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Everything posted by Nertea

  1. Kerbal Atomics 0.4.9 KSP 1.3.1 Dependency update Cleaned up extra NTR patches that were still around from a previous patch LV-N LH2 patch now creates an LF/LH2 multi-mode engine to help with craft transitions CryoTanks 0.4.8 Tanks no longer use up all EC
  2. Slowly rolling out more more-or-less finished content... 1.25m inflatable habitats. There are three - one large, one small, and one compact.
  3. It's a joke that seems to have slipped by many people, I aligned the sun behind the engine. Anywhere you downloaded the mod, there should have been an included copy of B9PartSwitch. As I only include critically required dependencies, that's something that you should ensure is installed. This is also clearly mentioned in the readme. If a dependency was missing somewhere, please let me know where from so I can correct that. NFE 0.9.7 - Fixed a bundling issue, actually resolving with NFE patch, if integrated engine is inactive, disable auto-adjustment of reactor throttle
  4. No don't worry about it. Looks like build process flubbed the last commit so the change wasn't built in the release. Will fix when I can sorry.
  5. I'm on mobile so hard to explain well. 1. When you turn off the engine heat dissipation does not zero immediately, it slowly decreases to give you time to react. This was added a few versions ago. 2. When this is done the temperature will increase fairly fast because thermal mass has to be low and 20kw undissipated is still 20kw 3. Heating is a little faster in 1.3.1 because a bug was fixed.
  6. I don't know, maybe I packaged wrong? Was working fine in testing.
  7. That behaviour in the album looks exactly right to me... What seems weird about it to you? Uh, no, that's in this mod. This is a plugin-level change and occurs in the NFE dll.
  8. I never officially support old versions. Nothing stopping you from trying though!
  9. Near Future Propulsion 0.9.5 KSP 1.3.1 Dependency updates Add support for RLA Sunrise ion engine Near Future Electrical 0.9.6 KSP 1.3.1 Dependency updates Fixed localization breaking nuclear fuel transfer and reactor repair With NFE patch, if integrated engine is inactive, disable auto-adjustment curve Near Future Solar 0.8.7 KSP 1.3.1 Dependency updates Near Future Construction 0.8.4 KSP 1.3.1 Dependency update Fix 30 degree angle attach node on pressurized octo-truss Near Future Launch Vehicles 1.1.2 KSP 1.3.1 Dependency update Increased max temps from 1200 to 2000 for many tank parts Increased breaking force/torque for 5m parts from 200 to 350 Increased breaking force/torque for 7.5m parts from 200 to 450 Increased thruster power of atmospheric RCS parts, flattened Isp curve Increased fuel capacities of all 7.5m parts by 50% Fixed incorrect volume tag on all 7.5m fuel tanks Fixed mesh offset for 5m guidance core Fixed small mesh offest for 5m cargo nosecone Fixed incorrect volumes for 5m nosecone Reduced fuel capacity of 5m skeletal adapter by 75% Reduced fuel capacity of short 5m adapter by 50% Note the omission of Near Future Spacecraft. The ETA on that pack is unknown, it has to be deployed in conjunction with SSPX and Mk4 due to changes to the prop package. However, you can continue to use the current version in 1.3.1 with no problems or upgrade issues.
  10. Heat Control 0.4.4 Fixed TechRequired of small fixed radiator KSP 1.3.1 Dependency updates
  11. Yes, you can remove that but you will have to babysit as a result. Or you can wait for the next version which will disable this behaviour if the engine is inactive.
  12. @failurecascade: I installed NFElectrical, NTRsUseLF and KerbalAtomicsNFE in my 1.3.1 install. I loaded up your save to test, switched to 'Minmus shuttle', with the following results: 1) Reactor on full power, engine full power. No temperature climb, everything steady at 3405-3507K. 2) Reactor on full power, engine off. Instant temperature climb as expected. 3) All systems off (no screenshot) , temperature decays slowly, all good. So I'm at a loss here - everything behaves just fine. I also tested various combinations of both engine modes, which also showed all expected behaviours. I might recommend you wait for an official release (maybe Thursday) and then report back?
  13. Few more new models. These are the revised 1.25m crew tubes, and the new cargo module, which is a nice orbitally focused storage box. You can put LS parts, nuclear reactors, other fun things in there.
  14. Nice report, thanks. I will investigate this tomorrow morning I hope, I get small 1 hour work chunks these days.
  15. Setting the cooling cost to 0.0 still works. Must be something in your MM patch itself (I'd try @CoolingCost = 0.0 personally, your syntax looks off).
  16. dev branch of the main repo linked in the OP. I just pushed the latest DLL
  17. Ok, I don't know whether this is because I did a rebuild for 1.3.1 or not, but I can't reproduce this. Everything seems fine.
  18. As my time is fairly limited these days, I'd appreciate any help establishing any issues with 1.3.1 compatibility. I've had time for some limited tests but am of course worried about thermal issues and the like. In addition, I'm in the middle of a major reno of the NFProps package for SSPXr. This is going to probably delay any update for this package until that is done.
  19. mm I think that dates from a few KSP versions ago when they rearranged the tree. I'll make sure it's addressed.
  20. CTT 3.2.1 KSP 1.3.1 Fixed node location of Experimental Motors
  21. Great buddha on a bicycle this took foreeever!
  22. Nope, sorry. Working on other things. Sounds like you installed the optional patch that sets those engines to LFO. If check your gamedata folder.
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