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Everything posted by RyanRising

  1. Holy cow, I'm used to SoonTM, not soon. Just installed on a JNSQ save, and yeah, seems on par with what I'd expect from stock even though the scatters have collision there. If you're not on one heck of an accomplishment high right now you should be.
  2. It doesn't see 10 and 11, it sees 1, then 0 or 1, then 1. It's ordering them character by character. 1.9.1 is below those two because 9 comes after 1. Also, with my install I'm not sure I'd know if a bug was Kopernicus acting up or something else. I don't imagine that'd be too useful.
  3. I'm sure disposal wouldn't be much of a problem, they're light and have a large surface area. Give them a little push away from the station with whatever you're using to uninstall them and the people back on Earth will be breathing them in a few months. I imagine not having a reason to dispose of them is the main reason they're staying.
  4. While I don’t doubt you’ve put some thought into that, I’m curious as to why it’s unrealistic to have good performance with Kopernicus planet packs’ scatters at 100% when stock scatters seem to do just fine (or at least not as badly) at that level?
  5. “We’re going to try to catch the Super Heavy Booster with the launch tower arm, using the grid fins to take the load.” I think I’m going to file this one under the same tab as the catgirl robots from Tesla.
  6. I know the TEB flash has been commented on, and it is wonderfully cool, but I noticed it’s both an ignition and a shutdown. I assume this is because it’s tied to the very lowest end of the thrust range. I don’t remember seeing documentation of a controller that could be used to achieve this effect only on ignition, and work for engines with no spool up/down time. Perhaps a “time running” controller could do this? Though it wouldn’t have any upper bound, which might be difficult. Unrelatedly, one of these days I have to get around to reporting the misplaced and oddly scaled Torch effects in WaterfallRestock.
  7. I'm using the two together (and the Restock configs) and I don't see any issues, but, well, see above.
  8. I can’t remember if I’ve posted this now that I’m actually using the mod, but in case I haven’t, goodness this mod adds so much to the gameplay experience. Not just the more powerful rocket sounds, but hearing them fade out as the atmosphere grows thinner, the impacts, the rover wheels, the IVA effects, it’s all so wonderful. Thank you.
  9. My first version was 0.20.2, but I wasn’t able to find any legit place to get it. I do wish there was an official way to download any previous version, rather than having to resort to... other means for that hit of nostalgia.
  10. I find that getting emotionally attached to Kerbals makes me have more interesting gameplay experiences. I try my darnedest to leave no Kerbal behind, and if one pops, the circumstances of their death will have a lasting impact on my vessel design. Plus, it’s fun to design abort systems for stuff that isn’t just a simple capsule! as for whether they’re cute, they’ve got a simple silhouette, big heads and eyes, and seem to have a childlike enthusiasm about them, so I’d say they are.
  11. “@US_SpaceComstands ready to protect/defend US/allied interests from aggression in the space domain.” Presumably ready with their own anti-satellite missiles. Not trying to defend any use of this stuff, but it’s rich how they’re criticising Russia for militarising space, from, you know, a US military space program.
  12. Hallelujah, the fuel transfer bug is fixed! Also, got a good chuckle out of this: * Amended dV and orbit calcs to use Double precision. [some other patch notes snipped] * Amended dV and orbit calcs to use Double precision.
  13. If you’re superstitious, that’s probably a bad omen for the recovery operations. Thankfully I don’t think Rocket Lab is. And yes, I hope to hear everyone's fine over there. EDIT: Ok, the news site updated. Looked like there was only the pilot in the helicopter, and they "sustained moderate injuries," which hopefully means they'll live. But I guess that turns out to be kind of OT.
  14. What, again? Maybe we should start formatting it as SpaceX instead of SpaceX. Hope that booster’s fine! EDIT: Also, unrelatedly: does anyone have speculation on how dirty the Superheavy booster will get? Obviously there’s less soot from the fuel than Falcon 9, but I don’t imagine it’ll stay sparkling clean.
  15. So I'm sure I can find this info somewhere, but I haven't seen a discussion of it on this thread. What's up with that slanted nozzle they've got at the end of SpaceShipTwo? Is there some clearance requirement for it, or some sort of performance they gain from doing that? EDIT: Apparently this sort of thing is called a "scarfed" nozzle. Still dunno why it's there, but using it to get a vectored thrust without gimbals seems somewhat reasonable.
  16. Holy cow. I don't have any clever insight on this, but I just want to put in my two cents that that was one of the most incredible things I've ever seen, even though it was over the internet. I thought for sure the flip would have messed up if the descent didn't, but it made it to the ground upright. And there was an earth-shattering kaboom. Wow.
  17. I think this is the total collapse. There's nothing left to come crashing down - I guess some parts of the dish could fall a couple meters? The towers don't have the load of the platform anymore, so I don't think there's any risk of them falling.
  18. While I have never used that feature, I feel I would miss it if it were gone. Saves me from worrying about cluttering the list. I do wonder happened to that mod that added a Trump “You’re fired” sound effect to that button? Not really the most high-brow joke, but I did get a kick out of it. Forgot what it was called, though.
  19. Everything I hear about that livestream makes me more and more glad I was in a grass field with no cell reception. The stars really aligned for me here. Also, on a different topic, do we expect Starship and Superheavy to get noticeably dirty, kind of like the booster above? I know CH4 doesn’t produce soot like kerosene, but I’ve also heard that scorching has something to do with that discolouration as well. But there isn’t much paint to burn either.
  20. I was there in person for the Sentinel-6 launch, and while I’m sure it wasn’t anything special as far as rocket launches go, wow. That was the first time I’ve actually seen one, and what a rocket to see! The RTLS and the sonic booms were just fantastic, I feel like I’ve been spoiled by this.
  21. Return to Sender stream should be live very soon. Just showing a splash screen right now. Liftoff is expected in about 30 minutes. https://www.rocketlabusa.com/live-stream/
  22. I just started playing with this mod, and apparently Minmus is a treacherous little rock. When i picked a landing spot in that light green band between these two craters: I was not expecting it to soon turn into this: So that was an unexpectedly interesting landing challenge! Maybe it's for the best I couldn't turn on terrain scatters while keeping my FPS reasonable, because with their colliders I might have ended up dashing my probe against a rock. I almost did that with a mountain anyway.
  23. The IVA for the Mk1 inline cockpit also currently has fore and aft hatches, for what it's worth. That terrain certainly is a step up, and while I've said this before, I really like the new Mk1 (uh, pointed) cockpit. It brings back the "higher, faster, better" feel the old one had without the geometry problems with the window. And this just shows off how much better positioned that window is!
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