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Everything posted by RyanRising

  1. Is this where I get to declare my love for “them” as a singular genderless pronoun? Sure, it’s the same as the plural, but it’s already in common use and so a lot more seamless than constructed ones. However, it looks like this is just a texture pack applying to the game’s pre-existing “male” and “female” heads. So I’d say no, it doesn’t.
  2. Foil? Didn’t you have some choice words about making foil variants of parts a while ago?
  3. I’m ashamed to admit I’d not actually dared to send Kerbals to another planet before this point. I finally did that. Not knowing exactly what I was in for, I sent three vessels into the SOI: 1. A resource mapping probe to find suitable landing spots for 2: the ascent vehicle, which was equipped with ISRU in order to fill the upper stage before the arrival of 3. the mothership. This included a propulsion module featuring the large nuclear engine from Restock+ and a long Mk3 liquid fuselage to fuel it, a habitation module with a science lab and plenty of seats for the four Kerbals onboard to shuffle around in, a Kerballed rover for finding interesting stuff on the surface, a descent vehicle with plenty of science to be done in the atmosphere and the Breaking Ground surface stuff, and the delivery capsule I had sent the kerboanuts to the ship in after completing orbital assembly. It started off a bit rocky - I actually forgot to send the ore mapper first and so had to repurpose an existing probe for less precise resource scans. Lucky I had one, otherwise I’d be taking a shot in the dark finding out where to land. This kind of forgetfulness is not exactly confidence-inspiring, but it didn’t end the mission. However, the other two ships performed their operations without a hitch. The ascent vehicle was first, of course, and after a few quicksaves simulations I was able to land it on a gentle slope and start mining. A few days later, the mothership came in. I detached the rover and landed it about one and a half kilometres from the ascent vehicle, and I was able to get the crew down even closer. Science was done, experiments were deployed, rover excursions were made, flags were planted, and everyone generally had a grand time. When it came time to leave, I wasn’t particularly concerned. Everything in this mission had far too much delta-V and the ascent vehicle was no exception. An upper stage detached from the ISRU equipment, carried the four Kerbals back to their mothership, and that mothership soon began burning for home. It was not until I’d circularised the mothership around Kerbin and done the deorbit burn to bring the Kerbals home that I realised I hadn’t put parachutes on their return capsule. The crew didn’t die, thanks to the EVA parachutes added some time ago, but had I done this mission as early in my KSP career as I should have they darn well would’ve! I’m still kicking myself for this. I also don’t have the pictures at the moment, whoops.
  4. It’s nice to hear from someone involved in this. I have to remain skeptical of the promises made, because it’s got to be hard to convince Take-Two to put out a game that you only pay once for. I still won’t be preordering, of course (don’t do that, guys) but you have reassured me somewhat that the developers have more creative freedom than I’d assumed since the takeover.
  5. My blocker features are the same as they ever were - any sort of microtransactions, DLC on launch, always-online functionality, or DRM. It seems more likely that those things will happen what with Take-Two's hostile takeover - every promise Star Theory has made about KSP 2 seems pretty much meaningless now.
  6. Well that's concerning to say the least. I could speculate all day long, but I'm absolutely having trouble seeing myself buying KSP2 now.
  7. Is it an intentional feature that the Mk3-9 Rhea can't function as a command pod without probe control? When there are Kerbals aboard, that is.
  8. I can confirm at least two bugs in version 1.1.0 - I didn't look any further into this than those. The first is that on initially landing with the wheels, the screech sound keeps playing. This issue does not appear to occur after the gear is retracted and extended. The second is the horrible framerate drop that starts when sliding on the ground and gets worse the longer the effects are active. This was observed when sliding, specifically with Mk2 plane parts, on the grass just outside the runway. Only this mod and modulemanger were installed, on a fresh install on Windows 10. My system runs on a Samsung 950 EVO SSD, NVIDIA GTX 1080 graphics card, Intel Core i7-4771, and 16GB of DDR3 RAM. The logs are here, featuring a spam of NotImplementedException errors. I know you're aware of these issues, but I thought maybe more logs from a wider variety of systems might help.
  9. Everything has IVAs? Holy cow, nertea, how did you ever get this to release? That’s incredible.
  10. Sorry to bother you, but I recently installed Near Future Spacecraft and noticed the Kerbal portraits on the Mk3-9 "Rhea" pod seem to be blocked by something. I quickly created a new copy of KSP and installed only this mod and its dependencies, launched a craft that's only the pod and a launch clamp to prevent wiggling, and it's still there. Image in a spoiler to prevent cluttering. Nothing seems amiss from the internal view or interior overlay. I apologise if this has been reported somewhere else, I couldn't find it from a quick search of this topic. I'm using KSP 1.9.1 and version 1.3.1 of the mod, x64 and on Windows 10. If you need it, the log (Player.log) should be viewable here.
