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Everything posted by Krosulhah

  1. I have to say, this is a brilliant mod, and i enjoy playing with it, and i have made a Lancaster bomber out of your "Merlin" aircraft. Currently in first prototype stage, has no bombing capabilities yet. Also, machine guns sound cool.
  2. Mine comes from a dragon in a DLC in Skyrim.
  3. They feel the Rainbow. How does one destroy a planet.
  4. By time warping too much. How does one enter mordor?
  5. Ignorant: lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated. I have definitely Got a fairly good education. Anywho, back to the subject, To be perfectly Honest i didn't check ITER too thoroughly, i grabbed it just to make a point, Sorry, if that was the point you were getting out, i thought you were trying to say that the thing in France wasn't going to happen, Sorry for that confusion, I was merely pointing out some points, and it seemed as if you were simply attacking the fact that France is *trying* to build one. Also, we should probably drop this, it is way off topic and i dont want to end up in some heavy argument.
  6. Oh thanks, call me an idiot. Nice. Yes, i know it is experimental, But the point is It is a Fusion reactor, experimental or not, its still one. Nor am i actually being Optimistic really, they may be building it, but Heck, until they try it, I dont actually think its gonna work.
  7. Did you not even check the second link.... it says one IS being built in france. Nor did i ever say that it was coming to save us, i merely mentioned that it is happening.
  8. I got a point to make. You say that you don't hope for fusion soon? Its on its way.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITER And http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-23595133 Second link is to the news of a southern france Fusion reactor being built. People really need to look around... Edit: Just realised you meant as a fuel, Still though, Might aswell show people fusion is well on its way
  9. Suicidal kerbals? Something must be Severely wrong, Even more so than the destruction of their planet .
  10. Is it bad that i'm just sitting here playing with that thing on the link, Its quite fun to see how bad stuff can get. I managed to melt 47.33% of earth! this made me laugh though "The fireball appears 2380 times larger than the sun" EDIT: i just destroyed the earth with something only possible during the formation of the earth, like that Really big collision between us and that other planet i cannot remember the name of.
  11. Actually, i think you'll find, due to the KMP mod, there is now functioning multiplayer.
  12. Who said the craft was too small to stop it? And on to my second plan, How about we blow it up while its still way off? i know that will probably make it worse, but hey i will send up a second ship to pick off all the tiny bits
  13. Send a spacecraft to intercept and push it away from us, and just if that fails, make a Craft that does that spinning thing to create gravity, and getting as many people on as possible.
  14. Haha Someone else watches the world war k series by enter elysium i guess?
  15. It genuinely works! This is brilliant, people can now help me get anywhere, NO LONGER shall i be doomed to Kerbin!
  16. I used to be a mod on a minecraft server, And there was an Admin who had usedd the nickname plugin to change his name to Charlie, So naturally, Me and some others Decide to say " Candy mountain charlie." at which point he bans me and the others for no reason, Though i had the last laugh, i got unbanned by server owner, and 3 days later the owner decided enough was enough as the admin was still being stupid to people, banned him and then offered me the guys position. not that the server is open anymore.
  17. Well, i have had many, but i will share my best, and what taught me a very important lesson. Using the FASA asteroid mod i managed to put an asteroid on a path that flew closeby to kerbin (well, minmus) every so often, and a while after i decided to land on minmus, ran out of fuel so i couldnt move it if something happened (Didn't plan Properly.) and the asteroid decied to flyby and smash into me. no more landing. and since then i have never strayed further than the Mun.
  18. Lets just say... An aircraft carrier does not survive the missiles that come with that sub...
  19. I'm very terrible at KSP i only really get things into very stupid orbits(though once, with the fasa asteroid mod, i got an asteroid to pass kerbin once every couple of years or so), usually colliding with each other. so i usually have a couple mods up, aircraft carriers and subs and the like thanks to Infinitedices boats mod and a couple other things, and i just mess about with it. so really, thinking that making a war like scenario isn't weird, there are many many series on youtube doing so, such as EnterElysium's World War K.
  20. You have a good point there, I watched the thing a few days ago, so i cant remember the exact thing, but yeah, it would end up like that, I'll see if i can find the thing i was watching so i can see how the simulation they had running ended up like the one i mentioned. EDIT: Couldn't find it, anywho i made a possible point that was fairly offtopic, and i'm not gonna say anything more as most of this is way above my understanding.
  21. Someone mentioned Transporting Gas as a liquid earlier, in ships, and i just have one point to make on this, (This is a bit off-topic) I was watching some documentary the other day and at some point in it they showed what would happen if a terrorist managed to put a bomb or something on it, First off the containers of the gas would break, the pressure falling and the Liquid turning back to gas and then expanding all over port/City it was going into, then Ignite and cause severe damage to said Port/City. Now, im not saying that there are such things happening, i was just pointing out a possible danger with Natural gases. (Quite an off topic point though, No angry responses against me please.)
  22. after everything had settled, the actual runway bit of the aircraft carrier had slid off and that bit that was sinking had resurfaced, the whole thing has also capsized.
  23. I'm not saying its bad, I know that they would be worse, i'm saying that they are absolutely epic!
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