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Everything posted by Nertea

  1. This is supported by stock, you just need to add a timeEfficCurve in the module. Not planning to, sorry. The goal has always been for players to use the bus parts to put fuel tanks and such inside rather than creating dozens of variant parts for every probe core.
  2. Module doesn't support outputs at the moment, I'm afraid. This is correct. Something like 50% though, not all the way up to 90%.
  3. This is easily fixed, the 'reactor' has an adjustable auto-shutdown but the engine does not. The engine has a fixed value. However when looking at the configs it appears I need to revise the outlet temperatures so I'll do that too. Yes, anything above 0K... Some screenshots would be nice to help figure out what's wrong/
  4. Remove the vessels from your ship and install the update.
  5. There's a popular misconception that NTRs are actually any good! Anyways this will be updated along with FFT hopefully within the next week or so.
  6. Release the kraken! Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux 2.0 (click for pics) Changes KSP 1.12 Updated ModuleManger to 4.2.1 Updated NearFutureProps to 0.7.1 Updated B9PartSwitch to 2.18.0 Deprecated StationPartsExpansionMetal Extra. Don't use it anymore, uninstall it if you have it Added StationPartsExpansionIVAs Extra. This now contains the IVAs. By default, all IVAs now use the 'blank' internal space New 1.875m part set Middle ground between 1.25m and 2.5m White, Insulated, Metal surface variants Full set of endcap variants (White, Metal, Black, Insulated in both handles/bare versions) PMA-T1 Pressurized Crew Tube: basic crew tube PMA-T2 Pressurized Crew Tube: basic medium crew tube PMA-T3 Pressurized Crew Tube: basic short crew tube PMA-1A Angled Pressurized Crew Tube: angle crew tube with 30, 45 and 90 degree variants PMA-AR Radial Attachemnt Module: basic attach module PMA-MULT Multi-Point Station Connector: multi-hub with 6-way, 5-way, 4-way, planar 4-way, 3-way, elbow variants PMA-C 'Panoptes' Observation Module: cupola with 1 crew member capacity PMA-2 'Quay' Station Core: station core with 3 crew member capacity PMA-3 'Spectra' Utility Module: multipurpose utility module with 2 crew member capacity PMA-5A 'Dawn' Habitation Module: large crew module with 5 crew member capacity PMA-5B 'Evening' Habitation Module: small crew module with 3 crew member capacity PMA-4 'Nature' Science Module: science module with 2 crew member capacity BR-1B Adjustable Base Cradle: 1.875m leveling ground base cradle BZ-1B Adjustable Base Frame: 1.875m leveling ground base frame New limited 5m part set Only comes in White, with minimal endcap variants (white, black, handles/bare handles) SDV-2 'Atlas' Deep Space Habitation Module: really large crew module. 14 Kerbal capacity SDV-2B 'Titan' Compact Deep Space Habitation Module: really large crew module but flat. 6 Kerbals. SDV-3 'Minerva' Deep Space Control Module: Large station control module, with a number of interesting features. 5 Kerbal capacity SDV-1 'Leto' Deep Space Logistics Module: Big cargo module SDV-1X 'Atriedes' Deep Space Logistics Module: Big cargo module, half size SDV-4 'Demeter' Cultivation Module: very large greenhouse/aquaculture facility with 4 kerbal capacity SDV-6 'Delphi' Science Module: Large science module with intergrated exposed facility and telescope SDV-G1 'Tholos' Geodesic Dome: Basic geodesic dome with nothing in it. Toggleable colliders for customization SDV-G2 'Villa' Cultivation Dome: Dome with greenhouse functions and 2 kerbal capacity. SDV-G3 'Domus' Habitation Dome: Dome with habitation functions and 6 kerbal capacity. SDV-G4 'Astrolabe' Observation Dome: Dome with cupola functions and 2 kerbal capacity SDV-X 'Cronus' Extensible Centrifuge: Immense centrifuge with 16 kerbal capacity and integrated lab facility SDV-4 Adapter: basic adapter SDV-6 Flat Adapter: flat adapter BR-4 Adjustable Base Cradle: 5m leveling ground base cradle BZ-4 Adjustable Base Frame: 5m leveling ground base frame New non-specific size parts: SD-1x1 Structural Panel: radial white truss panel similar to the Delphi external facility panels SD-2x2 Structural Panel: radial white truss panel similar to the Delphi external facility panels, but a bigger version PAS-T 