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    Rocketry Enthusiast
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    Pittsburgh, PA

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  1. Roadmaps are just all that much fluff until they actually appear in the game. I've seen enough of them that never materialize to not trust them at all.
  2. And don't forget Take Two have a rather famous dislike of mods. Lets be honest here: the big reason KSP1 was so popular and has such long legs is the same reason Skyrim is still kicking: the modding support and community is tremendous. If there is no modding for KSP2 I have a feeling a big part of the community will disappear. I know I wouldn't bother with it.
  3. I really really hope that you are exactly right. I have a feeling in a few years time we'll be comparing KSP2 to KSP1 unfavorably.
  4. And I sincerely hope you are right. I really want KSP2 to succeed. First impressions are important, though. It could sincerely mean a game that sputters and dies because the publisher wants to cut its losses and move on.
  5. It's in a state that most developers would be embarrassed to show to a paying audience. This makes me suspicious there is more going on then we are led to believe and Take Two's track record is not stellar. I don't trust them as a publisher to look at more than the bottom line when it comes to this game. It's already probably over budget and certainly well behind where it originally was going to be.
  6. Having the basic superstructure of your game in place. In the context of KSP2 to already have the promised colonization and interstellar travel in place just in a possibly primitive or incomplete state. What we have right now is a bit of a tech demo. Admittedly W&R is not the best example of EA (despite being an excellent game) as the devs keep rolling out new features (water, courts, garbage, etc) but the basic fundamentals of the game have remained unchanged since the first release.
  7. Early Access is supposed to be used when you have the entire skeleton of your game in place but want community input on the rest. That's what Workers and Resources Soviet Republic does, for example. It's supposed to be in an advanced Beta state. What we got was not that. At the same time don't forget that first impressions are important. What we got was a very bad first impression of a game that was *technically* functional but certainly not very feature complete.
  8. The title rather says it all. I've never really understood how to properly set the ascending and descending nodes and there doesn't appear to be any documentation in the wiki on how change longitude of ascending node actually works. Can somebody tell me? I have satellite contracts I would love to do but I don't understand how to change my nodes. Thanks!
  9. Keep up the good work! This is probably the best tech tree I've seen since the gold rush of tech tree changes back a few years ago.
  10. Found one more error (again with BDB). The Prometheus II second-stage rockets are getting put one tier higher than they should be (even due to what's printed in the mod manager cfg). The error *seems* to be in this line: //Titan III @PART[bluedog_LR87_11*|bluedog_LR91*|bluedog_UA*|bluedog_LR87_LH2*]:NEEDS[Bluedog_DB] { @TechRequired = heavyRocketry } This puts *all* the LR91 engines in Heavy Rocketry, even the two that are supposed to be in Advanced (bluedog_LR_91_3 and bluedog LR_91_5). I think the line should be corrected from bluedog_LR91* to bluedog_LR91_11*. At least that's what I did and it seemed to correct the issue.
  11. Out of curiosity, my Woomerang launch site seems to be underground. What did I do wrong?
  12. Just as an installation note: if you include 1.10 as a compatible version of KSP in CKAN it will install the proper version of Parallax. EDIT: on a side note, are there any MM files floating around so I can use Mechjeb's autoland with this? I just noticed the landing site cfg and really don't want to hunt through the files to find the coordinates of all the sites.
  13. bluedog_Able_Engine It is literally the first entry in the BDB.cfg. Naturally it took me forever to find it. Near as I can tell it's the only piece of the BDB Vanguard program to not be tier 1.
  14. Excellent tech tree so far apart from one issue: the "alpha" engine in Bluedog design bureau is a rather critical part of the Viklun rocket as there aren't any other available 0.625 motors available yet (tier 1). I made the changes in my own game, but I would suggest taking a look at that. EDIT: using Tetrix, btw.
  15. I'm unsure. I do know if I rotate everything 45 degrees there's no longer a problem...so I rotated everything 45 degrees.
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