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Everything posted by RyanRising

  1. In my current save game, three. If you want to count the deaths reversed by "Revert Flight" I have killed the entire astronaut roster about twice over.
  2. It does SSTO. I need to tweak some things, but it works. Dear Squad, though, it takes a long time. The framerate is not kind to me. I don't understand, this is under 200 parts. - - - Updated - - - Sorry for the doublepost, but I was messing around with 0.21, and created this explosion: I got hit with the bug where the parts didn't match up with the VAB view, and tried to launch. EDIT: I posted this shortly before the game crashed. I had to do a hard reboot.
  3. Well then I have been proven wrong! Let the hype continue on whatever speed is appropriate for a patch that has just as much, if not more, content than the ARM patch!
  4. I think there's just a static screen that does nothing besides say "Docking Mode." Other than that, wow! I would LOVE to be proven wrong, though.
  5. You can definitely pass through a sort of green layer and then it just shows black, but I have no idea what's going on there beyond face value. I have no idea what's going on there at face value, come to think of it. Try and hyperedit a ship there, see if you can make any sense of it.
  6. I can deal with clipped tanks and stuff, but I can't seem to get around that they'd have to get in the rocket during construction, then wait in there while the fairing is built around them and the rocket is rolled out to the pad if I did that. You can extend the fairing though in the editor if you want, there's nothing stopping you.
  7. Gah! I've posted but never requested a ticket. Doing that now. Hype. Hype. Hype. Hype. HypeHype. HypeHypeHype Hype. Hype. HypeHype. Hype. Hype. Hype HypeHypeHype. Hype. HypeHype. HypeHype Hype. Hype. Hype. Hype. Hype Hype. Hype. Hype. Hype. HypeHypeHype Darn it, "Hype" just stopped looking like a word.
  8. I remember that. Did we leave the brakes' wreckage in the Andromeda Galaxy? "Throw it overboard, we'll be able to go even faster!"
  9. Sorry, the last time I saw those was on Kerbal Spaceport. Wait... AHA! Original thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/31286 Updated for 1.0.4 (!): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/125482 Be warned the parts work by black magic and electricity only.
  10. I don't think I've had a Kerbal pop when landing on their head since around 0.24. That being said, if they land on their feet at a considerably slower speed than I'll subject them to on their helmets, they'll pop nearly every time. I don't know how Mizie managed that.
  11. Oh, he meant that bar. I think it's just called Historian, but you've got the right idea. EDIT: Alex, if you're still here, I have a link for the mod. Click Here
  12. That's Kerbal Engineer Redux. It helps a lot with building anything in KSP. 248.
  13. Wooohooo the smiley bouncy ball is back, albeit in a different form. Don't get me wrong, firefighters are awesome, but I personally like this one better.

  14. Fixed! It said [noparse]"http://https://imgurblahblahblah" rather than "https://imgurblahblahblah"[/noparse]
  15. I'm done. It took about 3 hours, my computer screaming at me to kill it with fire, and I don't even know how many Two Steps From Hell tracks, but I finished... The Soyuz of a Sort! Not a replica, just something designed to be done in the spirit of the Soyuz rocket. I wanted to see if I could do something of the sort, and wanted to share the result with the forum, 'cause why not? More Images. Link because I hate the imgur albums on here. What are they, made for phones? It runs at an atrocious framerate, and is no doubt completely useless compared to something more simple, but that's not why I build rockets, darn it! Download below. Download Me Here
  16. I'm done. It took about 3 hours, my computer screaming at me to kill it with fire, and I don't even know how many Two Steps From Hell tracks, but I finished... The Soyuz of a Sort! Not a replica, just something designed to be done in the spirit of the rocket. I wanted to see if I could do something of the sort, and you have the result right here. More Images. Link because I hate the imgur albums on here. What are they, made for phones? It runs horribly, and is no doubt completely useless compared to something more simple, but that's not why I build rockets, darn it! Download below. Download Me Here
  17. They got Mars too? Look out, they'll be coming to Earth next. WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!?
  18. A newer CPU might help a smidgen, but it's doubtful it'll help enough to justify the price. 6 or 8 cores will not help at all, since the big performance hog in KSP, the physics, is currently bound to a single core. Maybe once the switch to U5 is done having more cores will be helpful, but again, not now.
  19. They should be compatible, however, you won't be able to dock with anything from the demo since there are no docking ports. Better to tell them they should buy the game if they like it.
  20. Ah, yes, let me take those pictures for you. Also, congratulations on the fantastic amount of (well-deserved) rep! Saw some other people complaining about the textures, and as it turns out, the top of the fuel tanks are mismatched with the bottom, as far as the color on the edges. The Mk2 cargo bays, though, don't appear to do this. Imgur album! - - - Updated - - - Also, there's a "Default" texture option... Hm.
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