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Everything posted by RyanRising

  1. I find that 1. Kerbals can survive ejecting from a supersonic jet and landing on their head and 2. Kerbals will spazz out for a couple of seconds and then explode once they fall down on the ground from, say, tripping over an I-beam. So Kerbals' crash tolerance is directly related to their adrenaline level. Hm.
  2. I tried that. The only problem is that I am completely incompetent when it comes to coding of any kind, and I can't even figure out how to get it to compile like that. It throws out several hundred errors, and I don't know if that's normal. BUT! Soon, and back on topic, this gripe of mine will be a thing of the past, with Unity 5! I hope.
  3. I would be if it weren't for FAR. 1.0 64-bit really is better, Even with the Windows hack. But excuse me while I grumble about Ferram Aerospace.
  4. Do you have the Stock Bug Fix modules installed? That sounds like the ModuleGimbalFix, which allows engines to gimbal at all points during a flight so that they'll work when activated by right-click. If you don't have those installed, nevermind.
  5. Okay, so the latest dev build of FAR seemed to fix this odd voxelization. And as an added bonus, there's a cool blue line too. Hm. Should I still test the stock+VSR configurations? It would seem a bit redundant. EDIT: Wait, no, darnit. I posted the wrong area ruling screenshot. The dev build screenie is below: EDIT2: Also, and this is completely unrelated, the KSP forums seems to have a lot more internet-style arguments popping up lately. Although, this could be just my perspective.
  6. This is one of the least important questions of all time, but I'm going to ask anyway: Once this amazing redux of EVE is finished, will it be released into the old thread, or will a new one be made? From my understanding, almost everything about the mod is completely different now, so that might make some sense. Anyway, I'd just been wondering. I've never actually seen a cat that died from curiosity.
  7. Where would I find that latest dev build? Is it from the GitHub "master" branch? Once I've got it and I'm home, I'll try it on my install, try the current version of FAR with Stock+Ven's Revamp, and the new dev build with Stock+VSR. At any rate, thanks for letting me know that I'm not just bad at fairings. EDIT: Also, I posted this at 13:37! Woohoo!
  8. Those are all stock parts, just with Ven's Revamp installed. Not sure if that's relevant. Anyway, your requested voxelization screenshots: I get like 1 frame every 2 seconds when I'm using voxelization.
  9. So... (And before you ask, yes, this is on 32-bit even though it crashes like mad), I have a question. Does this look right to you? Those curves look awfully sharp for what looks to me like a relatively smooth fairing. Is this normal? If so, I'm sorry I asked, I just needed to know. The fairings end at the nosecone, if that's helpful.
  10. I just started reading this series, and I found it funny that back in 0.19, resources were just around the corner. Flash forward and it's taken until 0.27 (officially called 1.0) to get them! At any rate, what you've done here is awesome, and I haven't even read a quarter off it yet!
  11. 1. Can you clarify your meaning a bit? I assume "is" is referring to the props, but what do you mean by "add extras folder"? If you mean that Ven should add them, then I'm sure he's working on it. 2. That is very large text. Any particular reason, or do you just like changing the settings around?
  12. That would be one heck of a necropost, and I don't think his YouTube channel desperately needs the advertisement. He's pretty well known, though not under the name Mr. Fusion.
  13. Have you updated TextureReplacer? That was an issue with the old version.
  14. <img src="http://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/images/0/07/Antique_Factory.PNG" alt="WARNING: This item was aged by the same inexorable passage of time that also processes nuts."/> Huh. Yay xkcd! I wonder why that's the explain xkcd link.
  15. Pizzaoverhead (Your go-to sound guy) has a mod for that last one, but I think that the scope of this mod is just visual effects. It doesn't actually sound too hard to make a small torque in the water that rocks your vessel back and forth when it's "Splashed Down", but I have no coding experience. I don't think it would add too much to your experience, though, and it does sound near-impossible to make it sync up with the waves. The water sounds mod is here.
  16. Billy-Bloblock, Billy-Bloblan and Billy-Bobmon, welcome a new member to your team, Billy-Bobgan. THEY'RE EVERYWHERE name = Billy-Bobgan Kerman gender = Male brave = 0.07724219 dumb = 0.1718438 badS = (Sadly) False Also, you know what, here's some more from my roster. name = Calfurt Kerman gender = Male brave = 0.935002 dumb = 0.8439832 badS = False name = Jesgee Kerman gender = Female brave = 0.7680213 dumb = 0.40027 badS = False name = Karke Kerman gender = Female brave = 0.5444376 dumb = 0.9465743 badS = False name = Irgie Kerman gender = Female brave = 0.7167376 dumb = 0.1558019 badS = False name = Siery Kerman gender = Female brave = 0.2023745 dumb = 0.06156906 badS = False name = Julette Kerman gender = Female brave = 0.2805544 dumb = 0.4217578 badS = False name = Thombart Kerman gender = Male brave = 0.7264049 dumb = 0.9602373 badS = False name = Asisa Kerman gender = Female brave = 0.1349817 dumb = 0.8681294 badS = False name = Ferdos Kerman gender = Male brave = 0.06952987 dumb = 0.7146593 badS = False Man, exactly zero of these are BadS. It's pathetic.
  17. Try taking the #0 out of your imgur code so it doesn't look all wonky, like so: Just the QQOO3 bit. Also, this mod looks awesome! I think I'll try it on a separate install. Then try a Minmus mission, just to prove to myself that I can do this sort of thing.
  18. The one you posted on. It had this download.
  19. Nah, that's just KSPRC. If you'd like them moving faster, press alt+N and mess with the speed values.
  20. Oh, I just commented out the affected parts. That looks a lot more code-y. Good job!
  21. Can I just say that I absolutely love this mod? I mean, WOW. There are other mods there too, but that is friggin' BEAUTIFUL.
  22. Yeah, but as it is, it's either consistency in shininess or consistency in lights. I have a config that makes WindowShine only affect the non-revamped parts, but I'm not sure where that should go. Back on topic, is this still supposed to be compatible with stock (if you delete the "Part Bin")? Because it seems to be more and more steering away from that philosophy. Also, funny thing, from what I can tell rockets made with this will fly differently than stock ones using NuFar. That voxelization is too accurate for my own good.
  23. Had something go wrong with my space station. That cupola doesn't collide with anything, it's just annoying. But why is it the stock cupola? I have Ven's Revamp installed, and I thought I had used the pruner.
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