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Everything posted by RyanRising

  1. Called it! At least I said that's what was most likely. No vessel-to-vessel fuel pipes yet, though.
  2. Thank you, Claw, for this. That being said, these really shouldn't be necessary. Let's all hope they won't be after 1.0.3.
  3. That reactor picture for some reason reminds me of the old blue ram air intakes. Just thinking out loud, or in text.

  4. I... did not play KSP. I know! I'm surprised as you are!
  5. They need to do this anyway, from what I've seen from most of the Easter Eggs. So why not give the planets more interesting terrain while they're at it?
  6. I don't think we need to avoid it, just make sure the people doing it know what they're doing and know not to report any bugs before reproducing them in 32bit.
  7. Finally. Were they messing around with the aero in this one too?
  8. Okay, so maybe they should keep it as an option, say, a tweakable button. But there should also be a clamshell option, preferably default. We have tweakables now, so we should use them.
  9. About 1.0- This, somehow, is still a thing: In case you couldn't tell, there's a gap between the KSC ground texture and Mission Control. I remember this from a while ago, and it doesn't seem like such a difficult fix- after all, they're just moving the Mission Control model forwards.
  10. I think he means 0.90. In 0.9, I don't think there were any spaceplane parts. People referring to version 0.90 as 0.9 really bugs me.
  11. They're really efficient, but really low-thrust, so they would be good for places when you need a lot of delta-V but not a lot of oomph. Perfect for interplanetary missions. Although, I don't know what you mean by hype. They've been around for quite a while now.
  12. Oh. And if this is a double post, sorry. But, a mobile games company? But it's not just mobile: They make screensavers too. All is well.
  13. Oh. So it is KSP, but it's not taking away from the main game. They're hiring someone else. I was worried there. But I really, REALLY hope that this won't influence the main game's development (in a bad way, such as getting a new feature axed because it's too much for consoles).
  14. Is that a good "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod..." or a bad "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod..."
  15. So. Many. I haven't counted, but I think the number has to be at least three digits.
  16. I don't know. I think they should get the game working on this platform before they try to port it over to a console. But I'm hoping that it's not actually the game, and that they're making some kind of thing that will compliment KSP. Or maybe they're making something similar. I don't know how well a console will deal with this game, anyway.
  17. Did you "unfix" FAR? That sounds like you just ran it without doing anything to it, as seen here: I had posted that earlier in this thread. Also: "We detected your video might be shaky. Would you like us to stabilize it?
  18. The mod looks cool, but what I want to know is how did you get the imgur albums to be the old style? As in, black and grey and green?
  19. Any particular reason this is still hiding in Add-On Development? Is there something missing from it? Or is it just too much of a hassle to put it in the Releases?
  20. Yup, I got FAR and KJR working by using this at the very least. But, FERRAM and any other modder: If you are checking my profile because I have reported some odd bug, that bug is from my, or has at least been reproduced on my 32-bit install.
  21. To turn that off, just touch the blue words in the box that comes up when you press the key five times, then touch the tiny box in the larger box that turns the problem off. Now you have fixed your problem and can go to space today. [/upgoerfive]
  22. I accidentally opened two instances of KSP. Once I realized what I'd done, I decided to try something. I made a quicksave in one, and loaded the quicksave in the other. It worked, and I feel satisfied now.
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