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Everything posted by Nertea

  1. Some reworks! Now they all match! My god the stock MPL lab was modeled by monkeys.
  2. Thanks, good to know. I'll get that fixed next version.
  3. Ah I see. That's a bit problematic. @toric5, how might we modify your patch to exclude LF/LH2 multimode engines?
  4. What? No it shouldn't be... Increases it to 900s. That's around 10%.
  5. Yes that's the reason, I just haven't got around to actually releasing the fix... Bug in squad s stuff, doesn't work as documented.
  6. Considering the very limited amount that this mod interacts with the system that is affected by thermal bars, this would seem to be unrelated. That's weird. Let me know if you can reproduce it in a nice reliable fashion.
  7. It's meant to be that way unless you install the advanced NTRs patch.
  8. It's Stockalike Station Parts EXpansion and Stockalike Station Parts EXpansion Redux. The names of the actual files are pretty clear on this. Today's previews - the 2.5m crew tubes and attach point.
  9. Hm ok. That's good. I had some moments to look at your log half an hour ago and there wasnt anything clear, so that's good that it worked out
  10. Ok, if I were you I'd socialize it here when done. @Merkov and @TheRagingIrishman seem to have some input to offer here. I have a sheet with approximate volumes of the parts if that is useful.
  11. Afraid not. Please send early feedback via PM if you would. This will help make the thread clean and not confuse people who are not using the pre-release. Definitely appreciate patches, but if you write one and submit it, you will be its defacto maintainer ;).
  12. Forgot to post update, here it is... 1 new part, 1 redone part.
  13. Yes something odd going on. the module appears to be uninitialized. Could I get an output.log also? I can't see this at all in my install. I know you seem to want me to do everything, but I have a job and a kid and 11 mods to maintain. I have plans to complete the roadmap on github and then release the mod. That's all I will commit to.
  14. Because I don't want to support things to the unwashed masses before it's ready. I don't know what this means. If you mean overpowered, here you go. I hate tweakscale. Go bother them about it. Glad you like it, can you be more specific? Screenshots for example? Installed mods? Neither of those bugs have been reported before.
  15. Quoth the aptly-named readme.txt: Also: I may need the help of someone who is better at MM than me to fix this.
  16. That sounds like you're running 1.3.0. 1 small radiator provides 50 kW of cooling and the MX-0 requires 150 kW. A bug in 1.3.0 had all core heat producers slightly broken in that they would appear to be fine at low or no time warp no matter how much cooling was needed (you could cool the biggest reactor with the smallest radiator). However at high warp the "real behaviour" would assert itself. I just loaded up the latest NFE in 1.3.1, created a test ship consisting of a command pod, MX-0 and medium TCS (250 kW) and warped all over the place with no problems. So either you've got a mod conflict or 1.3.0. That's Kerbalism's problem fully. They do weird things with EC across the board...
  17. No names are re-used - they are completely separate and can exist in parallel with no issues.
  18. Official 1.3.1 update! I'm still soliciting feedback on the insta-shutdown for fusion reactors. I've fixed several edge cases that have been reported, but please, if anyone sees this again, a log, screenshots and above all else reproduction steps are something I could really use. This is a minor update that mostly fixes minor bugs FFT 0.2.4 KSP 1.3.1 Dependency updates Fixed angled thrust issue on FFRE Fixed gimbal pistons on MetallicH2 engine Changed fusion reactor module name to fix conflict with DSEV Made ModuleMultiRatioEngine configurable with MinMixingRatio and MaxMixingRatio fields. Note that the RatioScale must map correctly to changed values or unpredictable behaviour may result. Added some indications of required fuel tank ratios to some engine descriptions (more to come) Have fun
  19. There was a bug with version 1.0.2 of NFLV that labeled it in that dialog as Far FutureTechnologies. So that thing should say "Near Future Launch Vehicles", for which there is a link in this thread.
  20. Are you sure you have the latest version (post 1.1.2)? There was a temperature issue corrected here. Otherwise, I haven't touched the skin temperatures, just left them at defaults, same as stock tanks. No problem, glad it was easily resolved :).
  21. Nah. But I will go one step further and present the why! 1) Surface harvesting is a big can of worms that I don't want to open at the moment. Perhaps later with some other things that are happening. 2) This is a bit of a way of gatekeeping these engines. The one remaining engine to implement will have both modes though as it sits before everything in the tree. 3) No. 4) No. 5) Would like to, but would rather finish Radioactivity before creating a new very complex mod.... And the last... well, the GitHub issues page is always the page to look at for progress.
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