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Everything posted by Poryy

  1. Don't worry. I'm not changing anything. I'm just adding earlier-game planets to supplement the current ones.
  2. Working on something that should help Career integration. I'm also putting more emphasis on career, so that means easier-to-get-to planets.
  3. Yep, just got it. Showed it to some guys in my troop.
  4. Managed to make a planet orbit the new star I made using StarSytems. Progress!
  5. Seems that the vast majority of people want moar stars. Could anyone please tell me what kind of star they want and gve some planets they would like? The new thing will be non-canon, so that opens up plenty of things.
  6. Congratulations! You found the bug! Now I can fix it. Thanks!
  7. I did a thing! StarSystems integration now may come out before 0.25.
  8. Yes. Remember to delete all Sentar Expansion files located in GameData/PlanetFactory/PluginData/PlanetFactory. Disable Sentar Expansion on launch, as well.
  9. Working on a new star and also StarSystems integration. So far, I am encountering bugs that transcend the laws of Kerbality.
  10. Downloaded the latest version, set up the planets and stars. Kerbin is the center of the universe and when I zoom out, the skybox starts shaking.
  11. Migrating the whole Abaddon system to orbit a new star I made. This is just a test and not going to be included in KU2 *wink wink nudge nudge*
  12. What worked? Adding new planets? mind PMing me how?
  13. Exact same thing happened with me.
  14. How do I add planets to these stars? I have sucessfully added my stars in, but all of my planets are nonexistent.
  15. Unified nation states of Kerbin... Corporate Pluctocracy. Hahahaha. It is funny because OH WAIT I'M NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT POLITICS. I did not laugh once. I'm offended, too. Submission: The People's Republic of Kalifornia- A nation that believes in the abolition of money and use of "roots" for recreation. They seceeded from the UNSK as soon as a single DPRK representative entered the country and immediately adopted Kermunism as their government. Instead of funds, they pay you in "roots". Unfortunately, the country is completely bankrupt in multiple ways. However, everyone is too "rooted" to notice this.
  16. This will be fixed as soon as I get to a computer. It should roll out at the same time as Sta... I've said too much.
  17. With planetfactory and this mod, could I recreate the Abaddon star system using this mod? Also, how can I get rid of the stock blue and red stars? I want to make space for my own stars.
  18. Added poll to see what you guys and gals want. I am now taking suggestions. Keep them specific, please.
  19. No, but the way the things are set up, Kerbol will be in pretty much the same direction as the star, so it appears as if the star is emitting light.
  20. Sorry guys, I'm going to have to host it on Curseforge. I'll find a better host ASAP
  21. It is compaitable with science. No custom messages though. Those will be done later. Nothing is replaced. All planets are new.
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