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Everything posted by RyanRising

  1. How did you guys manage to make SSTO spaceplanes, in 0.9, when there were no wings? Or jet engines? For that matter, WildLynx, is the OSS 6 a space station? And how did you accomplish that when there wasn't even persistence, or docking ports? Answering the question presented by the OP, the biggest thing I think I've ever used a space plane to ferry was a little ion probe in 0.90. Definitely not a huge achievement. I can't vote, however, because I'm on a mobile device. :/
  2. We play games, so yes. Also, those who play FarmVille are gamers by that logic. But then you'll try to define "gamer", and you're in one heck of an argument.
  3. I don't mean to sound disrespectful or anything of the sort, but I think you just invented part models. https://xkcd.com/1367/ It really is physics that takes up the bulk of your processing power, though. Multithreaded physics would help, but it seems a difficult problem.
  4. I love that word now that it exists. Also, Yay Alternis Kerbol! I'd wanted to try the mod out, but I never got around to it, and then it died. Well, I thought it had. But turns out it was just in a coma the whole time!
  5. KSP Add-On Version Checker. It lets you know when your game starts if there's an update available for any of your favorite mods (that have a version file for it.)
  6. Whoa. A thread from April 2013 has resurfaced out of the depths. Also: Ahaha, cheating. In fact, this thread was made before my join date! EDIT: However, I could have sworn that my account join date was somewhere in April 2013, not August.
  7. How about KSP-AVC? It'd be nice to know when there's a new update, even if I prefer installing it manually.
  8. I don't really like the old cockpit. It had those weird heat shield tiles on the bottom that didn't go well with much anything.
  9. I just caught up now. Can you believe it? Great work here, and it appears I'll be on the edge of my seat for a while.
  10. I think that no person should have to play KSP without this mod.
  11. Just saw this. Turns out you're not dead after all! I really like the suits, especially the goo-splattered Science one.
  12. My reaction went like this: "Oh, haha, this is like that 'Is playing KSP cheating?' thread. *click* Wait, this can't be right. They're serious?" But then I realized that, power aside, the Wii U seems to have the best controlling system for a game like KSP that has appeared on a console.
  13. I'm sorry, I don't know much about Eve vehicles, but I do have to ask- Why is Eve capitalized as "EVE"? Is that intentional? It makes me think of Environmental Visual Enhancements more than anything.
  14. I think you're talking about reaction wheels. This would be a SAS computer, which doesn't seem all that bad of an idea.
  15. I, uh, meant that it would be worth it for the IVA hatch to be in the wrong place. I have since edited my post for clarity. But if you'd like to do that, go crazy. I'd like to see your take on it.
  16. I say worth it, but that's for the OP to decide. EDIT: Worth it for the IVA hatch to be in the wrong place, I mean. I don't expect a new IVA.
  17. I love this idea. I think Ven's Revamp is a bit too much and this is just a nice model update rather than a complete redesign. The pod not only looks good, but makes sense now! Speaking of making sense, when you get to the mk1-2 pod, please consider making the ladder aligned with other ladder placements. I know it's changing stuff, but I strongly believe that it's a change for the better.
  18. I think that it chooses the class based on their name. Pretty silly if you ask me, but that's the way it's implemented as far as I can see.
  19. I should archive my screenshots or something. I need to be a better historian! Then, I can get one of said screenshots that makes me laugh, and post it in this thread. So: No. But, I'm going to get some.
  20. Gah! I want to rep this but I'm on mobile. Oh, wait, I could just use the desktop site.
  21. Well, it's a nonsense thread, so a nonsense answer makes sense. In its own nonsensical way. But that's nonsense. EDIT: Oh, hey, I was able to make colored text on my phone!
  22. If I only had SpaceY installed, this would have worked as a booster for my latest project! Or maybe a couple of them at once- the projects, that is.
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