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Everything posted by Endersmens

  1. I got Skyrim Legendary Edition for $11....I think that may have been the best $11 I've ever spent. However, on the subject of the thread, I don't feel that $30 is too much to pay for this game. As long as it stays at $30, I think it's a good value. Expensive enough to let potential buyers know that people are willing to spend that much, so it must be a good game, yet cheap enough that it's affordable. (unlike GTA V and new releases like Mad Max that cost $60 baseline)
  2. Well, if that's not true, I can still see one reason to keep the NVIDIA card, and that is CUDA. It will help a great deal with 3D rendering. (hobby of mine) I probably won't be overclocking. Other than that and the overpriced motherboard, general consensus is to go with the intel build?
  3. Just how much better is the 960? And to Camacha, I want to be able to play most console games that are available for PC (including Xbox 1 games) on medium settings with at least 30 fps. Examples: GTA V, Mad Max, and others. As for strictly PC games, I would like to be able to play games like asetta corsa, Cities: Skylines, Wreckfest, and the like with medium graphics settings at least with 30 FPS. All games run on 1920x1080, or if I have to, 1600x900. That better?
  4. KSP is a part of it, but I want it for regular gaming too. I just want to know which will run most games better. Including graphics card choice. As for the motherboard, I had no idea what to pick. I just slapped one on. If you could give me a better choice I'll switch it.
  5. Alright guys, can you guys tell me which one of these similarly priced computer builds would be better for gaming? Option 1 (put together by someone here) Option 2 (put together by me) Also, for option 2, can you guys tell me if some things wouldn't work with others? Thanks!
  6. Question about my ongoing KSP Fan Fiction. Should I start making illustrations? As in, drawings/renders of scenes in the story?
  7. Quote that is relevant to this thread... Yes, he's talking about unity 5.2.
  8. When I fly my favorite super maneuverable plane around KSC and get some crazy close calls. Some by accident, some on purpose. Makes my heart rate jump and I feel awesome afterwords.
  9. Indeed. I have no idea what it was supposed to mean. And how have I never seen that user, when he has 668 posts?
  10. Welcome! A SSTO is no easy feat, congratulations! Also, why are you so good at this game after 2 months? Are you Scott Manley in disguise?
  11. Going into a physics major is an awesome way to go. Good luck! And congrats for being able to fly effectively!
  12. Playing since .22? Nice! What took you so long to join us here?
  13. You can switch the gender in the persistence file. Not sure if it updates the appearance though.
  14. That's definitely (at least part of) your new description.
  15. Possible solution for those problems. If both front/back rotors stop functioning, it activates a brake on the other side's rotors. This would prevent tumbling, allowing a parachute system to fire towards the sky instead of towards the ground. I know if I was designing this thing, I would make very well sure that it can fly on two rotors, both diagonally and on one side. I don't see an excuse to not make it this way. If both right rotors go out, you would naturally lean left to compensate. It probably wouldn't be enough though, so there would have to be some system in place to help balance on those two rotors. As of now, I don't see it becoming a thing. However, if they can prove that it can handle a single or double rotor failure (excluding both front of both back) and emergency land, and they have a proven method of recovering from double front or double back rotor loss, and prove some other things, I think it could be a possibility for 5 years down the road.
  16. I'm not sure people are as proud of their post count as their rep. But if you guys really want one, me and magico13 could work together to make it. The question is, where would we draw the line? 1000? 2000? There isn't an easy line, like with the light green bars.
  17. Not sure if that one is real. This one is for sure real though: And finally, its a gyrocopter! No, it's a car!
  18. Yeah, kerrmu isn't handled right by the program, I fixed it once but then I had to rerun the program to change some colors and forgot to change it. Also, duodex, that wasn't nearly as devious as I expected. I would've been fine with you doing that without permission. it's a permanent description now!
  19. On our computer running windows 8: Chrome v45.0.2454.85 m Will report with my win7 laptop momentarily.
  20. I don't like doing this, but I've been stuck here for so long. I am 3 points away from 3 light green bars. To actually give you a possible reason to rep me, here is my fan fiction, starring the orange 4 in their childhood. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/130473-Before-They-Were-Orange-CHAPTER-TWO
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