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Everything posted by Nertea

  1. Small update to fix WBI conflict and bump some bundled dependencies KA 0.4.11 Updated MM to 3.0.1 Updated B9PartSwitch to 2.1.0 Updated CryoTanks to 0.4.9 Deconflict new WBI fuel switcher
  2. Small update to fix WBI conflict and bump some bundled dependencies CE 0.5.11 Updated MM to 3.0.1 Updated B9PartSwitch to 2.1.0 Updated CryoTanks to 0.4.9 Deconflict new WBI fuel switcher
  3. Mark IV 2.4.1 Updated B9PartSwitch to 2.1.0 Updated NFProps to 0.2.1 Fixed an issue with localization of multimode engines, worked around KSP issue for KER fix Fixed flipped normal map on 3.75m lift fan Fixed bottom stack node of SCIMITAR Some tweaks to IVAs Added RPM support back in Provided by Dragon01 RPM support requires the installation of RPM and ASET props
  4. A new release of NFProps is available: Fixed export layer of rack props Adjusted some MFD textures Adjusted a few broken pivots on some props Some props now have animations (Lights: Prop_Light_On, Racks: PropAnimate) New Poster prop set courtesy of soldat_du_discotheque New Labels prop set - lit labels for labelling things New Sockets prop set - electrical, USB and network sockets New round and conference table props New habitation props - pillows and sanitary station door New internal cabin door prop
  5. NF Spacecraft 0.7.5 Updated B9PartSwitch to 2.1.0 Updated NFProps to 0.2.1 Added Simplified Chinese translation Updates to Russian translation Some IVA fixes Increased skin max temp of LT-POD legs to 2800K, increased emissive constant to 0.9 Added RPM support back to the mod Courtesy of Dragon01 Requires the installation of ASET Props and Raster Prop Monitor
  6. I can't wait to forcefully board these rockets and hurl all the tea into the seas of laythe. Nice work steed. Glad to see someone using the props pack! Note though that it's not actually dependant on RPM unless you want it to be.
  7. I had them added to CTT for Stevie_D, who wanted them for Superluminal, I think. Having it stay charged while the throttle is at zero is possibly an option that I'll investigate in the future.
  8. Uh, I can look into it. Can you make a github issue? I've very busy and don't have much mod time. You can revert to the previous version (0.9.7) if you have the issue. The bug in that version will hide the stock bug a little better. Not sure, suggest you have a check in the files to see what would be required.
  9. It's not really a problem, there's a missing texture that I haven't fixed because this mod is on the chopping block. It won't affect much.
  10. Do you mean the 10m spherical isohedral hydrogen tank?
  11. You might need to be more specific, I don't have any such command centre You need to have the latest NFProps development branch if using SSPXr Didn't see this, sorry. Use the DBS release from NFE/CE/KA, there was a bug.
  12. Turns out it's fairly easy to reproduce with stock if you know what you're looking for. PMed you a save.
  13. I'll give it a shot, but I'm not 100% sure it'll show up in stock, because the behaviour of the converters will naturally decrease their production as they move towards higher temperatures. I'll get back to you a bit later.
  14. I guess that would indeed make it worse considering I fixed the bug that caused reactors to consume 50x the reactor. That would expose this bug for sure. Perhaps it's time to summon the @RoverDude to shed some light on this behaviour and how I can work around it. If you're around, dear sir, I point you to: this post.
  15. Hoping to start real demo releases in the dev forum in a week or so. These will be considered "stable" I think.
  16. There's a ton of high tech nodes up there in the tech tree. Why not use one of those? I don't know, nobody tells me nothing these days.
