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Everything posted by ola

  1. With the old DRE + FAR stack you usually aimed towards the 32K-29K corridor. Anything below went kaboom, anything above went bouncy-bouncy.
  2. I still think this is way broken. Blunt body capsules are made that way because they are aerodynamically stable, they will turn the blunt part to retrograde and stay in that direction. Gemini used small RCS thrusters to use the capsule as a lifting body, thereby fine-tuning where they landed. Having a blunt body which wobbles like cah-razy is just...plain wrong, IMNSHO.
  3. This. Seriously. Opening a chute...in space?!?! And it does not rip and it does not burn?
  4. I keep saying to myself that I'm doing this wrong, that there's no way that stuff like this has made it past QA. But I dunno. I might still be trying to do stuff the old-fashioned DRE + FAR way.
  5. Lots of threads on the subject matter. I, for one, think this is a game balance issue gone way wrong.
  6. Yeah, I noticed that too. Try a 800k sub orbital and see what happens. Or a Mun pass...
  7. And I totally agree with regard to chutes, any chute opening above mach one deserves to be ripped to shreds.
  8. To be perfectly honest, I find stock re-entry broken to the point of rage quitting. I cannot see any way that a new player would appreciate the way this is implemented. You need to hit an extremely narrow entry corridor and fine-tune your craft all the way down, with teeny tiny control inputs, otherwise it'll flip around and heat-kill your parachute. DRE + FAR did this way, way better. How the heck did this go past QA?
  9. I haven't tried MJ with 1.0 yet, still waiting on an official release, but with Real Fuels you'd get a divergence kind of like the one you're describing. That was because MJ was smarter than Kerbal Engineer, MJ could account for thrust loss in the atmosphere.
  10. I suspect that engines will work like they have done with the Real Engine/Real Fuels mods. Ie, like they do in real life.
  11. My wife hasn't called our three kids "KSP orphans", nor has 1.0 been released. Yet.
  12. Great! Thanks! Any chance of a CKAN release for 0.90, perhaps?
  13. We share the same obsession - for instance, I can do lots of launches just to get the amount of solid propellant in the separating SRBs correct so the boosters won't spin out of control. Real life SRBs lose thrust as the level of fuel dwindles, something which isn't modelled in KSP at all. It would be kind of neat with a plugin which does just that. Wasn't there an attempt at doing it? I forget and I digress. Sorry.
  14. Another thing on my wish list: the ability to choose vertical snap "symmetry". Instead of just one point at half way, I'd love to be able to choose between 1/2, 1/3 & 2/3 etc.
  15. I'd really like a feature I've been missing for a while now. I find it kind of hard to describe. I'd like a "missing out"-feature to create a symmetry like the Atlas V 541 SRBs. I know it's way easier to create with Editor Extensions than with stock, but I'd like it to be even easier.
  16. I, too, just came to realise how much I depend on this wonderful mod. KSP might be wobbly asymmetrical rockets to some, but it isn't to me. This mod brings elegance to the game. Pretty please continue maintaining it!
  17. Oh yeah, and another thing: since I'm on OS X, I've added the following to ~/.profile: alias ckan='mono ~/bin/ckan.exe'
  18. This is an awesome tool! I've been looking for something like this for ages now. I'm used to yum, apt-get, npm and gem (and yes, even cpan) et al, so this fits like a glove. A couple of things I'd like (I'd like to implement some of the things myself, but all three kids are sick at the moment): ckan update, please add a flag or whatnot so I can see what mods are new. A fingerprint/last update thingie would be nice as well, so ckan only updates when there's a newer mod repo file. I'd like ckan upgrade without a specified mod to upgrade all upgradeable mods. Please. I'd like a -y flag to ckan install so I won't have to enter Y and press enter. I'd also like Y to be the default answer when asked about whether I'd like to go ahead with the install, so if I just press enter the install goes through. Maybe I should just go ahead and add these to the issue tracker on github? As I mentioned, thanks for a great tool!
  19. This is a very fascinating thread, full of good conclusions. One thing which strikes me when I read this thread, however, is that many of the carefully crafted and well-balanced points become completely moot if you use a Proper drag model like FAR, spiced with a bit of DRE.
  20. It did indeed. My bad, sorry. 337 works fine, and I love the new stuff.
  21. I'm using DR, FAR, FinePrint, KJR, StageRecovery and RealChute. I'll clean up and try again. Also, I'm using MM 2.5.1, FYI. edit: -rw-r--r-- 1 4008898 Oct 7 22:20 MechJeb2- -rw-r--r-- 1 4324184 Oct 8 03:40 MechJeb2- Uuuh. I might have downloaded something I shouldn't have. edit edit: It seems to be working better now that I'm actually running 337, instead of some sort of half-breed between 337 and 338. Funny, however, that the 338 DLL seems to be about half the size of the 337 DLL and that the Assembly-CSharp mod version is in 338.
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