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Everything posted by Endersmens

  1. They used to be broken. He means that you should upload the 5kb file somewhere other than curse, so that some people, who have not yet downloaded B9, can still download the 90mb file, and others, who are updating, can download the 5kb file. We need both, not just one.
  2. Wait, what? I wasn't suggesting a polar plane change. The first picture is top down, showing an equatorial orbit. When you perform your escape burn you just add a small plane change to put yourself in a polar orbit around Duna. Yeah that sounds sort of like what I mean, and yeah you don't have to capture, you just have to plan your SIO changes correctly. Also, yeah, if you use Ike to slow down, Your orbit would be really elliptic, so a polar plane change would be easy to accomplish after escaping Ike. Either way works.
  3. Ah, wish I could rep on this subforum! Made me chuckle. Any idea of when it'll get refueled? I liked watching the little flame. Also, 11/10 for changing it and making me laugh.
  4. Endersmens


    Well, lead can be manufactured and he said the "grown" part didn't fit it so I assumed he really meant grown.
  5. I love kerbalstuff. I got that update notification at 10 last night.
  6. 9/10, simple, yet delicate. Also took me a while to get your name+avatar.
  7. Endersmens


    hmmm. Sulfur crossed my mind, but I doubt it. I was thinking excess sulfur in water is bad, and sulfur is a main ingredient in gunpowder, and most explosives. And there's chinese fireworks, shipped to other countries for people to set off. But I can't see the 5th line fitting sulfur either. Gah. That fifth line is refusing all my guesses!
  8. Well, actually it can work that way. If you eject from Ike retrograde in terms to Ike's orbit, with an equatorial speed of around 298 to 316 m/s (orbital speed of Ike) Along with some Polar momentum (IE you are going retrograde to the orbit, but at an angle so that you pop out at an angle) then your orbit around Duna will be somewhat polar. It'll be really precise, and tedious, but with careful manuever node planning it should definitely be possible. Here are two pictures, kinda showing what I mean. The first one it top down, showing what the orbit will look like from the poles. A standard escape burn, with at least 835 m/s of velocity (escape velocity+orbit velocity of Ike) So your burn delta-v should be around 835 (may be different depending on starting orbit height) Here is a picture from the equator, showing your plane. when you escape this way (it may be more of an angle than i drew) It will leave your Duna orbit somewhat polar. It will take a lot of finesse and tinkering with maneuever nodes, but it's defintely possible. Disclamer: My art is bad, and my instructions may be hard to follow, so I'm sorry if it doesn't work because of that.
  9. Do we have a list of hardware yet? It would make things like estimating excess power easier if we knew exactly what we think we're gonna work with.
  10. False, I'm not just a user. This forum is my life. The user below me understands, and knows how I feel.
  11. I think he means hotfixes, such as just a .dll. Like, if you guys want to upload a hotfix for B9, and upload a hotfixed .dll to curse, it will replace the whole mod with that .dll, so people who didn't already have B9 can no longer download it. I think that's what he meant.
  12. 8/10 I like how it looks legit, even with the KSP logo in the flag.
  13. Endersmens


    Yeah, lead really doesn't fit with the 5th line anyways. You can't grow lead. I hate it when guesses fit so perfectly with all but one line.
  14. Oh. My guness. Accepting people? Do I smell cheating? Yes I do! The strong stench of cheating lays in a cloud around you! The only way to be totally accepting is by cheating, and that's cheating!
  15. 0/10 I've never seen you, however, your avatar is my school computer's background.
  16. I really want this. Alas, I don't have a lot of internet data to spare right now. And I can't download B9. As soon as I get my 10GBs of data back I'm downloading both packs.
  17. I really want this. Alas, I don't have a lot of internet data to spare right now. As soon as I get my 10GBs of data back I'm downloading.
  18. Thank you! So we have the middle picture cockpit, the wings, the first turbojet, the propellers and cockpit of the C130. Any more?
  19. Thanks! i'm pretty sure the C130 cockpit is not KAX though. (I have KAX and haven't seen it) I can never get pWings to look cool.
  20. Endersmens


    Oh oh oh! I think I have another good guess! Is it lead? Well. The last two lines don't fit it at all. But the first 4 it fits really well. And, China does have a rep of using lead paint. So the last 2 lines sort of fit. I don't know.
  21. So, I found three more pictures of planes In KSP and immediately thought "I gotta find those mods!" Ironically, they were posted by the same guy that posted the last picture that got me hunting for a fighter mod. So here is the three images, can you guys just spout off what mods you see, and what parts are from that mod? Thanks. (awesome, right? ) Mods I recognize: BDarmory, and firespitter (the cockpit on the duel engine jet)
  22. A good mode to start out with? You mean like career, science, or sandbox? Also, welcome to the forums!
  23. Pliuple strikes again with his insanely awesome mod planes. Luckily I found an awesome mod this way by asking around. Anyone interested? Its a modern fighter pack, and it looks awesome. Also, I think I'm gonna do the same with these three planes, I'll post them in the add-ons requests and support subforum and ask what mods they are. I'll report back if i find them.
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