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Everything posted by jduchock

  1. Not sure...i had to mute the music because of the skipping (.22 minor bug) and repeating (limited soundtrack) Instead, i stream some Brian Eno, Vangelis or Liquid Dreams while playing...very similar music
  2. while i didn't install the latest patch to this mod last night, i can confirm that the keystrokes above do the same for me. My oldest son is moving out today (YAY / cry) so i wont be gaming until Sunday to run any tests on the new patch nor make those crash files available....but i haven't forgotten... Balu0: are you running win8 64-bit?
  3. Lab + FusTek = fantastic... take him up on it !...FusTek is a mod that i will never delete...just hoping you would do more with it Fusty...sounds like you guys could have a plan !
  4. I would agree...when it works, it works flawlessly...with no lag on 250+ part ships, so i dont think it is a RAM issue. Again, error logs clearly show a consistent break with a directx DLL...and the fact that i am running Win8 probably would add to the confusion. Also, i left kethane probe on my screen for 24 hours straight and when i came back, there was still no ram/framerate lag, but the clouds had turned all grainy. A quick restart of the game solved that problem though... and again, taking the mod out resolved the problem... i honestly think it is a win8/directx issue... EDIT: i will get your latest update tonight and try to make the crash files available for you if it persists...
  5. Great mod rbray, no doubt about it. While i did have ZERO lag problems with this mod, i did have an inordinate amount of crashes since installing it. While using it, i was using the following mods with .22 career mode: - mechjeb - NovaPunch (et.al.) - Docking camera - Kethane (part configs manually modded for career tree) - KSP Interstellar - Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) - Chatterer - FusTek station parts - Bio Mass Typically, the crash would occur on ships over 200 parts, and most of mine are now 250+... I am not certain that the crashes were a result of core game compatibility or compatibility with another mod...but after removing city lights, the crashes did stop. Most often, the crashes would occur when going from VAB to launch pad and i do have a few crash reports that i can send, just let me know (log files indicate a break in a directx .dll) I will be watching your updates and will give this another go after any changes you make. Thanks for all your hard work !! Johnnee Kerman
  6. IBTL ! not sure, but this game did make me upgrade my old rig...and now I am Occulus Rift ready !!
  7. I stand corrected... ur probably right...
  8. i assume he landed on his feet Jeb Kerman > Chuck Norris
  9. I had a similar problem last night... 228 part heavy lifter with about 20 struts on it. After subassembly saving it, then reloading it, the struts were still there but only on one part (didn't extend to the other part). Furthermore, the little "nubs" that show where the strut starts is unclickable, so i have to put more struts on. This doesn't happen to my light lifter (about 75 parts)... not sure if has something to do with part/poly count or not...
  10. ^^ what he said... check your ship to use high TWR (1.5+) and decent atmo ISP for the first 3500dV or so, then upper stages should use low TWR and High vacuum ISP to maximize the dV in a vaccum...(see nuclear engines)
  11. the definition of peri and apo are "closed" and "farthest" from a given body, respectively... If the peri and apo were the exact same number, they would cease to be peri- and apo- apsises... the apoapsis will always be a higher value than the periapsis...
  12. check out KAS (Kerbal Attachment System) ... it should help hauling stuff around on hostile planets and building functional station. You may also want to check out Kethane, Bio Fuels, FusTek station parts and quantum struts to hold it all together...
  13. Do what i did ! - Added "interstellar" tree and parts (works for .22) (LINK) - Add clouds and planetary effects LINK - Add KAS for more fun ! (LINK) Additionally, you could review part configuration files and incorporate the Kethane mod into existing trees though it takes a bit of legwork, time and research (about an hour if you are familiar with the config files and the techRequired entries)
  14. Aahhh I see it now... Thanks As for easy rss, I use rain meter desktop to keep me apprised of my favorite posting places... And it puts on square on the desktop !!
  15. Can you guys set up an RSS feed for the KSP daily so i can feed it directly to my desktop? Thanks
  16. got this mod last night and restarted career mode to let it have full effect. Kerbin looks fantastic from the surface of Mun... This mod certainly adds a layer of depth not in the original Good job !
  17. anyone know what the inclination for an optimum Molniya orbit over KSP? I know earth is something like 64 degrees to avoid earth gravity influence, but not sure how it works out for Kerbin...
  18. Until you can get batteries, i found it necessary to set yourself into a slight spin while firing engines ever so slightly...this can build up your electricity without altering your pari/apo... just remember to stock enough fuel for a few dozen spins as well as a reentry burn and you should be OK. Also, dont bother transmitting anything besides a crew report until you get batteries... its a waste
  19. I had a similar problem with Jeb and ended up sending a double capsule rig with Bill up to get him. Jeb had to EVA to get into the spare capsule and use it to get home, but it worked without much problem. I was also able to use the science points Jeb had gained to build Bill a better ship with batteries.
  20. you can actually do this yourself: 1. Copy the new Kethane stuff to your "game data" folder 2. Open the Squad folder and review some of the parts.config files and look for the TechRequired and EntryCost sections. 3. Use the list located HERE to update the techrequired values 4. Open each Kethane part.config file and add the appropriate lines to add parts to your tech tree Doing this, i was able to add the probes at level 2, small tanks, drills, converters and generators at level 4, large stuff at level 6 and engines at level 7. This allows me to gain access to Kethane stuff as i progress thru my tree and am able to get fuel from planets on the way ! Good luck !
  21. me? It has taught me to learn to read the code in the persistent file and update it to include Kethane parts at different stages. It has taught me to learn to NOT play with Impossible Innovations, which are more of a cheat than MechJeb It has taught me that in order to implement more science, they will have to include more content...but i cant quantify it. It has taught me that i have put in over 700 hours of gameplay...
  22. totally agree... career mode forced me to rethink my efficiencies on on dV, TWR, etc...
  23. without electric, you wont get much done... i would get battery packs and simple solar panels as soon as you can...
  24. preferring quality and richness over speed or breadth. and for that, we love you....
  25. I did this back in .21 with a fuel tank on top of the crew pod, four engine configuration, cross fuel fed. it looked a bit like a spider or a bug but it worked perfectly. NOTE: build your lander alone and put it on the launch pad to gauge your lander leg clearance before putting it on your delivery system. That way you have no surprises when landing. Dont forget to add kethane gear and you should be set for moon hopping... Cheers !
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