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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Starwhip


    /\ Because you can definitely shove politics into a gun...
  2. "Hello Bob! How's it going?" "Help!" "I love you too." That's great... I'd say 8/10 overall.
  3. 7/10 You just can't keep a single avatar, can you?
  4. Starwhip


    Um... well, were we on the right track with environmental concerns?
  5. Starwhip


    Metal? It could rust in the water and pollute.
  6. Starwhip


    Gas was my next-best guess, too, but it didn't make as much sense. But then, neither does a bomb, because it would be hard to fire either from a gun. (Handheld, at least.)
  7. I use my machine-that-goes-ding and take over said "death fortress", destroy it, and pile its debris into a hill. My rubble hill.
  8. Starwhip


    So it's something that when thrown into the ocean (discarded due to old age, perhaps) raises environmental concerns. And it seems to be related to battle i.e. bullets. A bomb?
  9. Thank you for not being intimidating at all! It may take a while... but I'm planning near-complete coverage of everything from craft design (Fuel efficiency vs. cost in the new .24.2 system) to orbital profiles (e.g. docking to a polar craft (or an asteroid on an inclined orbit)). We shall see...
  10. Well, then. Some kind of hello! And if you do still have construction questions, feel free to ask! We're all ready and willing to help.
  11. Starwhip


    Darn, I think that's it.
  12. Ah, the good old days, when one still hasn't hit the [AIRQUOTES]not seeing the light of day for a month and a half[/AIRQUOTES] stage. "One does not simply play KSP and walk away"... Enjoy your carefree KSP days, for they are limited. Soon you will be sucked into the vortex of endless Kerbal years like the rest of us veterans. .... I feel as if I may have scared you away. If that's true, you are probably not reading this. Oh, well. 'Allo, anyways.
  13. Starwhip


    OH! OH! Vexx is back??!??!?!!?!? YESH! Hold on, let me see the riddle...
  14. I sneak over there in the middle of the night and spray-paint your flag so that it resembles my own. My martian rover hill.
  15. ...for banning for banning for banning you are banned.
  16. "Except on super hard mode"??? That makes it easier. One might need to refine this challenge a little. Unless intakes do not function with infinite fuel, all you would need is one intake, some wings, and X jet engines.
  17. I feel as if nobody read this... Pretty much what I meant: I play to the best of my ability and to the limits of imagination, but I have been doing so since I became a good pilot. It is starting to get old, and new features and objectives (Like the contracts in First Contract) are welcome in my book. I don't have to play "by myself" anymore, but instead, there is some kind of storyline for me to follow. I like instruction. The total freedom of "Sandbox" mode in KSP and Minecraft are wonderful in their own respects, but eventually you will run out of ideas on your own. And the only thing I was trying to convey was the fact that I would hate for Soontm to ever mean 312 days, unless there is a good reason. And now I feel awkward, as I see that this thread has advanced 1.5 pages since I refreshed...
  18. Pretty much what I meant: I play to the best of my ability and to the limits of imagination, but I have been doing so since I became a good pilot. It is starting to get old, and new features and objectives (Like the contracts in First Contract) are welcome in my book. I don't have to play "by myself" anymore, but instead, there is some kind of storyline for me to follow. I like instruction. The total freedom of "Sandbox" mode in KSP and Minecraft are wonderful in their own respects, but eventually you will run out of ideas on your own. And the only thing I was trying to convey was the fact that I would hate for Soontm to ever mean 312 days, unless there is a good reason.
  19. Here's an excerpt from the Minecraft Wiki of Version 1.8: 312 days between major updates... I know that Minecraft is post-release now, but still, that's a long time. When KSP goes 1.0, I'd allow longer and longer update times, given an environment that differs every time I play. But if the game still resembles what it does now at 1.0, 312 days would make me lose interest entirely. I live for the updates, because I finish all I want to finish well before the next edition.
  20. Banned for having a location that is too long. (albeit accurate)
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