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Everything posted by Krevsin

  1. Well, I know quite a few people who'd be willing to take a one-trip way to mars and if need be give their life in the name of human exploration and science.
  2. No, in fact I think I would actually prefer a rushed, 1 paragraph story without any input just as long as it justifies me and my unreasonable demands as the center of your life. /sarcasm Nah man, take all the time you need if you intend to keep making them this awesome.
  3. Why do I have the feeling Bill will need an epitaph soon?
  4. I am sorry I couldn't play today (and I can't still), but I did, however figure out the issues I've been having with building watercraft. And without using any help! (I am so proud ) So, I'll carry my game on tommorow, when my schedule isn't overburdened by RL difficulties. Also, why isn't my tile on the map?
  5. Deadly Re-entry (duh) TAC Life Support (you need to change the .cfgs a bit, but that's 5 minutes of work ) Otherwise, I dunno.
  6. Grand. Good to see this continue.
  7. Gah, this water vehicle is driving me nuts. No matter what I make, it always tips over/explodes. I am willing to pay kerbitz for tech advice. If that is possible.
  8. Okay, I have made my command centre and have built my manufacturing plant. The command centre: The Manufacturing plant: Happy little kerbal in its vehicle bay And the Messenger Vehicle. Just a test for a multi purpose vehicle platform, here in its civilian version:
  9. One question: It says here we need a command centre in order to build anything, but it costs 500 kerbitz, and as a start-off, each player is only given 100. Does this mean we get a command centre "for free" at the start of the game?
  10. I still think that the idea of multiple earths is, for now, like a picture of bottled water to a thirsty man. While it's certainly something to strive towards, the main concern should be finding water in any way, shape or form. And by that I mean: Cool story, bro, but space access needs to be a lot cheaper, rocket flights more frequent and interstellar propulsion more developed before any of this becomes relevant outside of a distant ideal to strive towards.
  11. The mass is the same in any given case, but plain water requires the least amount of messing around with the cooling systems and requires a relatively small amount of space (1 cubic meter for 1 ton, can't get more straightforward than that) to be ferried around with. But I agree, it is easier to just mine the thing. Or you could just send hydrogen there and use the Oxygen present in Mars's Carbon Dioxide atmosphere. It'd require some chemical equipment, but I think the overall tonnage of Hydrogen plus the equipment would be lower than just ferrying water there.
  12. Reality hath matched up to fiction once more. Now all it needs to do is provide hot green aliens and a workable interstellar drive. A-HA! So it works in a vacuum!
  13. Well, it only requires more energy than currently exists within our universe, is unsteerable and has the potential of eradicating all life several solar systems around itself when it exits the "subspace", but I think it's more plausible than the plan the thread poster's come up with. Yeah... I think mankind will stick to the solar system for a couple of centuries. I'm not saying this because I'm a pessimist, I just know that the solar system is a freaking HUGE place to explore so all the interstellar travel stuff is just really unneccessary in my book. At least, until sufficient time passes/a scientific breakthrough allows us to FTL or NSL travel without breaking relativity. I am aware that there are several hypothesises that suggest that relativity doesn't work, but I'm sticking to it until someone presents decisive evidence.
  14. Ah, lovely stuff. Thanks for an answer. On the rules issue have you considered dumping all the rules into several Google Documents (or other file-sharing service) and linking those on the main thread?
  15. About that 15 minutes to respont thing... I kinda live in a very different timezone and am not entirely sure if I'll even be able to be online when other players are online. Any solutions to that?
  16. my colour scheme is rainbow. all the way.
  17. Lovely Jubbly. Can't wait for friday.
  18. One question, how exactly is this played? Do we build something in stock KSP and show you the picture of it, or do we actually fly with it and gather SCIENCE?
  19. Or, you know, we could be amused by posts of you trying to convince eachother that a certain action is a good idea.
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