'Oculus' Remote Telescope: Small radially attachable telescope dome PAS-G 'G4RD3N' Hydroponics Cupola: Small radially attachable cupola dome with plants inside it B-ST41R Extensible Stairway: Small staircase with adjustable lengths 1.25m part updates Added White, Metal surface variants Repainted old surface variant into insulated thermal blanket variant matching new 1.875m parts 2.5m part updates Added White, Metal surface variants Repainted old surface variant into insulated thermal blanket variant matching new 1.875m parts General fixes and updates Adjusted mass, cost and entry cost of base frame cradles which used to be completely nonsensical Reworked 1.25 and 2.5m endcaps completely to match new work on 1.875m endcaps Renamed PTD/PFD (1.25m) part series to PAS/PAF to help with default VAB sorting Replacement 1.25 port, extending 1.25m port, extending 2.5m port upgraded with rotation functions from KSP 1.12 Compatibility Added USI Recycle bin to containers when USI Tools is installed
  7. Thanks, should be fixed, I was literally about to press the release button!
  8. Everything is pretty much open on my repos. Common scripts are here and are pulled when needed. I use GitHub actions to automate the actioning of the scripts. Some of the scripts are backed by AWS services (S3, SSM, EC2) for simplicity. I can package and deploy a mod version to Spacedock, Curseforge and Github in about 2 clicks :). Writing the update forum post takes the longest.
  9. So now that Restock and SSPX are pretty much set I will get to work on this. Unfortunately I was in the middle of some things when 1.12 dropped and I'd like to finish them first. This engine will be completed and added. I'll let you all figure out what it is, but that shouldn't be too hard. Also some general effects enhancements coming: https://imgur.com/a/IQ5ADjs https://imgur.com/a/pj9fQED Some new ones coming for most fusion engines too.
  10. Restock 1.4.2 KSP 1.12.2 Updated ModuleManager to 4.2.1 Fixed Gigantor panel extension Adjusted and applied Restock Swivel and Reliant models to fit new Squad revamps (adjusted dimensions, colliders) Fixed Mk2 docking port not docking Added new Senior docking port grey variant
  11. We can investigate but I'm going to guess it's something weird with PartVariants and possibly out of our control.
  12. Yeah pretty much. It's not important, it's just internal! Well I happened to be working on it and if I only change a small thing it's very easy to cut a release using the automation tools I have
  13. No worries, it should be fixed in 0.5.3. Fixed ModuleFissionEngine displaying total heat instead of waste heat in part info Changed display of temperatures in PAW
  14. System temperature is the... system temperature. The temperature the part generates heat at. Hm. This might be wrong on all the nuclear reactors then too. -edit: nope, just my screwup.
  15. Nope, that's right. That isn't loop temp, that's system temp, it's now correctly labeled. Maybe another UI field is needed but that's working as intended.
  16. DBS 2.2.5 Improvements to solar altitude fields (yalov) Support for Surface Mounted Lights (yalov) Hide internal antennas that don't use power (yalov) Many improvements by yalov, really, I'm not doing crap :P.
  17. System Heat 0.5.2 Updated ModuleManager to 4.2.1 Fixed NTR configs not removing stock heat generation from all engine mode Ion engine configs now also remove all excess heat generation Fixed System Temperature PAW field actually displaying loop temperature System Temperature PAW field is now hidden if system flux <= 0 kW as it is meaningless Fixed loop integrator to handle cases with producers that are off better
  18. That's sweet! More bugs fixed in last push, plus added the previously unfinished stairs. This is *definitely* the last content. Will spend the next 3 days attending to bugs.
  19. Couple things: Everything has been merged to dev branch - all updates will be there from now on Some bugs fixed (make sure you update NF props to 0.7.1) Added the new dome
  20. Kerbal pics are minor work, not really planning on fixing those. The main problem is rotation docking port stuff.
  21. I was really dreading the centrifuge IVA. Now that I'm past that, things are better... Nah.
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