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Everything posted by hpearson

  1. you can properly download the file at the http://www.kerbalspacerepository.com/list-of-all-content/ enjoy
  2. hpearson


    I apologize about the confusion and missing the reference
  3. hpearson


    [mod]Locking topic due to redundancy please see http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=540.0 [/mod]
  4. k I changed it so that someone cant claim it as their own FYI[move][glow=red,2,300] I am winning I am winning I am winning I am winning I am winning I am winning I am winning I am winning I am winning I am winning I am winning I am winning I am winning I am winning I am winning I am winning [/glow][/move]
  5. ya the 'we are going to die' one is from Indiana Jones but few recognize it.
  6. this makes me want to load the pics into photosynth and get a 3d point cloud of the shuttle lol
  7. ya but I didn't make it so, I have to just live with it its not that bad only if you stare at it then it is noticeable here is the one I made here was the other contender for my avatar
  8. Welcome aboard ! Currently the buying/donation system is rudimentary and is under a lot of work. Thank you for your contributions
  9. *double golf clap and removal of hat so in your expert opinion will boosters only take you so far...? and are haters gonna hate?
  10. *golf clap i am quite impressed only thing left is to leave the death grip of the planet
  11. a quote from 'Tim_Barrett' signature is 'Boosters will only take you so far...' besides having an awesome signature pic... rep++ is he correct? can you get into orbit using only boosters for power? just how much 'boost' does one need to achieve such? are haters gonna hate? so here is the challenge Use standard parts Use standard config files Using only boosters make a craft that can either orbit or escape the planet Users should post screen-shot for quick identification and post the craft file to verify the claim If booster absolutely cannot make it into space, just how far will boosters take you any game version acceptable there will be no prize besides bragging rights you may begin
  12. Luckily he had a good heart and took it into his home.
  13. Thats the same exact story as me but i just never played it again lol
  14. (as a user not a mod) (not a rant just calmly saying what I felt) I was stoked when I saw the Beta videos of spore! But I knew it was to good to be true and I felt most of the tech demo would be a lie. The final product is exactly what I expected: at the last minute they lowered the target age group by like 10 years to try to target everyone. (they cut out blood) At the time you would require a good rig to play it so that limits the number of low age targets. Instead of no limits and no missions we got lots of limits and forced missions It just became a last minute fiasco trying to fulfill the promises they just didn't have. 'play with other peoples creations' By this they mean the game will replace scripted npc's model with someones else's creation creature mode doesn't feel real because every species stays within a 10 foot ring around their nest. Your species always migrates, or trys to migrate with missions. The game looks to good to be true But making 5 games in one comes with penalties lowering the age group comes with penalties Using other people creations comes with penalties (penis monsters) IMO if the beta was released I would still be playing it, but in its current state Im not the target audience of a ten year old so I feel alienated
  15. Thanks for the heads up bro, I managed to pullout my ear buds the exact moment of lift off flies like a boss keep up the good work!
  16. awesome video and awesome commentary! [mod]Your not in any trouble or anything just please watch out for advertising[/mod] Great video, I didn't even know there was high speed footage of a Saturn launch.
  17. IT degree, not much of a 'scientist' but i do get a lab coat
  18. I live near the trinity site (first [glow=red,2,300]atomic bomb[/glow] test site) In our early water bill they are required to tell what minerals ans stuff is in the public water I can scan it it but there are traces of uranium in the water, Noooooooo where near enough to do anything but I think it is humors its like .0003 parts per million I think, ill have to check
  19. are we fighting to win or to be banned? lol
  20. lol HarvesteR is there anything you cant do!?!?!?! Do you have any sample music you did for the band?
  21. Not on this forum but in games I use ImTheCaptin. Here is how I got to ImTheCaptin once cometh birth age of 11 I became massive noob playing half life one online my first name was frozenfish but people either called me frozen or fish and not frozenfish... some thing had to be done so I changed it to the most responsible thing I could think of I'mTheAdmin I kept this name until I played counter strike source when I found that with this name I could claim to be the admin (yes noobish) After much greifing on zombie server I had to constantly change my user name and rejoin the server so at that time I had a TON of usernames (still noob) but my main screen name stayed I'mTheAdmin Until I shed the bounds of being a noob and started playing garrys mod (How did I stop being a noob in garrys mod is anyones guess) So hence forth I stopped claiming I was an admin but kept the name of old time sakes however this caused much confusion because people would call for ADMIN and It would seem like they are talking to me and not actual calling for an ADMIN at some-point a real admin threaten to ban if I didn't change my name so I changed it to ImTheCaptin the reason why it is captin and not captain is because I hate it when people say 'cappy-tan' so yup that how I got my screen name (noob no longer)
  22. To prevent photoshop you could make the contestants upload the photo in .jpeg format then use http://errorlevelanalysis.com/ to detect fowl play
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