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Everything posted by Krosulhah

  1. It taught me that rockets are rather explosive most of the time.
  2. It's.... it's so damn obvious now.... why did none of us think about this?!
  3. Ah, thanks for at least looking into some russian stuff! I only really want it because i'm trying to make a bunch of Russian aircraft, and they look pretty weird carrying american missiles XD
  4. Just wondering, Would it be possible for you to make An Air to Air missile in the style of the Russian Vympel missiles? Sorry to chuck a request at you, seeing as you're working hard enough on getting other stuff out, but i'd quite like to see some Russian style missiles in there (Not as if i have any sway in what you make, of course, and anyway, you've probably got enough to work on for the second release )
  5. I think i clipped a gun too far back into the aircraft, the round probably just spawned and exploded. at least i crashed it before the fire spread to the bomb bay filled with like 10 2000lb bombs
  6. It's not the mods fault, i just felt like posting a burning plane here.
  7. Soo..... I started firing my nose cannon and machineguns.....
  8. "How do you cook your meat." With fire. And lots of it.
  9. *sees people suggesting Submarines to add* OSCAR II!
  10. I'm a complete noob as well. I keep to Kerbin orbits as much as possible, otherwise i just end up stranded around the sun, and i've been here since last april.
  11. That territory grid idea sounds awesome, I for one would love to see it implemented.
  12. Because you just need a giant gun mounted on a repair vehicle...
  13. You could just part clip it inside a fuel tank, and then go from there, also, thanks for giving me an idea
  14. This is coming out today, and has a load of stuff. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64211-InfiniteDice-Skillful-Combat-Damage-Weapons-Mod
  15. Wow. "I bet you don't have any friends to talk to" And that is how you prove someone is a child, or worse, an idiot, they make stupid comments like that. God i hate my generation. EDIT: Also, "You research everything before you join in". Well. In this situation, i think research is kinda useful, so that means nothing. Also, You should realize by now, most of this community are on the "Really smart" side of the board, and don't tend to talk like idiots, so a bit of an intelligent sentence isn't unusual. Plus, Comments about Kids and stuff like that are incredibly common on the internet, and if you didnt know that already, you need to go to a lot of other places than just here.
  16. I'm quite into planes, And i usually have these fly over my house. That's a Panavia Tornado GR1 (I think) but we usually have GR4's come over.
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