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Everything posted by Sylon00
After failing to get my Mun base working properly, I brought all the Kerbins home. However, I left 2 rovers chillin' on the surface. Even though they were having the first-ever car meet on Mun, I didn't like them up there. I wanted to figure out a way to bring them back. Both rovers were fitted with docking ports prior to going to Mun, so I decided to retrofit my workhorse of a ship with 2 docking ports to carry the rovers back to Kerbin. Oddly, I didn't have any issues flying this thing with the two rovers attached. And I blindly set a maneuver straight from Mun orbit into Kerbin's atmosphere, and to my surprise it brought me down just a few Km's west of KSC. After reentry though, the parachutes had already deployed on the rovers for some reason, so I quickly undocked them in flight so they could float down on their own. I had previously tested the parachute design to see if they could survive a reentry and landing on Kerbin with just 1 chute. Unfortunately, after my main capsule finally touched down safely, I checked with the space center. Both rovers had vanished. No debris, no tracking, nothing. All I know is that they floated down somewhere near the mountains that are west of KSC. But beyond that, I have no idea what happened to them. I have classified them as "lost".
That's where I put it. However I wasn't able to open the Load Ship window in the SPH to try it out. I would click the button and nothing would happen. I deleted the craft file and everything worked fine after that. Like I said, very weird.
We are approaching a very Kraken-esque page number in this thread.
I just tried to use your Harrier but ran into a problem. The load popup wouldn't work in the SPH. As soon as I removed the craft file the popup would work again. I'm sure I'm probably doing something wrong, but it was very weird.
In a rover at what is supposed to be a Mün base. However, he keeps wondering why every spacecraft I've sent there since is currently tipped over I'm having a rough time landing things standing up. Hell, I've even manged to tip over the rover that was designed to unflip the other tipped over stuff. I think that's a sign, to try something else, lol.
Used the tracking station to clean up space from debris, then tried to make a couple SSTOs. Tried four different designs, every single one of them failed.
These pictures are insanely crisp and clear!
Apparently it made way too much sense being stickied.
Looks like Jeb watched Inception again.
This thread isn't stickied anymore
How did you get the Auroras?
Anyone with mad skills want to make some Olympic rings in space? I think it would make for a pretty badass space station, and photo op, lol.
I think it needed more solar panels
I'm amazed at the stuff you guys build in this game. I am still trying to figure out asparagus staging and building my own ship instead of using other peoples'. And I'm not even going to get into the insanity that Whackjob makes, lol.
I put the first part of my first space station into orbit to convince myself that I need to learn how to dock. I see many "revert to launchpad" clicking in my future.
I dunno but I think it was a mistake. It made sense where it was, and by that I mean it was easier for me to view it.
Wow it took me awhile to find this thread after it moved.
Landed a ship on Mün on my PC to mark the location of the Neil Armstrong Memorial site.
The gif works fine for me, the issue is that it's not looped. It plays thru once and stops.
It's about time this thread was stickied.
Nope, it was a one way trip to both Duna and Eve. The ship on Duna only had 400 Delta V left, not even enough to get into orbit. The Eve mission fell apart, literally. This was all practice, I was on my underpowered MacBook Pro, I usually play on my much more powerful PC. This ship I've been using was never meant to go outside the Kerban system, but dammit I was determined, lol. And also lazy. Actually, I'm not good at making ships, so I've been just working with what I got.
Had a very unexpected event occur during my first manned trip to Eve. But I'll get to that in a second with a lead up story! First, here are 3 VERY happy Kerbals. A couple picturesque scenes as we approach Eve. Coming in hot! Now for the story. This is the same lander I used to get to Duna, however this time I decided to add 4 parachutes to the outboard fuel tanks because I didn't think we would have enough fuel to land solely on the engine. However, what I didn't expect was that when the parachutes fully opened up, that they would rip the ship into pieces. Well, that's what happened. Luckily for my quick thinking, I deployed the command module's single parachute to save the crew from slamming into the surface. However now, they had 4 large chunks of space ship floating down on top of them. The largest chunk, a fuel tank and engine, floated closely but safely by and hit the ground first. After the command module safely landed, there were still 3 fuel tanks coming down and I wasn't sure if they were going to land right on top of our 3 Kerbals or not. Luckily, those 3 chunks missed the command module by just a few feet. Flag planted, mission accomplished. Sort of. They may not be getting home, but they knew that going into this mission. Good job guys.
A picturesque view of my ship, Duna, Ike and Kerbol. On the deck! My first ever Kerbal landing on another planet. I hope they brought enough snacks.
I one up'd myself from earlier today. This time I sent a crew of 3 unfortunate and terrified souls on a one-way trip to Duna. On my deorbiting approach, I wasn't even sure I had enough fuel to land, let alone the possibility of getting home. Turns out, I was able to land, but there's no way on Kerbin that these guys are coming home Oh well, this is practice, as I'm on my underpowered MacBook Pro at the moment, for when I try this on my much more powerful PC at home (on vacation at the moment). Next stop, Eve. Probably another one-way trip. I need 3 volunteers!!! lol A picturesque view of my ship, Duna, Ike and Kerbol. On the deck! My first ever Kerbal landing on another planet. I hope they brought enough snacks.
Had multiple failed attempts to send a rover to Duna today. One time during the Kerbin escape maneuver, the Mün got in the way. Other times the ship fell apart during launch as a result of physics warping to get into the Duna transfer window. And a couple times the rover just didn't survive the landing. But finally, I managed to land my little rover on the surface safely. It's not very stable, kinda top heavy. But it's there. Now, if only I can figure out where that damn face is. I thought I landed at the coordinates, but I don't see it. Ike setting as we enter Duna's atmosphere. Those landing struts are what saved the rover's wheels.