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Everything posted by Krevsin

  1. This is a great mod! Thanks. One suggestion, though: Could you update the OP with some screenshots? As it is now, it looks kinda plain.
  2. That makes sense. Also, the inefficiencies at conversion might explain how you get Xenon from the blasted stuff. Since you're basically taking in large quantities of dirt/air/liquid, it makes sense that you also absorb some trace elements with it. You can get the trace elements at a very inefficient rate (because you throw away most of the stuff you have to get those few sweet, precious Xenon molecules). Well, I think we have a handwavy enough way of explaining how Karbonite can be a One-For-All resource.
  3. Well, jumping Jeb on a jet bicycle, this mod has evolved quite a bit in the last week. Testing the latest version now. BTW, you really should update the OP to say 0.0.5 is available.
  4. This seems nice. Can't wait to see some mockups of parts.
  5. Personally, i'd be fine with it just being an alternative to Tantares.
  6. That looks absolutely amazing. Is the top node 0.625m or 1.25m?
  7. Are you going to do the orbital module for the D2 as well? I really love that concept and the fact you decided to port it to KSP.
  8. I love this stuff, do make more. edit: posted the question in the devthread.
  9. Krevsin

    RPG Ideas

    I'm with impwarhammer here, this sounds like a great concept that could work well in community games.
  10. Krevsin

    RPG Ideas

    NASA would be proud.
  11. That is amazing. A thousand internet biscuits to you.
  12. Well, this was absolutely jaw-droppingly amazing. Obligatory congratulatory Polandball: Now if you would excuse me, I'm going to go kidnap Squad's pets and loved ones to make them release .25 and .26 faster.
  13. I enjoy playing KSP in short bursts, doing one mission or preforming one docking and then calling it quits for the day. Mostly because the FPS drops into the negative after half an hour of playing it.
  14. My popcorn maker cannot make popcorn fast enough. Could've been .
  15. Human spaceflight: the song. Otherwise, great job!
  16. An audiobook version narrated by Scott Manley and the dialogs done by some other famous KSP youtubers?
  17. With the notable exception of the parents of each and every one of their main characters.
  18. Well, the crew could always die on impact, but books are known to be extremely resistant to lithobraking, so some parts of the diaries could always survive... I'm just giving czo ideas, aren't I?
  19. Oh, you mother... Why did you end this chapter there? It was intense! You cruel, cruel magnificent son of a hound of the feminine gender! God damn it Czo! You and your masterful cliffhangers!
  20. I fully support Ned's idea to not only get home, but get home in style. Krussian style. Like flying an interplanetary Lada. Just look at this thing, it's absolutely stylin'.
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