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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. The game is suited for those interested in space exploration, and have the capability to learn the advanced gameplay mechanics, as it does have some real-life physics to it. However, it is both easy to work with (click and drag, launch the thing) for younger players, and advanced enough (Newtonian mechanics, Delta-V, docking, planetary transfers) for those who are older. Unlike all other games, it is truly for everyone.
  2. Indeed! Take it from me, I waited for a week or two before signing up, mainly because I had never joined a forum before, but I feel that it was worth every moment. Come aboard!
  3. Yep, the problem is as I described above: the "Target Prograde" marker only points to your target "center", and doesn't care about orientation. Now, if you set both to the automatic target hold, and set targets to the opposite docking port, they will attempt to face each other.
  4. Yeah, a screen shot would be helpful, but I think I know what you're saying: If you are pointing at your target, the ship level indicator (the one which shows which orientation your ship is in, looks like --.--) will be aligned with the purple target prograde marker. However, it cannot detect your rotation relative to the port, so even if you are 180 degrees from the front of the port it will say you're dead on target.
  5. Or sides, inside, back, front, whatever other crazy angles you can think of. The top is too vulnerable. ... I just gave myself a brilliant idea!
  6. That's a good one, Vanamonde! I didn't understand orbit either for the first couple of days, and even then the first ship I ever made went straight up to 80,000 meters, did a 90 degree turn, and then circularized. Hey, it worked! XD
  7. The Mass and Size limits are fairly realistic, but I agree that the part limit should go. It is extremely inconvenient, especially in the Spaceplane Hangar: Your craft fits the other definitions, but has too many parts. (Level 2 VAB, Level 1 SPH/Runway) And those fairings are just for show, really, they would have big issues. But all of my uses for those fairings have been less extreme, looking like normal rocket fairings.
  8. I like procedural fairings, as long as they are easy to manipulate. With the Procedural Fairings mod, if you have a fairing adapter on the top and bottom of a "payload" it forms an interstage ring. Otherwise, a much larger variety of parts is needed.
  9. You should see the one he did for the server crash way back when. Continuing: And so the Users struck back the evil, casting it away into the dark. Driving it far from the precious Forum, many posts of the battle do mark.
  10. Vexx, get in here and compose something for this! XD
  11. See you guys on the forum? You already have! Welcome!
  12. Very well. Est honorate mori, Green One.
  13. That wing design is beautiful! Here's a suggestion. Have 2 action groups of guns. Then you can activate one half of them, then the other, wait for the first half to cool down while firing the second, switch back when the second half is overheated.
  14. Bring down the Green Crown! Bring down the Green Crown! Bring down the Green Crown! Bring down the Green Crown! Occumbere faciet de viridis Coronam!
  15. I took out another bar! HELL YEAH! XD
  16. Some systems are more prone to the right-click bug than others. Are you running OSX? I'd say that no matter the system, that is what you are experiencing. I don't know the fix, though. Maybe someone else could help? ( 1,500 posts!)
  17. Alright, I'll add in the whole list soon enough. Thanks for the links! (Also, you guys, you can use [noparse][noparse][/noparse][/noparse]...
  18. Off-topic (non-main forum, like the Games section) don't count towards post count.
  19. Yeah, I've noticed it too. I didn't pay much attention to it, though.
  20. Ah, yes indeed! And post-goto as well. Updating... EDIT: I've forgotten how to do the post-goto.
  21. *ahem* Alas, not alack. I'm a grammar you-know-what Don't hurt me, Vanamonde! Holy cow, what kind of computer do you have?! I could never launch such a thing! (Also, zekes, where are you? Bring out the Cira IV!) One moment. I'm going to find that post. EDIT: Here we go. Scroll down. Craft is called the "Cira IV". Capable of an 800 ton lift of pure cargo to LKO. Showcase Thread This was made by zekes, owner of Zokesia Skunkworks. Might I suggest joining? I could try to build such a lifter, but I fear that my processor will put up a fight.
  22. Starwhip


    Vexx, it's not a writing utensil again, is it? Words? (Politics )
  23. Oh, was that you? My mistake! Keep up the good work!
  24. Banned for almost being presidential; you must commit!
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