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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. "I, Robot" by Asimov. Great book. also, (I don't remember the authors): "Neutron Star" "The Black Star Passes" "Rendezvous with Rama"
  2. ...and I explode, therefore I am not! Hello, fellow forum member... or maybe members? You never know...
  3. I am about to walk up there and talk some sense into you, but before I can an mob of press reporters swarms you. It must be because he took the hill, I think, and decide to see what will happen. As I do, the reporters begin to walk off the hill, with you still stuck in the middle, screaming, "That's my hill! Wait!" And off you go, into the world of television. I simply sit down on the hill, as it is now mine.
  4. 2/10 you are vaguely familiar...
  5. Banned because I don't think those are pants...
  6. I throw a life-size Steve blow up doll in front of you. You get confused and explode because that is what you live for.
  7. Starwhip


    Well... Hello, and welcome to the forums where you will waste your time and die where we will answer all of your questions!
  8. Banned for banning the banner of... wait....
  9. Wrong thread, sir. Why people no read thread title?
  10. You now can think of nothing but pi, your mind, endlessly calculating the exact number that is pi. Forever. And ever. And ever... I wish that my previous wish went like this: "I wish for total world domination"
  11. Granted. The world becomes dyslexic. I wish for total wold domination.
  12. Banned for attempting to rule th Kraken.
  13. Even without an astronaut taking up space, I can hardly fit in the elevator. I can't be sure, but I think I just sat on someone...
  14. I use combustible lemons to kill you. My hill.
  15. It's not impossible, nor is asparagus staging necessary. Use RCS to rotate, plan out your maneuvers efficiently, put larger engines/more engines on the rocket...
  16. "...Conveniently Mars-sized..." Well, screw Mars. We don't need you anymore.
  17. Tutorial in signature. Check it out. (I've had to have said that at least three times today...)
  18. "Hit it" What's the best precision instrument that fits that description? A hammer! The ULTIMATE precision tool. And 3 more. - If it ain't broke, don't fix it. - Use duct tape. - If duct tape didn't work, use more duct tape.
  19. Banned for becoming Lost in Space.
  20. Granted. It's a replica, all right, but the capsule to your right is not. Yep, you're in space. In a replica spacesuit that does not function. I wish wishes were easier to make, without all these catches.
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