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Everything posted by Endersmens

  1. Alright, cool.Well like. People say returning to orbit on the Mun takes ~550 m/s. If this equation came up to 560 m/s, that would be enough to get to orbit right? That's why i need the delta-v, for transfers and such. I shouldn't have to factor in gravity for this, since I will be orbiting, therefor at zero-g right?
  2. So, say I don't wanna find out the ships wet and dry mass, and use all that to calculate exact delta-v. Say I just want a quick, rough delta-v estimation. Could I just take the average acceleration, and multiply it by the seconds of acceleration? For example, say i have a ship that I know starts accelerating at 1g, and burns out at 2g. And I know it gives 60 seconds of thrust before burn out. Could I take (1.5*9.8m/s)*60=882? Would 882 be a valid rough Delta-V Estimation for this ship?
  3. Well. We aren't huge, we have about 15 employees. But our company has 12,000 views and goes up about 150-200 on a good day. We could put on our page that we support this project, with a link. We could also set up a way for employees and visitors to donate to the cause. (besides just redirecting them here, that way we can put our company as a support of the project, and maybe if you make a list of donaters, we could be on it. Double advertising.)
  4. I've noticed it too. It started with .25. then the Devnotes getting locked. That's SQUAD's post. It's unfair that it has to get locked because of some aggressive people whining and arguing. And now it's this thread. I understand that you're entitle to your opinion, and I respect that, but that doesn't mean you get to shove in other people's faces. All this recent aggressiveness makes me, and i'm sure a lot of others, quite sad. It seems like as soon as SQUAD gets the "best community award" the community decided they had been good enough. I would really like this forum and community return to it's happy, relaxed, and civil state that it was in before.
  5. In my opinion, you should log some time in stock before installing mods. Spend maybe 20 more hours in stock before getting mods. Now, things you should know. How to install them. Look it up on youtube. Most of them you just drop the gamedata folder into the gamedata directory in your KSP win folder. Mods are definitly worth it. Best mods for new mod users would probably be some part packs, such as KW rocketry, and maybe B9 (update in the works) and similar stuff. As for plugins, I would reccomend any visual mods you want. Up to your descretion, and your computer limitations. Editing extensions is good also, makes building easier. Also, RCS Building aid. This really helps with RCS placement for craft that plan to dock. Welcome to the forums, by the way! Have fun! EDIT: Also, I will throw some links to mods in, in a little bit.
  6. I don't mean to sound annoying, but is there anything I could do to help? Anything at all?
  7. Ferram4, Theoretically, he could make a support team for the modpack, one for each Mod. They could familiarize themselves with the mod they are assigned to, and with the changes that were made. And then support users questions about that mod. Just a friendly brainstorm suggestion. I probably have no idea what i'm talking about, but oh well.
  8. What's far off? The testing? Yeah i knew that would be. Just thought I'd get my foot in the door, so to speak.
  9. Does anyone think theres a certain section after page 64 that I should hunt down and read? Or would you guys say i've read enough? Cause I still have some free time to keep reading through it if need be. Also, I have a company in the rocket builder thread, and a few of them seem interested in this project. Want me to advertise that our company supports the KSP Community CubeSat? And maybe get some of my employees to help?
  10. Hey hey hey, what's up guys? First off, I would like to throw out that I am not a modder. I'm just a guy in the community. (however, I would LOVE to get into modding! I love coding and writing in computer language all that jazz, just haven't really learned it yet. (meaning I've written on minecraft computers, and on KSP computers, via kOS)) I think this is a very good idea. Especially if you give us the option of deleting a few mods we don't need or want, so it doesn't seem like you're forcing mods down our throats. I would be happy to be a tester for your modpack, if you would consider that. (i.e. you give me the modpack before it's released to test the function, how easy it is to work with, test the balancing, and make sure it works and stuff) Have you started on a list of mods you think would be candidates yet? I would be happy to help with that too, since I'm a modaholic. (I think my record was 36 mods. But that was before my hard drive crash. and no it wasn't related to how many mods i had. ) I read up on mods I don't have too, so i would say i'm familiar with 60+ mods. As i said, i would be glad to help this in any way possible. (Also, I have a company in the rocket builders thread, and we could promote the modpack by making it our company modpack, if we like what we see. Totally at your descretion, though)
  11. 718: Ability to orbit Jool under it's "surface" in the void below.
