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Everything posted by 1greywind

  1. @Kerbal101 Окей, репостну туда. Но анонсы новых стримов (след будет ориентировочно в субботу вечером) буду писать здесь. @AYes Да, со следующего стрима перейдем на русский клиент. Правда с модами я пока не буду ничего менять - разве что у кого есть локализация для KER.
  2. Мы тут с товарищами по ЛКШ потихоньку будем записывать образовательные стримы по космонавтике и КСП. Уже сделали два: Обзор интерфейса: Обзор схем построения ракет-носителей: Следующий стрим скорее всего будет про варианты входа на орбиту, параметры орбиты и орбитальную механику.
  3. It made me dream that we (humanity) were able to achieve if we had fleet of Shuttles and Burans with Energia - building real world ISS will be much faster and easier
  4. Well, I'm in contact with Mayak's team and they are not certain about cube-sat fate. There is small hope that sail was deployed but not in expected configuration, so flashes still can be relatively bright (~1 mag) but rare (below 10% probability to spot per transit per observer). They monitor TLE and hope observation of orbit params evolution (Mayak should teroreticaly be the one that will lose apo and peri height faster) will allow to identify Mayak in cube-sat group in which Mayak's was deployed. Unfortunately sat doesn't have any telemetry suite and ground observation is only source of information. Where are few reports about flashes from 2017-042F sat up to 2m brightness, and I personally seen one flash ~3m but there is no certainty that this is the Mayak. Latest press release from Mayak's team (in Russian) is here: https://geektimes.ru/post/291189/
  5. Может и знаете - русскоязычная околокосмическая тусовка настолько мала, что все друг-друга знают.
  6. Спектр-Р (он же Радиоастрон) есть. Миссия эпохальная и по своему вкладу в науку на одном уровне с большими обсерваториями НАСА.
  7. ЛКШ - это проект Александра Шляндского (который "спутник Маяк"), в этом году будет проводится в третий раз (см. например эту статью). Правда с организацией в этот раз как-то не очень - на официальной странице до сих пор нет ничего, кроме дат и примерного расписания https://vk.com/yss_space_school Я вызвался на ней прочитать лекцию о моделировании космических миссий на примере KSP (в представлении не нуждается) и GMAT (софт от НАСА для симуляции космических миссий - этакое "KSP для взрослых"). Зачем? В основном для распространения знания о KSP - откровенно говоря за пределами нашего уютного сообщества она малоизвестна даже среди энтузиастов космонавтики. Ну и для того, чтобы самому лучше разобраться с "профессиональным" софтом для моделирования космических полетов - GMAT вроде как самый успешный и простой, кроме него есть еще один проект NASA - Copernicus (но его просто так не достать - Purpose Release надо получать) и STK от AGI И собственно что тут можно обсудить - кто-то пользовался Copernicus, GMAT или STK? Как впечатления?
  8. Anomaly during third stage burn. Clear analogy with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progress_M-12M - then third stage engine of same Союз-У launch vehicle stopped on 325 second of flight.
  9. Poor management practices - splitting program into two - lunar landing (Н1-ЛК3) and lunar fly-by (Протон-Л1). Poor decision of making huge stage with spherical tanks - so rocket stages must be built near launch site. Catastrophic decision not to test every engine prior to flight - they do batch testing for NK-15 engines - so if 4 of 12 passed the test, rest was declared "flight worthily".
  10. Orbitally based interceptors are ineffective: much more practical is ground-or-sea-based-relatively-close-to-launch-site interceptors - actuality the idea behind USA global anti-ballistic missile is like that. Any ICBM is most vulnerable on passive stage of it's trajectory: between it leaves atmosphere and coasting to apoapsis. On this stage it is easy to detect from large distance and can't make large maneuvers to evade interceptor: mostly because it is to early to perform warheads separation.
  11. No idea. My answer only cover the "does test have anything to do with second stage?" part.
  12. Yes - they check second stage engine gimbal operation in this test.
  13. Why wonder? Even in Moscow ВДНХ expo space museum (wich is more like "space temple" for my taste) Apollo, Saturn V, Space Shuttle, Voyager are displayed alongside with Russian space ships and probes. Actualy I always feel that Russian-speaking enthusiasts and space professionals know American space program much better than their European or American colleagues know about Russian space efforts. Probably this is result of Cold-war era secrecy and follow up neglect.
  14. Brilliant Idea from 60s - simulate moon gravity by hanging human under slight angle to reduce it's effective weight. More modern computerized system used by NASA: And it's simplified tween from russian Star City:
  15. In Space We Trust Art project is dedicated to the most important events in the history of space exploration: first spacecraft, flights to other planets and landings on celestial bodies. From Sputnik to New Horizons. http://inspacewetrust.org/en/ Upd: if loading got stuck, you'll probably need to enable animated images display in your browser settings
  16. Well, I must tell you about my recent experience about Jupiter observation: As long time KSP player I'm used to think about planets "normal" orientation in relation to Sun (or Kerbol) equatorial plane. And looking on Jupiter's belts of clouds in 30 cm telescope, I suddenly felt that I'm staying on side of Earth heavily inclined to "zero" plane of Solar system - this feeling was very strong and surprisingly vivid - most of time I think about Earth's surface as "zero" plane, but display of Jupiter's disk with clouds belt visible suddenly switched my internal reference plane to "real world map view".
  17. I'm shocked by your Ethnocentrism. SI was French invention and Russian is one of official languages of United Nations. SI standard is managed by International Standard Organization. You can visit iso.com and find that site has English, French and Russian versions, as all published standards do. If you are so worrying about SI units names, you can search Russian version of ISO 1, look for sub standard ISO 1151-1:1988 (Flight dynamics -- Concepts, quantities and symbols -- Part 1: Aircraft motion relative to the air) and find out that м/c has same rights and meaning that m/s does.
  18. Today three members of the Expedition 48 crew successfully reached Earth orbit and are on the 2 day journey to ISS. This launch is somewhat special, because it features new version of Soyuz spacecraft. I want to share some videos related to launch and new Soyuz: Launch video (in English): Soyuz-MS features highlight (from popularmechanics.com article ): Video about Soyuz-MS spacecraft (in Russian, but you can try English subtitles): 360 degree video from launch pad (watch the box!):
  19. Well, they actualy put rocketcams on Soyuz that launch. But video was not (yet) officialy released and all we have is this poor quality camrip:
  20. Yes. This thing is door, that protects working platform that is placed under rocket's engines before launch. By design mistake or poor construction work (reason was not yet named) it break down after pressure from gases from lifting rocket. Working platform itself if in fine shape:
  21. Another reason to builid cosmodromes on shores: less threes to obstruct view
  22. Союз-2.1а rocket on Vostochniy launch pad. Spent side booster found:
  23. Hurray! But I don't see video from Soyuz rocketcams :\ Roskosmos promised us that they will use rocketcams for the first on time in first launch from vostochniy and looks like they don't
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