  17. Yeah there's a few decent ways to do it: 1) Split the burn into two parts, moreso than other engines. Fly up first so you have a longer coast to circularization. 2) Carefully adjust throttle to run the engine at lowest possible power 3) Exploit many fixed HC radiators 4) My favorite: add a service bay or cargo bay midships on the first stage, deploy large radiators out of the bay about when you would deploy fairings
  18. Good find, you were right. Slated for next version fix.
  19. So in every test that I have done, in isolation the reactors perform exactly as they should. Ignoring the debug values and going by adding up core transfer numbers, any combinations of reactors work just fine. I have to conclude that (again) there's a critical bug in stock to work around. Here's some testing of my own. This base has enough radiators deployed to run the reactor at full power (800 kW) plus 4 drills at regular power or 2 drills at max power (200kW) 1) The reactor is enabled, nothing is enabled. Perfect stability, perfect radUsage (800kW expected, 799.98 kW used) 2) A single drill is enabled (+50kW, up to +100kW). The reactor immediately overheats and and its radUsage has dropped by ~175 kW, suggesting a lack of radiators on the base 3) 4 more small radiators are deployed, + 200 kW radiation capacity. The overheat slows, but radUsage is still 738 so the reactor will overheat. 4) I can stabilize the reactor by increasing the capacity by another 50 kW. So that one drill is using something like 350 kW of cooling. By this we can conclude that any stock BaseConverter module is somehow requesting far, far more radiator capacity than it needs, even though the debug does not show it. This makes absolutely no sense.
  20. Kerbal Atomics 0.5.10 Fixed LH2/LF multimode patch for the LV-N (thanks Wyzard) Updated DynamicBatteryStorage to 1.2.0 Fixed a bug that caused the buffer to be destroyed every second time it was created Fixed solar panel handling when Kopernicus is installed
  21. I'm not convinced that it's the reason. At any rate, stock pointing doesn't have much to do with my stuff... I don't control any of that code. You should get the new version of NFSolar though, I tested it with your ship and it seemed... better. Like disabling the tank icon or something? CryoEngines 0.5.10 Updated DynamicBatteryStorage to 1.2.0 Fixed a bug that caused the buffer to be destroyed every second time it was created Fixed solar panel handling when Kopernicus is installed
  22. Near Future Electrical 0.9.8 Updated B9PartSwitch to 2.0.0 Fixed an possible issue with reactor radiator consumption Updated DynamicBatteryStorage to 1.2.0 Fixed a bug that caused the buffer to be destroyed every second time it was created Fixed solar panel handling when Kopernicus is installed Near Future Solar 0.8.8 Fixed scaling of large fixed solar array Adjusted suncatcher location of Trio solar array Reexport of OKEB-75 solar array, might help FAR problem, might not. @Wyzard This NFE release may help that heat bug you noticed. It will at least resolve the debug UI overconsumption.... not sure if that will do anything else.
  23. Ah yes. Kopernicus replaces all the solar panel modules with its own so that it can handle multiple suns. I can resolve that. My superb test craft seems fine. However, I bit the bullet, downloaded those mods and opened your ship. It seems like there's another issue - at very high time warp, the Trio panels sometimes block themselves for a tiny fraction of a second when they're oriented at particular angles to the sun (at least that's what it seems to me - DBS corresponds to what's shown in the solar array PAW precisely, so the problem is there). That causes the "pulse" of low power on your ship. I'll look into this but this has historically been a very tough problem to solve with large solar arrays in general. I'm also not really sure why this occurs with your ship and not mine. Probably some anomaly related to how the panels are mounted. edit - I made some tweaks to the location of the suncatcher that reduces the frequency of this problem. I have an NFS update ready that I will send off when I get a chance
  24. As with CRP, I want to enforce going forward that a node only goes into the CTT when at least 2 mods can propose using it. So there's that to consider.
  25. *shrugs* that's the thing though... Solar panel detection was working fine last night. Since those panels aren't even being detected, I have to assume that something in your install is screwing with the modules. I will of course have a look tonight before I do any release, but I can't support any advanced features with KSPIE installed. It makes too many changes to the game to ensure stability. It's possible that your original problem was fixed with that update but there is another one related to panel detection that has been revealed.
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