  11. Man, pizzaoverhead’s mods have always been some of my favourites. This one seems like it’s caused people a lot of trouble to get running, though. Good luck to you with this and I hope to add it to my install soon! also, this can still add those squeaky-toy sounds to kerbals when they collide in ragdoll, right?
  12. It’s a common misconception that airplane wings produce lift through differential air pressure between their top and bottom surfaces. In reality, lifting surfaces actually work through a combination of deflection and the Placebo effect.
  13. I’ve gotta say, I’m actually pretty excited to hear that the delay is happening and is so long. I’ve heard a few stories of games being rushed to release or delayed, but not nearly enough, so that the final version is still quite unfinished. It seems like Star Theory either has bitten off way more than they can chew or they actually have a realistic idea of how much there is yet to be done. I’ll cautiously hope it‘s the last one.
  14. That’s wonderful. “They come in hundreds of designer colours, including Forest, Desert, Table, uh... Evening at the Improv? What idiot pick-“
  15. You know, I feel kind of bad nitpicking, given that you lot have put so much work into this mod, but it seems to me that the small 1.25m tank (FL-T100)'s black and white texture is a bit out of place. The stripes on it have trifold symmetry, where most of the other tanks have quad or double symmetry, and where those can work with each other, they don't mix so well with the 3-way stripes. There was probably a reason for this choice, and I'd be interested to know what it is, but for me it does mess with the unity of this mod's aesthetic.
  16. That 24 sides thing is actually really interesting to me, I didn’t know that was a consideration. Thanks for the response and explanation, and for teaching me something new!
  17. Do you think it would be possible/worth it to include a 3.75m scaled-down version of everything for compatibility with existing parts? This would of course make it scale wrong relative to everything else, but as long as I’m aware of that I think playing around with these bits would be a more seamless experience if there’s an option like that. I’ll probably download this once I’m back at a computer / it’s released either way, but I’d just like to know for curiosity’s sake.
  18. I’m out of likes for today, but I fully agree with your sentiment. I’m worried, and I’m worried that language used by UomoCapra doesn’t exclude the direct sort of microtransactions. They’ve done well with the announcements so far, and I really want to buy this game. I guess all we can do for now is hope.
  19. I’m just gonna add my concerns to the heap. I’m really worried that there will be microtransactions or some other “live service” mulch, which is holding me back from being excited. It’s been stated that there’s no in-game currency or loot boxes, but that still leaves the possibility for direct (even if cosmetic) microtransactions in a $60 game, which would be a horrendous prospect. DRM is also another concern for me, having one of those “I can neither confirm nor deny” sort of answers. One of the best aspects of KSP as a program (rather than a game, loads of much cooler stuff there) for me has been its portability, allowing me to have multiple installations that I can tinker with, run offline, whatever. I’d love to be able to do that with the new one. I’ll never preorder a game, but if these two issues turn out not to be, then I can say it’ll almost certainly be a day-one purchase for me. I want to be excited, I want this to be what everyone here didn’t know they were hoping for. It has the potential to be, absolutely! It looks brilliantly suited to that even from the first day of releases. I just don’t want to see a brand I love screwed over by Take-Two. Please, Star Theory, please let me buy this game. I want to, I really do, but I can’t if these fears are realised.
  20. Oh god, I just clicked other to view the poll results so far and now realise I can’t take it back. I don’t have anything constructive to add, I’m sorry!
  21. I think it’d be nice to have a small inline ASAS module, kind of like back in the old days. It’s become relevant again due to the changes to the way SAS works in 0.90, and I think having another option than the pointy Avionics Module to add SAS capability without probe control would be a nice addition. Oh and as long as I’m at it, let’s go with inline chutes! My god would those be nice, and more importantly, would avoid the problem of sticking a big radial one on a Mk1 pod. That looks so ugly.
  22. It's not music that matches the scale or feeling of the game, but I mostly listen to this because a). I like the music and b). I still haven't let go.
  23. When did Kerbal Space Program become Kerbal Safety Program? As for me, I haven't played in awhile, but I'd wager around a 10-15% mortality rate for my Kerbals. I mean, their lives may be worthless to me, but I do have to get somewhere.
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