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Everything posted by Nertea

  1. No, barely thought about it. It's mostly to stop the complaining .
  2. Well I got chewed out for having it in the engine before. I only modeled the reactor, there's still a bunch of compressor hardware that's supposed to be 'in front'. @Rakete I understand your enthusiasm, but as an engineer you must know that writing good documentation takes just as long as the actual project. Most of the information you're asking for here (e.g specific ore conversion rates) can be accessed by right clicking on the part in the VAB. Everything in the mod suite is supposed to work generally like stock so anything you learn there applies here. Where there is a difference, I've tried to at least overview concepts in the documentation, which is generally found in the GitHub wikis (e.g NFE, SpaceDust, SystemHeat). Anyone who wants to work on improving this is welcome to do it. On 1.12 So for 1.12 updates, they're coming, working on Restock and framework mods first obviously. In case anyone is curious, you can now find every mod in the suite on an index page. There will be a few key changes coming with the 1.12 updates. NF Electrical will move to a SystemHeat backend. SH has been pretty stable in terms of features for a few months and has had very few bug reports not related to NTRs. I'm sure you'll all hate me for that but trust me it's for the best. NF Launch Vehicles will have all legacy part assets removed (it's been long enough). Prepare yourself. I thought there were more but hey just two big things!
  3. The telescope appears to check for the ability to complete a power contract, which is probably something that I can fix. Most of the stock jet engines do that too. Delete this file: https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/NearFutureLaunchVehicles/blob/master/GameData/NearFutureLaunchVehicles/Patches/NFLaunchVehiclesOverlappingParts.cfg
  4. I'll check it out but I feel like if this was a problem someone would have reported it (it would be very critical...). Please provide appropriate debug information.
  5. As of the last version of Waterfall and WaterfallRestock, just install them both at the same time, everything should be sorted out.
  6. Nope, there's a thread for Restock and this is not it. Yeah sure but a vast quantity of work for something totally pointless in KSP and something that would immediately create demand for a million different sizes and shapes. There are conceptual explanations on the Github wikis of the more complex mods. The way it is right now makes sense to me. The 3.75m docking port is part of the expanded 3.75m part set, which is part of Restock+ The 5m docking port is part of the expanded 5m part set, which is part of NFLV The truss docking ports are part of the trusses which are part of NFC (and honestly not very useful without NFC)
  7. What RCS issue? We're not aware of anything related to RCS.
  8. There is a 5m docking port in NFLV, and a 3.75m one in Restock+ God no, centrifuges take forever and a day to make. They are just somewhat different engines with different performance profiles to stock. Not necessarily better but maybe useful in some cases. Yep.
  9. Some small fixes for 1.11. Please note that Restock is NOT YET COMPATIBLE with 1.12, as the docking ports have changed. Restock 1.3.3 Fix Poodle shroud shaders Restock+ 1.3.3 Fixed smoke emission point on single Boar engine
  10. I'm sure I'll get things to 1.12 eventually but please don't bother me about it. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Juba


      Hey when is 1.12 update ? ...


      jk :D

    3. Darkona


      Can I buy you a coffee/beer?

  11. Well, I'm about to go into an angry 1.12-update shaped hole for a month so here's a preview of a remaining part:
  12. I'm going to level with you, the models are all just garbagey now and need some serious update work.
  13. Oh I didn't even look at that! If that's not updating, yeah, I should check.
  14. LANTERN has a nice precedent in KSP! Nice work team, good detail level and a fun start!
  15. Yes, but the Restock update to cover 1.12 is going to take work. Testing and fixing everything that Squad touched New replacement models for solar panels Redoing every goddamn docking port model to handle rotation stuff I have no idea how long that will take.
  16. Because that update may be some time away, I will likely release it as another 1.11.x fix soon.
  17. The stock KSP fairings are slightly larger than 2.5m, because they have that ugly bulge that pokes the fairing base outside of the craft. This mod fixes that, which looks better in most cases. However when a craft builder has take advantage of this discontinuity to make a craft, such as here, there will be problems.
  18. Yes. Honestly I have no idea at the moment in terms of how to deal with EVA construction in a gameplay fashion. I'll have to think about it. Minor 0.4.3 update: Added CRP as a dependency as it is needed if using the Extras patches related to fission reactors/engines FissionReactor and FissionEngine (if electrical generator) modules now fulfill electrical generation parameters of contracts
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