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Everything posted by 3mon

  1. Mandatory suggestion after your posts in the Duna SSTV thread on general discussion: Make the SSTV signal 'thing' (no spoils ^^) in Alternis!!!
  2. Now im sad that your "plan" wont ever come to fruition ... or... well, who knows.
  3. Actually the words at the bottom are "ISS" (International Space Station) and "Ãœøр" (russian for Mir), each below its corresponding tracking number
  4. Yeah! Give us teh spoilz!! Make it a clickable link or something for if someone doesnt wanna see it or whatever
  5. Personally, if we are going to be like that, i would be more concerned with the cheap and seemingly expendable lifes of the poor Kerbals exploding all around and flying without a reasonable minimal of security, than with gender equality... I mean, what KIND of example is that anyway
  6. I just dont get all the fuss with this subject... There's like no reason at all to tackle the gender equality thing in a videogame. For instance, i didnt give a single damn there was no male playable character in say Tomb Raider. Didnt even think about it for a second, and neither did i with KSP until i saw it posted here in the forums. And it seems to be such a big thing for some of you... it just blows my mind
  7. I just cant fathom the horrors that might came from you getting into spaceplanes WJ
  8. Nice lol does that thing fly? EDIT: Hehe question ninjanswered
  9. Finally! Ascending Laythe on the Fenix MK1! Now heading to Kerbin in a direct impact trajectory!
  10. I feel your pain. I just got there again and managed to land another one of the above crashed design. I landed 3,7 Km away from the stranded guys, and drove there like a champ. Took me a while because i didnt want to go tooo fast and crash the whole thing. So i arrived at the crash site, mounted the Kerbals, and when i was clicking to retract a ladder, i mistakenly clicked in the fuel tank its attached to.... and saw it was empty. In fact, they were all empty except for the central one, which was like 50%. Then i realized that like an our ago i hadnt disabled fuel crossfeed on the tug i used to deorbit the thing and aim the landing. And of course, my quicksave was mashed like 20 times since i started landing and driving... So another mission it is!
  11. "Well, at least i didnt die...." Laythe rescue program not going so well
  12. Nice landing Bob! Now its time to make a rescue mission to Laythe!
  13. I hadnt seen it either, and just watched out of curiosity. It's called 'Alien Planet', and its worth a shot
  14. Back at Gilly again at an undisclosed location
  15. Well, i basically built something like this in the VAB (im at the office so i have no access to pics, so excuse my lame schematics ) |--O Seen from above, that's basically a fuel tank in the middle, with an arm made of 2 of the long girders, and one of the large structural panels at the end. Then, for the curving effect, you have to use shift+ rotate to stick another 2 structural panels to the first one, in this way (i used shift+rotate 2 times in each panel to reach the desired angle): / |--O \ Then it's only a matter of taking that one arm you just built arm and alt+click to copy it, with angle snap on, all around the central fuel tank NOT using symmetry. If you angled the panels correctly, they should slightly clip into each other (no cheat menu clipping needed) and form a 'curve' of sorts to make your ring. The problem i had with the build, hence this thread, was that i built the first arm, then used 8x symmetry to copy it around the fuel tank. And again to cover the gaps. That seemed to cause some kind of weird problem in the VAB editor, rendering the buttons useless and going crazy with part placement. Even when i randomly managed to hit 'Launch', it went crazy in the launch plattform, losing random parts and exploding... So i was pointed here the problem might be the symmetry, something to do with parent and child parts, and they were right. After that i could finish the wheel just fine. Hope i managed to explain myself, when im out of the office i can provide some pics if needed
  16. Voted for science! Also, if your life is actually like Stanley's, you guys got real, REAL serious problems. Have it checked or something lol
  17. Well i actually wasted half of my tanks trying to get out of there lol. I guess that should have moved it too. The center of mass i mean... well and the ship... you know Also, another fail, i quickloaded and i was in solar orbit again doh!
  18. Just tried to land on Gilly at 0º 0.º All was going peachy, then suddenly i realize i'm stuck in a fixed point in space, 5.808 meters above. The meter reads 4,7m/s, but it's all lies lol. I can burn fuel and move the ship, but it's useless, the thing's center of mass is like fixed in space.... And there goes my latest mission lol. I would post a picture, but the scenario is actually pretty damn uninteresting
  19. In 0.21 i had it activate a couple times just when i touched down if i remember correctly, but not always. One of the times im almost certain it was an unmanned rover. However, i have no idea what it depends on As for 0.22 i haven't installed Chatterer yet (reminds me it's about time!)
  20. From what you are saying, i bet it was the SSTV transmission sound from the Chatterer plugin
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