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Everything posted by Ako_Vendetta

  1. Love the mod! Currently I use the NoUpgrades settings with some minor tweaks. i was wondering if you have any plans to implement a vessel recovery time after a mission? i was thinking something like 10km from KSC per hour (user configurable), during which time Kerbonaut, vessel and stored science are not recovered until it's back at KSC. Perhaps upgrades to the Administration building and Spaceplane hangar could speed up recovery time. Anyway, great mod, really like how it makes the game feel like I'm accomplishing something over time, and requires me to plan ahead!
  2. Fantastic mod, really enjoy how it's affected how I tackle career. Simple yet not. I like the balance. im not up for the complexity of something like UKS right now, though the use appeals to me, I'm just sticking with LS right now. ive noticed that Kerbals don't draw EC, though it says it should in the settings. Perhaps because it's early in my career, and I don't have any life support supplies added to my ships yet. Do they only draw EC if they have supplies? if so, is there a setting I can tweak to make them draw EC even if they have no supplies on board, and die/go tourist if they run out of EC even if they have supplies? I'd like to simulate that the life support system uses electricity, and they run out of air if there's no electricity. thanks for any input, and for all your hard work on this mod!
  3. Pretty confident it's a Unity issue, that would make the most sense. Something to get a modder to check if they are having issues getting their mod to work. Anyway, thanks for all the help guys, don't want to take this off topic anymore than I already have.
  4. No Win10. I tested again by changing a stock part extension to uppercase as well, and it wasn't loaded into KSP. It's weird and doesn't really make sense I know...
  5. Edit: Weird unintended double post you're right blowfish, I brain farted, it would be KSP and not MM. Just surprised it was case sensitive regarding extension, I wasn't expecting that. But you guys still pointed me in the right direction. I knew there was something I was missing or not doing right. thanks guys, sorry for troubling ya's
  6. HAHAHA! somebody do me a favor... Try and run a patch through MM with .CFG as extension instead of .cfg and let me know how it works out... i have an old school habit of typing my extensions in upper case... I have a feeling MM don't like that... changed to lower case and it works haha
  7. Tried :AFTER[Squad] as well before I started tearing my hair out and posted here. Yup, /Gamedata/Mymod so all good there i have a background in programming stretching back to Basic on Commodore 64, this ain't my first BBQ, although the KSP modding environment is. Lots going on that I'm not up to speed on how it all plays out on the back end. i have a feeling it has to do with how Yonge Tree handles things. I used it because it's a great shortcut for modding the tech tree, and I figured I could quickly make the changes I wanted, with just a few @entryCost calls with mod manger to change what I moved. Seriously my little tweak was a 5 minute fix I had in my head would be no problem to implement! Once again KSP had humbled me, haha! Im going to wipe and reinstall, no real loss there, and just modify the tree with an MM config, minus the Yonge tree. its possible I installed some mod ad some point that modified something somewhere that broke something. ill let you know how it plays out. Thanks for the help guys. I know it's something on my end, just wanted to make sure there wasn't some step I was missing that I hadn't accounted for. 5 minute I thought to myself... Lol
  8. yeah sorry about pseudo code. Just thought there might be a step I'm missing. I basically copied another cfg from another mod that changed addonparts, so I assume my syntax is correct. so the tech tree i setup using yongeTechTree.dll. That's fine, working as intended. my.cfg (file extensions are on) contains: @PART[basicFin]:FINAL { @entryCost = 300 } etc. Etc. Through all the start parts I've moved to other nodes, and adding a entry cost to. I've triple checked spelling and case for all the parts, and no typos... deleted MM caches, started a new career, the tech tree is set up right, but entry costs still show 0. stripped out all my other addons, so that its just /MyMod /squad and /YongeTechTree in my /gamedata not sure what I'm missing... If that is all correct, then I'm just going to wipe and reinstall Kerbal, just put mm, mymod and yonge's dll and try again on the fresh install
  9. Haven't modded KSP in 3 years, a little rusty, and the forty seven different combinations of words I've pounded into Google isn't guiding me anywhere but here... Is there a special syntax for modifying stock parts that I have forgotten, or that has changed? Modified my tech tree using YongeTechTreePlugin, created another .CFG to @entryCost the parts I moved out of Start tech node, but for the life of me can't get the entry cost to apply in game... Missing something, somewhere... Tried @PART[squadpart]:FINAL, tried @PART[squadpart]:FOR[mymod], tried putting nothing at all... No dice, 0 patches applied... Something should happen, right? If /squad gets loaded last, how do I patch it? Does it get loaded last? That wouldn't make sense! I can't remember how all this works, or modding being this hard! What am I missing? Just point in a direction! Any direction! Just wanted to move some parts around the tech tree, you know? Should just take a couple minutes, amirite? I just remembered why I quit modding things...
