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Everything posted by Endersmens

  1. Did you happen to hit your craft with the shot? Are you using any mods? Did you read the manual? Are you using the right controls?
  2. I have noticed this too. Also with the spaceport in the Hangar mod. It's annoying. The alcubierre drive changes to a large Ion engine.
  3. Alright, I'll get camera tools. Also, does that mean orbital weapons won't work? I'm confused. Swarm fire is much wanted.
  4. I haven't installed camera commands yet, but they are in my mod que.
  5. Ok I have a question regarding missiles. If I set a target, and fire a missile, can I switch to the missile? Like I know it's possible, but will the tracking stop? Also, do you have to set different teams for missiles to track? And one more thing, I notice that missiles have only a short burst of thrust. And You mentioned they have no lift values. So how do they track after running out of fuel?
  6. I noticed the cannon fire from the plane right before, and at first I thought I saw it backwards and it was in fact a hit on the plane. But that's still looked awesome, it looked like its wing took a hit. If only the motion was a little more mass relative. (Meaning it flipped way to fast to be a huge plane)
  7. Oh my....wow. Just wow. That Tylo video looked like a movie. It looked so real. Right up until the kerbal ending. Also, that C-130 looking aircraft, what happened at the end?
  8. Beat me to it. I haven't had a lot of time lately, but work is being continued on it. It won't be forgotten. EDIT: Also, ignore the "official project launch" date, I can't turn it off, so I just set it and forgot about it basically. I'll change it when we officially start. (Or have we officially launched the project?)
  9. you're kinda causing a loop. Therefor, I remove that picture from future posts. Wanna know how?
  10. Could someone provide where this is said? not that I don't trust you. I just like reading.
  11. Rowsdower. I have a question. (if it's already been asked, shame on me) I see you mentioned "mk 1 parts and Spaceplane+" what happened to the mk 3 parts? That was all you guys focused on at first and now they seem to have disappeared.
  12. Actually, me and ProjectThoth talked about a full merge. I posted about it a few pages back. explaining how they would be the "lunar division" of the project.
  13. Back to your first post in binary. I made this game. And I followed the rules. I called him a cheater and showed that my boat was the non-cheating way to do it. Falsely accusing the game maker of cheating? Cheating. Heresy even. No good, non-cheaters do that.
  14. Wait, so are we changing the names to KCCI or not? Also, that looks really nice, I will probably use that on the website somewhere. Probably under Mission two Phase I.
  15. Dingy off ther port bow! Dingy off ther port bow! Dingy full to ther 'rim with cheating! Yer not welcome 'board this ship of non-cheating!
  16. I accidentally got distracted and panicked when I saw that it was 8:09, and got on right as it lifted off. Such a beauty.
  17. And another new launch time. 19:44 EDT. 11 minutes after this post.
  18. Derp. Another new expected launch time: 19:28 EDT, or 37 minutes after the time stamp in this post.
  19. Your laugh is the funniest thing in the whole video XD Made me laugh till I too started coughing.
  20. It will probably delay until later tonight. EDIT: They are holding at T-4 minutes, waiting for a new T-0, and they expect it to clear up during the launch window. Will be monitoring.
  21. Assuming I use Chrome OS optionally? Cheater! My school issued Chromebooks for student, I have no choice!
  22. I'm using chrome too, Chrome OS, Chrome Browser, Chrome Laptop shell (jk) Not specifying what chromes you use? That's some shady cheating right there! Step into the light of non-cheating!
  23. It sort of looks like a hawk facing right, but it also looks like a cartoon rocket flying left. And begging for attention, that's just plain cheating. Stop it. Rid the world of this cheaty scum!
  24. This is not ban the user above you. This is the cheating game. Please stop crossing the games. Back on topic, referrencing space, and commas? Commas are part of grammar, not a vacuum that holds the universe, and not knowing the difference is cheating.
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