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Everything posted by Kurld

  1. I was thinking of peer-reviewed in the sense that somebody goes and looks at the source code to make sure folks aren't being malicious. I'd guess most of the highly popular plugins have been looked over quite a bit by other modders. But does anybody ever actually go and confirm that for any given plugin that the source code is actually even uploaded somewhere?
  2. Yes, of course, the court of public opinion would be much harsher, but sadly, if somebody is enough of a sociopath to purposefully/knowingly plagiarize in the first place, that probably would not matter to them, either. I wonder how much of this stuff actually does get peer reviewed?
  3. I uploaded a version to Space Dock that is compatible with 1.3. It now includes the plugin (and it's source code) for automatically setting the correct decals on the Saturn V fins. Cheers!
  4. "World of trouble" is a vast overstatement since all this stuff is basically free and anybody attempting to prove actual harm by somebody copying their plugin code is going to get laughed out of court. That said, plagiarism is bad, m'kay?
  5. I haven't played with rovers in a long time. At one point the wheel physics was totally jacked up. Did they ever get that sorted out? Even before that, though, the things were so prone to flipping, I hardly saw the point.
  6. I think unity converts it automatically, as long as you tell unity the graphic you are importing is a normal map. I created a short tutorial with screenshots on imgur.
  7. You don't need two parts, at least not in the game. It sounds like what you need to do is set the material you use in Unity to something that uses a normal map instead of just diffuse. I don't recall exact name but it will be something like "bumped". That material accepts two textures, one is your diffuse and the other will be your normal map. It's important to import the normal map graphic the correct way into Unity. Again, instead of importing it as a texture you will want to import it as a normal map. I'm away from my PC or I could give more specific details. Maybe this is enough to get you down the right path.
  8. It's going to be drawing-tool specific, but look for some menu or dialog that mentions "channels" and typically there will be an option to add an alpha channel there.
  9. You can pretty much use as many vertices as you need. Performance is going to be more impacted by the number of drawing calls when it comes time to render the part in game. Search around on this forum for post/tutorial about cutting holes in curved objects as it looks like you are attempting some variation of that process.
  10. Total phone fail. I got some pics of the Saturn 1 and the battery died on me. Even if... the Apollo pods on the rockets in the rocket garden are many stories above the ground. The one in the Saturn building was a boilerplate CM, marked up like it was from one of the Little Joe tests.. No BPC at all, and the LES itself was... weird. A lot shorter than it should be, no jettison motors or canards.
  11. Yes it would. I went to Space Center Houston one time right before I started playing KSP. I felt like (meaning my wife gave me that look) I had taken an inordinantly high number of photos of the Saturn V they have there. But when I started modeling... I kept wishing I had better shots of some of the greebly bits.
  12. I'm headed to Huntsville over the long holiday weekend to visit USSRC and Marshall. Any modelers want photos of anything from the rocket park or whatever? Cheers, Kurld
  13. I've gotten so much fun and learned so much from this game I am happy to give back in some small way.
  14. I have recompiled this for 1.3 and uploaded the update to Space Dock. I only did the bare minimum of testing, but nothing changed really. If you hit any problems drop me a line here. Happy Spaceflight! Kurld
  15. Sorry guys I have not had a chance to get to this yet. Work has been a bear lately, leaving little time for play on the PC. Hopefully by this weekend.
  16. I haven't been playing much KSP, but I should get a chance to look at this to verify 1.3 compatibility and create a new install package, etc, later this week or weekend.
  17. This is what I have done. I did find some completely level areas in a save that is now long gone. They were not very expansive, and it took a long while, but they are out there.
  18. I've never made planets for this game or used SpaceEngine but you might look into a free tool called Wilbur or its commercial descendant Fractal Terrains.
  19. I've got some plugin code working that allows me to add the fins in 4x symmetry and have it automatically show the correct fin marking. I need to do some cleanup but it seems to be pretty solid. I learned a lot by looking at the code from @allista's SimpleTextureSwitcher about how to set textures dynamically. I had to revisit my model in Blender to create objects/materials for the fin markings and then a small amount of code in OnEditorAttach() callback to detect which node the fin was attaching to and to set the correct texture. If anybody wants to see the code, etc. just reply here or PM me.
  20. Finally ran across this thread. It sure does make debugging my plugins and exploring the API a lot easier. Thanks so much for sharing this information!
  21. I tend to pick and choose stuff based on if it's something that fills a gap or enhances something in the game. KER is pretty much a "must have." KJR is another one, though the auto-strutting has helped a great deal. I like KIS and KAS but don't use them extensively unless I am building bases. I still like the procedural fairings way more than the stock ones. One day I will make a serious commitment and go down the RO/RSS path because I hate the tiny planets and short distances between them. I'd like going to the Mun to feel like Going To The Moon, not just popping out for an afternoon drive. The only time I play stock is when I am working on or testing a mod I've created, to make sure it's got some baseline compatibility and there isn't weird behavior because of some mod I've installed. The #1 reason I wouldn't use something is if it just doesn't work very well or is poorly documented. There have been a few things with really horrible/overwhelming UI that I threw up my hands and bailed on.
  22. Nothing I've seen indicates that, all the hold-downs, etc. were in the thrust structure. I did finally fly to the Mun today: For some reason it won't let me add any more screenshots.
  23. That's an interesting idea and would solve the problem. My understanding is that, in real life, the bottom edge was not an actual control surface, even though it kind of looks like one. I've been playing with the BDB parts this past week and seriously questioning why I've spent so much time repeating something they have already done so well. I did learn a lot about Blender though.
  24. I've just started playing with EL and MKS. Talk about info overload... it looks really really cool though. I'm always amazed at what folks can come up with for mods.
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