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Everything posted by Snarfster

  1. Alright, been busy again. Current progress: Left stack from top to bottom: MonoPropellant, LiquidFuel, Minerals, Ore Middle stack from top to bottom: Substrate, Water, Karbonite, Chemicals Right stack from top to bottom: Metal, Polymers, RocketParts Colors were picked to match RoverDude's FTT Kontainers. To be done: * Decide whether to split the CRP resources to a separate tank so it won't clash with the stock resources. * Add TAC LS resources. Plan is: Balanced for non-scrubber and scrubber equipped craft. (This may also end up as a separate tank.) * Collision mesh tweaking. (done) * Add the double sized tanks. * If I split the tanks, figure out if I can prevent them loading if you are missing the appropriate mod. (with module manager). * Add the quad sized tanks. * Add the half sized tanks. Resource volumes (and prices) have been checked and double-checked. If you empty the tank in the VAB, you end up with just the bare tank cost. (Never realized how cheap water is in the community resource pack.)
  2. It's not done yet. First release will be 2.5m switchable resource tanks. But enough about that.
  3. I re-used the firespitter.dll that you include in a mod of mine. It drained the tank on switching.
  4. Hey all, I am creating stock-a-like texture switching resource tanks and came up with a small issue. How do I convert from the density in the "CommonResources.cfg" to tank capacity? My current tank stores either 1600 units of MonoPropellant, or 1600 units of LiquidFuel. (This is based on comparable in game models). How would I convert this to Kerbonite or Ore? I don't want to end up creating tanks that are essentially bags of holding... Thanks!
  5. Thank you! Sounds like a good idea. I don't think the colour has to be "exactly" the same. Like real life, small deviations should exist I'll have a look at that tomorrow. (Nearly midnight and need to be up for work at 6). BTW, there's some texture tools around as well that convert the mbm textures to png without even having to open Blender. I found the link on these forums somewhere.
  6. The packrat isn't meant to be driven without a kerbal on it. Controls will be normal with a kerbal in a seat.
  7. LiquidFuel only and MonoPropellant tanks. To come: CRP resources
  8. Work had me busy for a while so it took a while to iron out the errors in the mesh and the textures. Below is the tentative final product next to the stock tank it is equally sized to. Decided to go the texture switching way, so it'll be a series of "stock-ish" resource tanks for the community resource pack. Will update the first post and title to match this. EDIT: the actual tank, inside the frame, is made to look weathered.
  9. You do realize you posted it on github yesterday, right? Give the guy some time to respond, it's not his job, it's a hobby.
  10. 64bit is almost mandatory if you want to play with a nice amount of mods. Still debating whether to install this one as well, just afraid the loading screen will change into UMBRA Space Program instead
  11. OK, time for another work in progress picture. Model is pretty much set. Texture needs (a lot of) work.
  12. For now, the plan is to have this size and double this size. Going to calculate the capacity based on the stock tank. (It'll be a sensible amount for the size of the tank).
  13. Thanks. In the end I've gone for a rounded cylinder for the tank. Also to keep a somewhat normal collision mesh. Fighting with the textures now. (Planning on using the texture switching from firespitter to use the tank for the community resource pack).
  14. Know the feeling, 18 kerbals, 4 pilots, 2 scientists and 12 engineers.
  15. 64bit KSP on an Intel i7-2600K, 16 GB memory and (since a week) a GTX980. Running on Linux Mint 17.1
  16. Too funny, I hadn't seen this post before I gave you rep back
  17. I can see my bank account taking a hit...
  18. You could make a stack of escape pods and de-orbit the stack. Then separate them at lower altitude. That way you ensure they land close together and are within physics range of each other.
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