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Everything posted by madbadger2742

  1. Here 'tis! imgur album Yep. The album shows both my standard, unstable design, and the rover from the stock "Rover + Skycrane" craft. Yeah, just last night I was trying reproduce a bug and I encountered 6 Hell Krakens, two spontaneously exploding kerbals, and an unresponsive one within 10 flights, all on Kape KSC. Ruggedized, M1, S2, ... Doesn't matter. I haven't tried the XLs, but I imagine they'd have the same sort of issue, just with a bigger result.
  2. I have an odd occurrence whenever I drive a rover around KSC: There's a spot between the Tracking Station and Mission Control where my rover will either bounce around like it's on gravel, change course or stop as though it's hit something, or even flip over and/or crash. Am I hitting something that's not being rendered because my graphics settings are turned way down, or is there some weird invisible collision mesh glitch? NBD, just thought it was odd... Update edit: It seems that it's just an issue with rendering the terrain on very low settings.
  3. I have this problem from time to time as well. I don't have an OSFA answer for the issue in general, but in your case, perhaps an adapter between the large tank and the ascent decoupler?
  4. This is the version you want. Copy the "Innsewerants Space Agency" folder to KSP_osx/GameData/ whole. It should work. NB: MapGen is a Win-only app.
  5. Here's my system: 1) tweak your primary burn for lowest periapsis. (Preferably none, i.e. impact) 2) use RCS at your mid-course correction to do the same as 1) 3) when you're still out of SOI, but close enough to see your trajectory around the target on the map screen, you can use RCS again to tweak your direction and periapsis. You'll probably be coming in at some odd angle off of the ecliptic, so watch the tail-end of your trajectory to see roughly what inclination your orbit will have after capture. 4) Do a final check once inside SOI to adjust heading and altitude. That's my 4-step method to efficiently getting a pretty orbit.
  6. Try enhanced navball: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/enhancednavball/ Pro- and retrograde markers are ghosted, and +/- normal and radial and anti-maneuver are marked right on the navball.
  7. +1 to this suggestion. That was actually going to be my first suggestion.
  8. Been playing since 0.21.1 was released. I had never heard of the game until this XKCD. I downloaded the demo, got hooked, and bought the game the next payday. Since then, I've been lurking here and over at /r/kerbalspaceprogram (which I only joined because the forums were down.) So, I thought I'd finally say hi. Hi.
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