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Everything posted by stardog573

  1. Craft download : http://kerbalx.com/stardog573/VOLANS-II.craft Volans II is stock SSTM. It is capable of VTOL on Mun / Minmus. Parts count : 66 Mass : 51.2 tons Dimensions : 4.3 x 12.6 x 16.8 meters (HxWxL) Keybindings : 1 - Switching RAPIER mode 2 - Toggle RAPIER 3 - Toggle Nerv 4 - Toggle Hinges Flight instructions 1) Ascending with 20~25 degrees angle 2) Flaming out, switching RAPIER mode, Activate Nerv 3) Make it onto orbit, going to Mun or Minmus 4) Toggle hinges and Land (Control from top docking port to control easier) 5) Control from cockpit, take off and toggle hinge 6) Leave Mun/Minmus, few times of aerobrake on kerbin, re-entry, and land.
  2. Here you are. https://kerbalx.com/stardog573/you-name-it Problem is, this can lift only small weight to low orbit because... VTOL -> need additional engines -> increase weight simple ascent profile -> need more TWR -> need more engines -> increase weight I can do extreme weight reduction if you are okay with poor appearance and losing some functionalities like docking or rcs
  3. Rear-heavy planes tend to be unstable because of large lift/drag in front of CoM. That's why I distributed engines from front to rear to locate CoM at center position.(It also helps to prevent CoM shift by cargo load/unload) But even with that, it still needs rear airbrakes as stabilizer during reentry.
  4. Actually it was painful to have one in front. It produced large lift during reentry, made the plane vurnerable to flipping. Had to compensate that with airbrakes at rear position.
  5. After endless edit and optimization, finally I can introduce KORE's latest work. It's not most fuel-efficient Mk3 SSTO. It's design to be fly easy, comfortable, and fun. Any comment on things to be improved will be appreciated. <Download links> KORE Andromeda : https://kerbalx.com/stardog573/KORE-Andromeda AMM-137 'Longship' Body Extension Module : https://kerbalx.com/stardog573/AMM-137-Longship AMM-48 'Steward' Crew Transport Module : https://kerbalx.com/stardog573/AMM-48-Steward <Update log> 2016.11.1. Added AAM-137 'Longship' Module. 2016.11.2. Added AAM-48 'Steward' Module. 2016.11.5. Replaced angled control pod with docking Port Jr. (As I can 'control from' docking port) Added Engine Mound at Belly for VTOL capability Replaced struts with autostrut & reduced part count to 146 (These changes will be applied to next release) <Brochure of KORE Andromeda) <AAM-137 'Longship' body extension module> <AAM-48 'Steward' crew transport module>
  6. updated kore 16 for ver 1.2 not much change, just made it more compact and attached antenna <download link> https://www.dropbox.com/s/ifaqzazeldlpolj/KORE 16-1_2.craft?dl=0
  7. [IMG]http://sadalsuud.kr:8080/Upload/WIP/1.gif[/IMG] adopted IR, now this is modded. Worked for rotation & elevation, and more precise ammunition. Working on further stabilization of gun. [IMG]http://sadalsuud.kr:8080/Upload/WIP/2.gif[/IMG] Carousel ammo rack for reload. Also worked for robotic loading arm. [IMG]http://sadalsuud.kr:8080/Upload/WIP/3.gif[/IMG] Problem is, after arm picks up ammunition by docking - parts are suddenly collapsed... don't know why but have to find and fix it.
  8. [quote name='kStrout']Did you consider landing legs to get a similar spring effect using smaller parts?[/QUOTE] Didn't know that. I'm satisfied with these parts they nicely replicate hydraulic cylinder that can be found in real-world cannons.
  9. [quote name='Bubbadevlin']Very cool, how did you do the spring effect? am i right in guessing it has something to do with those wonderfully weak structural hardpoints?[/QUOTE] Stacked Z-200 batteries works magically.(as a spring) And there is no hardpoint actually they are small wheels to make parts fit tightly in hollow tube.
  10. [IMG]http://sadalsuud.kr:8080/Upload/WIP/WIP1.gif[/IMG] Ok I found that there is gun barrel in 1.0.5 (They call it structural fuselage... but it's definitely gun barrel) So I start building cannon.(for integrating it into tanks and battleships) recoiling system works beautifully and now I have to work on ammuniation and reloading system. Mods were not used yet... but IR will be needed soon.
  11. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DLlijPJ.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/ubAuPZL.png[/IMG] (Having a good time...) Boats at 1.0.5 are great so.... someone should work on jet ski, for sure. And I found that I can jump this vehicle (followed by diving into water) so I tried backflip but always shattered into pieces... So maybe you are skilled for extereme sports and could try that with your own vehicle and it'll be cool if succeeded. Hope to see something spectacular. :cool: [URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/gz8gkw3bdekruln/Jetski.craft?dl=0"][DOWNLOAD][/URL]
  12. Beautiful craft and it is amazing that such beauty was achieved with low parts count and simple design. Really liked it.
  13. Thanks! Looking forward to see it It's always fun to make somthing useless
  14. Transformer shuttle is back! Everything(More compact, Efficiency, Maneuvability, Stability) was improved compared to previous version. Concept: - Transform into compact form after unloading its payload. - Doesn't just throw away fuel tanks but it take them back. - Has 3 jet engines, returning base will be easy and comfort. Download link: https://kerbalx.com/stardog573/KORE-Transformer-II <Operation Manual for transforming sequence> 1. Time warp for a little bit of time to eliminate rotation of the shuttle. 2. Decouple docking port. 3. Use RCS to thrust backward. Carefully dock with rear parts. <Brochure for KORE Transformer II> <KORE Transformer Shuttle> (Obsolete)
  15. Updated my SSTO for 1.0.5. New parts are cool and I like them.
  16. Updated mine for 1.0.5. Thanks to new parts, it looks better and works beautifully.
  17. <DOWNLOAD LINK> Still working with SSTOs... This is KORE 1605 (16 engines and 5th generation) which is my latest work. Idea is 'attach nothing on cargo bay' so the cargo bay can be easily exchanged by anything useful for specific mission. Like its predecessors, - no CoM shift by fuel consumption. - with High TWR, it ascends like rocket. (Usually with 25~30 degree angle) No complicated maneuver is required. - 40t payload capable to 70km LKO I'm not sure what I have to do now to improve this, maybe something for easier landing? Anyway, more work will be done to make things easier. (Because many people still are scared about flying with SSTOs)
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