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Everything posted by Endersmens

  1. qiqm rgR UA Ekkt xiik, Ur;a KNIAR KUJW awxewr nwaafw, Wow, that is really cool, it's like a secret language.
  2. I joined the forum before you did, you hooligan. But you were right. Soonâ„¢ is about as good as it gets right now.
  3. I am exactly the same way. My computer power block has a little light, and the side of my laptop has a light, and if I don't cover it, it bugs me. I usually get tired of it and grab a shirt from my dresser and cover it.
  4. My name is Endersmens. I am a resident of the Kerbal Space Program Community. I live on these forums, I breathe these forums, and I enjoy every bit of it. This is the greatest community I've ever seen, and I hope I never leave. That wasn't bad for eyes closed, now wat it? (seriously. That was with eyes open.)
  5. I've gotten further. Although right now I have decided to devote spare time to a much better cause. More on that if it happens. Trust me, it's much more important than the LGG. A LOT.
  6. I..I'm speechless. I am truly sorry you have to go through this. Why disasters like this have to happen, I will never know. I hope you and your family recover from this a quickly and as easily as possible.
  7. What do you mean nothing spectacular? Those are amazing!
  8. I don't suppose a solution would be for the game to load the first chunk of terrain the laser hits? (to prevent loading a chunk on the other side of the planet) Could that work?
  9. Link worked fine for me. It looks just like twitch for youtube. Which is what it is if I'm not mistaken.
  10. Its easier than you think to break things in admin control panel. (I'm an admin on another forum) Like yesterday, while trying to get the forum to auto-prune spambots, I nearly kicked the founder of the project off the forum.
  11. See? Not that hard. Didn't know it was that many steps, you guys probably hate me for starting the name change thread.
  12. Not a mod (yet) but I can answer these, as I'm the one who started the name change thread. It's not THAT hard to change it, they just have to get verification from you and remind you to log in with the new name next time you log in. We are limited to one name change so people don't constantly change names. You wouldn't be able to recognize anyone. If I was bob tomorrow, and then KSPFreak the next, and then THISISSPARTA the next day, you would have no idea who I am. We're limited to keep our sense of identity with our usernames.
  13. I run it on 1600x900 when I want it to be pretty, but when I wanna record I turn it down to 1368 by 768. Gives me a massive boost in performance, allowing me to run the recording program and KSP with no lag.
  14. Look at GTA V. Released on console with alright graphics and stuff. Way later, released on PC, with massive graphical improvements. That's usually how it is anyways, why would KSP be different?
  15. That was an intense read. I was really sad to hear about his co-pilot. But did you read the ending? He got back in a blackbird 2 weeks after the accident! That took some courage. Also, the ending was kinda humorous, made me feel better after the middile of the story.
  16. XD It worked. I didn't have the quotations on the outside. - - - Updated - - - That can't get any more mangled and messed up XD
  17. Yes, I was searching [quote name="endersmens" and not getting anything. Searching "
  18. I think I tried that and it just gave me other posts with no mention of me.
  19. Good grief this was seriously unexpected to me. I thought for sure it was satire.
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