  12. Can someone record this from the KSC? I would also love to see the moons go by.
  13. oh. Well you could put two Mk 2s. But i guess it's not what you're looking for. It would be cool to have fighter style cockpits though. (I saw someone using some, but they never told me where they got it! Anyone know a mod that gives modern fighter parts?)
  14. Well, If they revamp the Old "Mk 2" cockpit, they might make it so if you put that behind the Mk 1, it looks like a tandom two seater. You can do this now, it just doesn't look all to great.
  15. *putting the train back on the tracks" Has anyone on here talked about the Mk1 revamp? I saw somewhere an Image of a rendering of the new Mk1 cockpit. And in all Hugo's devnotes, he talked about having fun working with "the Mk Series" so I don't understand why people think it's just the Mk 3 series getting revamped. That's the only one SQUAD officially leaked. That doesn't mean it's the only thing in the update. Why update Mk 2 and 3 and leave 1 like it is? I personally am expecting all the Mk series to be revamped in the update, especially after seeing the picture of the Mk 1 cockpit. (i'll try to find the picture)
  16. I'm just imagining waves jumping out of the ocean and flying away. XD
  17. just-eh add-eh eh-eh to-eh every-eh word-eh? Why are bold words considered so bold?!?
  18. Actually, a square is one side of a sphere. Can someone tell me how i can not be so bored in school?
  19. Hey all! So i started to read through the entire thread, and got to page 62 before I got sidetracked with .24 (finally got it a week ago) I planned on reading the entire thread so I didn't miss anything and didn't have to ask a bunch of questions, but i figured, screw it, I'll just jump in anyways. I think this idea is an amazing one. I'm not sure how much I can do to help with this mission, since i'm 16, but I would gladly do whatever I can. I could talk to my science and physics teachers at my school. Maybe The physics class at my school would be interested in participating. Just a random throw it out there idea. So I just have one question. Do you guys think I'm obsolete? or do you think I could help in some, however small, way?
  20. Ground only? "skimming" would refer to "skimming" the ground. Your point is invalid. I actually don't even understand your point. From Wikipedia: Lithobraking is a landing technique used by unmanned space vehicles to safely reach the surface of a celestial body while reducing landing speed by impact with the body's surface....Incoming angles are made shallow enough such that the impact has the characteristic of a glancing blow, rather than a direct impact on the surface..." Check it out here.
  21. You could make a series of drop tanks. This would give you maximum efficiency in that area. It would be a bit tricky to get the fuel to drain from the back, but it's possible. With fuel lines especially. use a 2.5M quarter tank, and put 8 48-7S engines on it. Then radially attach a series of tanks and decouplers onto the side. When the bottom tanks runs dry, drop it. lather. rinse. repeat. This will leave nice little loops of debris in LKO, but who cares. delete it if you want. Just an idea i had in my head. Only one of many possible ways of using drop tanks. Might be ridiculously over complicated, but oh well.
  22. Ironically misspelling capitalization? Oh boy, do we have some cheating over here! Learn some grammar, man. It's what all non-cheaters do.
  23. Hey hey hey, whats going on here? Fish i'm offended you didn't invite me! Haha just kidding, but I would love to participate. In fact......an idea that stumbled across my brain while reading through the thread....what if we made this...i dont know.....the mission logs of the FIST? like. That would make the plot easier to write. And like if other companies are doing stuff, we would consider it a partnership with FIST with contracts and all that jazz. I dont know, just a random thought. Back on topic, when you say "the name of the kerbal you want" are you saying we will edit the kerbal CFG and rename it? cause if so, I want Ender Kerman! I would like to be a designer, a pilot, a missions planner...and...maybe, if it isn't considered too biased and unfair...co-director? haha the last one is iffy, so nobody lose their head over it. This was a cool idea Fish!
  24. Using an unholy amount of exclamation points? That is heresy cheating! non-cheating keyboard surfers always use an appropriate amount of punctuation.
  25. Welcome, bgrif59! as for your question, Minmus. Lots of easy science there. Get lots of science from every biome. Then move to the mun. Theoretically you can max out the tech tree with just that. But after that go for duna, and then eve.
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