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Everything posted by Snarfster

  1. Do you have more than one reaction wheel? I've noticed that sometimes a probe core with a reaction wheel will interfere with a SAS unit below it and cause that behaviour. switching either one off solved it for me.
  2. I am pretty sure the state info will get overwritten. Would be grand if the state was compared before stacking and it would only be allowed for identical items. I don't have access to my computer tonight otherwise I'd check.
  3. In that case you might like the MM file on the previous page. As is, it doesn't make batteries etc. stackable. If you remove the "!RESOURCE[*],", it will basically make all non KIS items stackable. (including fuel tanks etc.)
  4. Steps: 1. disconnect the part. (This has to be done since if you add a connector part, you can't disconnect the part). 2. add the connector part to the part that needs to be moved. 2. use the winch to connect. 3. drag the part to its new location. 4. remove the winch. 5. remove the connector. 6. attach the part in its new location.
  5. If I recall correctly, I bought KSP in the store for something like 24 USD. But it's worth what you're willing to pay for it. Judging the hours of fun I've had playing it so far, to me it would be worth the 40 USD. That's a decision everyone has to make for themselves. When in doubt, look at YouTube or Twitch.
  6. Ahh that explains why I needed that module manager config. Never realized that was tweakscale messing it up.
  7. Since I really, really like this mod, and would love for more parts to be stackable, I wrote the following module manager file to make most stuff stackable. Basically if it doesn't have any resources and isn't already a KIS item, it becomes stackable. // Module Manager Config to make all parts, that do not contain a resource, // stackable in Kerbal Inventory System. // stackable = true -> speaks for itself // editorItemsCategory = false -> makes sure it doesn't end up in the EVA // category in the VAB/SPH. @PART[*]:HAS[!RESOURCE[*],!MODULE[ModuleKISItem]] { MODULE { name = ModuleKISItem stackable = true editorItemsCategory = false } } I have tested it and haven't found any weirdness so far. Just put it in a myKIS.cfg file in your GameData directory. The reason that I didn't include items with a resource, as far as I know, KIS preserves the amount, I expect weirdness or free resources if stacking is allowed for those.
  8. Hmm that's adaptable with module manager, right? Default yes for anything that doesn't store a resource would be a good idea I think.
  9. I've noticed that when I try to add a fueltank and engine to a space ship, they nicely snap to the node. Is there a way to do this with a docking port as well? I generally do my recovery missions by adding a dockingport to the wreck in question and docking the recovery vessel to it. Node snap would be great for this.
  10. You could create a lifter craft that lifts your Duna glider to the equivalent pressure on Kerbin; then fly the glider at that altitude. This should give you a good indication of whether it will work on Duna. (AFAIK this should work with ions as well.)
  11. The only advantage of rolling inverted before "pulling" the nose below the horizon is that you do not pull negative g's. In real life it's sort of uncomfortable to have all your blood try to cram itself into your head. Plus, some of the older (WWII) fighters could have engine roughness under negative acceleration due to the fuel flow being hampered. In my opinion, those are the two main factors for rolling inverted to descend at higher speeds. (Not taking into account wing profile shape, since in KSP there are no "classic" wings.)
  12. How are linux users out of luck? Cities Skylines and KSP have native 64 bit clients that run fine on it.
  13. In my current career game I've had all iterations of minmus and mun rescues. Loved the fact that I actually had to rescue a kerbal from a very low minumus orbit, he was in a lab
  14. I was in need of more kerbals, the cheapest way was to get them from Minmus orbit. http://www.twitch.tv/snarfsterksp/b/660371804
  15. Isn't there also a time delay on quickload so you don't accidentaly throw away your progress?
  16. Very cool, can hardly wait to read more
  17. Place two of those, then use their menu option "link"
  18. That was it. Now I have parts again. - - - Updated - - - Thank you for the very appreciated update!
  19. Odd thing is, I have KIS installed. - - - Updated - - - That must be it. I had 1.1.2
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