinning around really fast. After a while I EVAd Jeb who rocketed back up to the surface and up about 50m into the air I assume because he is so bouyant!
  2. I was getting 30 fps with a simple plane flying around Kerbin. This is on a 5800X3D with a 6800XT and 32GB of RAM. MSI afterburner indicated my GPU was at 99% usage and my CPU not doing much at all.
  3. I made screenshots using MSI afterburner instead. Interestingly Afterburner is reporting 11GB of VRAM usage, just rendering this!
  4. I made a biplane to slowly fly around and checkout Kerbin 2.0. I would show a screenshot but I can't see how to change the keybind for the AeroGUI from F12 which is the steam screenshot key :(. Lots of little niggley bugs and things nibbling at my enjoyment for now but looking forward to see it improve. (Why does escape not pause the game? Why does the SAS control make my plane dolphin around? Why is there no brakes on/off switch? Why is the right click part selection show every part of your ship? Etc etc).
  5. Coincidentally I upgraded the other day from a 3700X to a 5800X3D to get the most out of my AM4 system, so I won't be bothering. If my 6800XT can't run the graphics I've been seeing in the YouTube videos something has gone wrong... I'll also be trying it out on various project PCs using much older hardware. The fastest I've got is an i7 2600 with 16GB of DDR3 and an AMD R9 290X. It can run games like Modern Warfare 2 and Hogwarts Legacy so hopefully it can run this if there are resolution scaling options.
  6. I am looking to download older version (1.0 and above) from the PD store. I own a copy of the game from there. In the support page it says: [Kerbal Space Program] Is it possible to download old versions of KSP? We have the last version from each development cycle since 1.0 available for download. If you purchased a Digital Download version of the game from the KSP Store, they can be found within your Private Division Account under the Game Download section of your profile, you can login to your account here. However in my game download section of my PD account all I have access to is downloading Breaking Ground and it lists versions up to 1.2, so KSP 1.7.3. Is there a way to get older versions up/down to 1.0 offically on the PD account page?
  7. I moved house today so I guess I'll remember "where were you...." In 10 years time. I'm not into the monarchy (nor am I particularly against it) but I think people can agree she worked hard her entire reign and provided a sense of stability through crap government after crap government and crisis after crisis (and I'm only 32...) In some ways nothing is different (I'm about to head out to buy some cat litter) and in other ways everything has changed. The Queen was just about the last international icon of Britishness and I'm not sure what we have left. She represented Britain modernising with the break up of the old empire and televised addresses but at the same time. I only 'know her' from the modern era, being born in 1990. But I wouldn't be surprised if King Charles III was the last one considering the pomp of the Ascension ceremony (paid by the government) is going to feel extraordinarily out of date in a time of cost of living crisis. Interesting times. It would be nice if for some of my adult years we could not have interesting times. RIP.
  8. I made a submarine that actually worked quite well. I got bored of driving it into the sea so I made plane to fly it out to sea and dump it from a couple of thousand meters. It's probably my most cursed plane (or any other vehicle) I've made but it can kind of fly so it does the job. It's especially cursed compared to the sleek(ish) submarine. I have no idea why this thing flies so well without a pilot, I thought without any pilot, SAS and with the weight suddenly removed it would be all over the place after detachment. Also looks kinda cool from inside. The tanks are pretty brittle so I have, eh, a few parachutes so I enter the water at about 5m/s, and also a bit nose-first. It's highly maneuverable but also completely stable with no glitchiness. It can do 20m/s or so under water. Interestingly, if I dump all my ore / ballast, and then do max throttle to the surface it actually gains enough speed and altitude from its "dolphin jump" to be able to fly like a plane / missile and it flies pretty well for a submarine. I also tried propeller submarines but they're a lot more temperamental and slow.
  9. Thanks for the answers everyone. I think I reached a similar conclusion to everyone else and had the most success with old-school props using wing parts. I steer by adding a hindge to the rear prop so the thrust is angled (like a jetboat I guess) rather than a rudder but that joint in particular is absolute kraken-bait. I'll probably revise it to have a normal rudder and (canards if they're called that underwater) all over it to get it to change direction. Don't mind the delivery system going nuts in the background that's all fine!
  10. I'm making a submarine to pilot in kerbin's seas. I've tried jet engines coupled to liquid + oxidizer tanks but the jet engines did fire due to a lack of oxygen(?). I've tried liquid fuel rocket engines but they're not efficient and by the time you've got enough fuel you're very buoyant due to the fuel tanks. I've tried propellors and they don't interact with the water it seems. I'm currently trying rotors coupled with wings at about a 45 degree angle (like a water based propellor) but they spin very slowly with standard rotors. So I'm currently trying a heavy rotor with huge torque and blades spinning slowly. Has anyone got a underwater propulsion working on a stock game?
  11. Today is a big day. After 850 hours of Kerbaling, I realised that I can make my ship target specific things (prograde, retrograde, target, manoeuvre) by clicking the little button next to the navball if SAS is switched on. I think I did the tutorial long before that became a feature! And I can warp right to the next manoeuvre by pressing the warp right to the next manoeuvre button, such quality of life improvements! I've been watching some Matt Lowne and decide to finally try the more realistic type of moon/planet visit - have a stage orbiting the destination moon and then drop down a lander and rendezvous back with the orbiter for the return trip to Kerbin. For the past 8 years I've been sending a couple of stages to the mun, landed and returned with no rendezvousing at all. It was fine once I remembered how to do an orbital rendezvous (I spent a few minutes burning towards target when targeting whilst thinking "surely this is just going to make me spiral around the target?" before remembering that the speedometer is relative speed and I need to get it to zero before burning carefully towards the orbiter... I also plopped out a lower stage to add to my rocket that can already get to the Mun and decided to do a Minmum and Mun trip, with loads of Dv to spare. I think I'll try Duna (I've been like twice ever). In fact I could probably just, like, check the numbers to see if I have enough Dv instead of just winging it, another of those QOL features I don't seem to look at much I think it's the law you need to have a picture with your post in this thread so here is my rocket.
  12. I build project PCs ranging from 80MHz 486DX2 CPUs through to my main PC (a 3700X, 16GB RAM, 6800XT). Today I am messing around with a 2006 intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (overclocked to 3GHz), 8GB DDR3 1333 RAM and a 2009 Nvidia GTX285 1GB. Kerbal ran surprisingly OK on a mix of medium / high graphics considering I was using a fairly large ship. I had 17fps on ascent with the mission timer staying yellow, and in space it was running all green locked to 37fps (half-rate vsync on my 75Hz monitor). I can probably keep playing like this tbh! I am however eying up the 5800X3D as a end-of-platform upgrade for my 3700X. I could upgrade now and get 4 years from it or upgrade in 2 years time for much cheaper and get 2 years from it
  13. I tried out the Ion engine for the first time. Turns out the big, round dish shaped end should be attached to the ship and the little isn't where the dark magic gets expelled to generate thrust. So I burn prograde through my ship and it's kind of like a front-wheel-drive probe
  14. Has KSP gone very multithreaded at some point? I ask as I dug out an i7-860 from 2009 with low clock speed but 8 threads. And all 8 threads were in use and getting 75fps with simple planes. I thought KSP was pretty much single threaded and high clockspeed was preferable to lots of threads?
  15. Jeb paid respects to his fallen comrades by doing a sweet doughnut around the Memorial at the KSC in the Bouncy Car. 100mb dropbox video version (What I actually did was work out how to stop my wheels flexing around - just use the bigger hinges - and with the help of forum user ColdJ worked out how to make smoother wheels, as well as make the steering return to centre after pressing left or right)
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