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Everything posted by RyanRising

  1. I really like the way the planet looks. The color changing from blue (teal?) and yellow in the different hemispheres makes it, y'know, not Saturn, but it keeps the prettiness of Saturn! I love it!
  2. It's October again, so I think it's time to bring this back into the center stage. This can't possibly have broken between whenever this was introduced and now, right? Please don't hurt me.
  3. "You need to add an intake for the jet to work." "Oh, yeah, sure, I think I saw one lying around" "..."
  4. All the information should be in the OP. Undoubtedly it will either fix one or some of the "Known Problems", or add one or more of the items on the "To-Do list for the Future".
  5. Laythe is the Mun in the title screen? Wondeful attention to detail! It moves really fast, though. EDIT: I THINK I SAW THE REGULAR MUN AT THE TITLE SCREEN TOO
  6. Oh good! Are the no-tankbutt nodes the old ones? Also the new IVAs look delicious.
  7. Color me clueless, then. (That color is fuchsia.)
  8. I've never known the KSP community to get an ETA on anything except the 1.0 release. I don't think that'll change with the system type it's running on.
  9. It also changes the node positions of some stock engines for the tankbutt feature.
  10. In spirit, but not function, yes. If you recover that pod, do all the Kerbals survive? The forum wants to correct "Kerbals" to "Kernels".
  11. I know, old post, but does that stand for Single Stage to- Wait, What? ...and the guy above me quoted the same post. Wow. The difference is, I am asking.
  12. Me too. This happens at least once a week. When you look at clouds and think, "Whoa, WIP-EVE is amazing! ... Wait, this is real life." When you read everything up until a year back on this thread. Someone said, a year ago today, "When you read this entire thread."
  13. With Alternis Kerbol removing all ambient light outside of an atmosphere, these take on a whole new degree of usefulness. I'd download them right now were I not on my phone.
  14. I like it, but it gave rise to the need for a new visual mod: Since it's that friggin' dark, you really miss the moon- sorry, planetlight. There's a ship there, you know. Also, is Tylo harder to return from than Jool now?
  15. Ooh, you made this not dead! I have some reputation lying around. Here, take some.
  16. Headcannon? https://xkcd.com/1401 Headcannon.
  17. It might be just me (see the signature), but it seems like one half of the time my Kerbal goes rag doll and touches the ground, the universe disappears. Not my favorite way, but easy.
  18. I used to like it, but no more. I can hardly say I prefer the mess that is the stock parts, though. I wholeheartedly agree that this game could benefit from a full art pass, and not just spaceplane parts. It definitely wouldn't hurt for planets to be improved in this respect as well.
  19. Oh! Yay! There will try be alien trees on laythe, so long as you can figure out panspermia, that heckuva thing. (My, I remember that comment from the original thread too.) Oh god tylo is gonna be awful. Is it even theoretically possible to launch from that planet?
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