  10. Maneuver nodes are a nightmare to work with in ps4 version when there are many objects on screen, due to the way the cursor works it seems that when I'm adjusting the node, if an object is near or under the cursor, it loses focus on the node handle and causes the targeting dialogue to pop up for that object, and interrupting control of the node handle. seems this is similar to what happens when certain dialogues appear in ship view that take you out of cursor mode causing any controller inputs to affect the orientation of your ship at the same time as the focus is on the buttons in the dialogue box unless you click again for mouse mode while that dialogue is up. Also, grabbing an node handle is very difficult if it is near an object, asc/dec marker or apo/peri marker. i would suggest that when the player has control of a node, have the nodes controllable with the stick, rather than pulling with the mouse cursor. Alternatively, when a maneuver node is in focus, don't allow the cursor to pick up on anything else but the maneuver node handles until it is closed out. so very frustrating. I don't get how some of the problems with this version and the UI passed even basic play testing...
  11. Alternatively, you can adjust the screen borders in the display options for your console. I find I have to do that with this game on one particular tv
  12. On iOS there's an app called KSP DeltaV for around a dollar that lets you build rockets in stages from KSP parts that calculates TWR and DeltaV for the whole rocket and each stage, and the author keeps it up to date. Great for designing rockets on the go, I never leave Kerbin without it. not sure if it's on Android, though.
  13. Also, it seems that if a dialogue pops up, like when you're doing science, ship controls become enabled while you are trying to select a button in the popup. i was on launch trying to get a temp reading, and as I navigated the science popup, my rocket went wildly out of control. For now, I'm in the habit of clicking into mouse mode again while the popup is up to avoid this happening.
  14. Thanks. Hit the stage button with the navball up in map mode and nothing happened. Unfortunate, as I have to re target the Ap node to get the altitude reading everytime I come back into the map. i can do it, just cumbersome.
  15. To make things a little more accessible to console players, pleas consider the following: We need an app or gauge to show us Ap and Pe altitude and eta to next Ap/ape node. Currently I have to flip back and forth between map and ship view to get into orbit. I can't stage in Map view, and when I flip over to ship view the map 'forgets' my selections, and I have to re-click on the Ap node and my ship. This is way to cumbersome with a controller. Make cursor speed scale logarithmic depending on how far I push the stick, it's painfully solos moving it around, and if I up the speed in the menu, then I lose fine control. Another issue relating to mouse movement with the stick is selecting science parts. Perhaps an app that brings up a popup with ALL onboard experiments so I can run them from there would make things so much easier. In map view, for the love of Kerbin, please remap Next Target from L1/R1 to anything else! You have no idea how many times I've accidentally targeted the sun and have to zoom all the way back in on Kerbin when I'm trying to L1+R1 to go back to ship view! Alternatively, enabling keyboard/mouse support for PS4 would alleviate many of these issues. Thanks! I'll be back with anything else I find!
  16. That's essentially what I want to do, is a very simplified life support system without having to micromanage oxygen levels and stuff. I figured simply having each Kerbal draw something like 0.01 electricity from whatever vessel it is occupying would suit my purpose, but I'm thinking doing this may be beyond my tools and knowledge of modding KSP (only had the game a week, but I have some experience writing mods for other games over the years.). Thanks for the reply!
  17. I'm hoping to make a simple mod that has a requirement that Kerbals consume electricity. Would this be something I can mod in a cfg file, or will I require developer tools? Thanks for any advice, just looking for the simplest way to do this.
  18. @Diazo: yeah I'll try that and test it a while. Should have occurred to me to remove it and alarm clock to test, since the are the only things that use a UI besides KER on my install. I have a funny feeling this is gonna work... EDIT: well it didn't work. Started over with a fresh install, just KER and nothing else, Build Engineer still freezes up after a short time, only fixable by exiting KSP and reloading. Most times it freezes within minutes of use.
  19. sorry, double post, didnt realise my first attempt went through...
  20. New to KSP, my install is clean and new 0.21.1, at this time only have KER, KerbalAlarmClock, Procedural Fairings, and Docking Port Alignment installed. I get the same thing, the GUI will update for a while, then just stops, have to exit the game and return for it to work again. In VAB, after some time it just doesnt refresh anymore no matter what parts I change. In flight, sometimes if I hit VES, it becomes that gray bar again. If I wait long enough it seems to start working again sometimes. After last time this happened, I checked my KSP log, and this entry was repeated many many times: [EXC 21:51:38.546] ArgumentException: GUILayout: Mismatched LayoutGroup.Repaint [EXC 21:51:38.562] IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
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