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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. It's called "The Matrix". (aka Real Life)
  2. I would just love for someone to make a meme about MechJeb's horrible FAR-incorporated ascents. Same for its rather cruddy planetary intercepts, you need too much extra Delta-V to capture at Dres based on MJ's orbital intercept. It's too steep. Otherwise it's fine, but let's not turn this into a MechJeb VS. Pilots argument; they never end well. I still prefer my own skills versus a computer's. A virtual computer, for that matter.
  3. Starwhip


    I am assuming this is something specific, and not a generalized category? I've got nothing.
  4. Like... orbital SRB strikes? Clawing and stealing all of their fuel? This could be fun.
  5. You are correct about the fact that it is similar to docking. I used my rendezvous skills to intercept my first one. But, it is not must efficient to capture near periapsis. The sooner you grab it the better. Burn radially and raise/lower the periapsis to around 35,000 meters while it is still fairly far, and you are good. If I were to participate, could I use Kerbal Engineer Redux, as well as Enhanced Navball? Neither adds any parts (well, except the computer from KER that gives info.) Enhanced Navball gives you Radial In/Out, as well as North/South.
  6. I just downloaded it. I'm probably not going to use it very much... but we'll see I'm more efficient than the computer, but I'll be able to multitask better. And I've heard you can hover...
  7. Starwhip


    So... it's like nightmares. It's the thing that you fear most, which would be called... um... a phobia? Phobias? I think whats-his-face got it with nightmares, though.
  8. False. I enjoy engineering! The user below is not a human.
  9. Well, a while ago, when I was a kind-of-cruddy docker, I was docking a Soyuz-like rocket to a station. I still had the orbital-insertion stage attached to it. I was like, "Ah, I'll just get rid of this thing." No pics, so I'll relive it in gory detail. I hit the spacebar. The second after I did that, I realized, "Oh, shoot, I'm still moving toward the station!" Looking at the Navball confirmed this: Dead on, at 10 m/s. And the stage was a dead stage, no probe, no RCS, careening at the central hub of the station. "Oh, god. Oh, god! NO!" ... It missed... by less than 10 meters. I was practically going to faint, as that station took a long time to construct.
  10. Starwhip


    So it's a group of something, it's related to a god, it inspires fear, often wonder, and is a common idea. Well, then. Um... is it consciousness? Or- DARN IT! I CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT I JUST THOUGHT OF!!! Wait, it was culture. Is it culture?
  11. My god, that's funny. Might have to put a spin on this in my signature.
  12. I have an idea: Add a brick wall at the end. It forces you to build correctly The lights are fine, and I find it horribly amusing when the jet car I just built slams into one at Mach 2.5
  13. If you ask me, the RCS is being activated by SAS, and it's slowly deorbiting you. Or you accidentally clipped parts while docking and made a Kraken Drive. Or both. Look at the resources tab. (It's in the upper right corner; click the "resources" button to bring it up) If the one called "monopropellant" is dropping, then it's the RCS. Otherwise, it's a bug.
  14. When you are on an intercept course, or when you've clawed an asteroid, you can't set up maneuver nodes. The game stops letting you do so until you've passed the intercept or SOI or whatever. Otherwise, I'm good.
  15. Starwhip


    Is it all of the war gods that ever existed in any culture? Or is that just a subset?!
  16. I prefer liquids. But that's me. Biiiiig SRB or Sepatron?
  17. Starwhip


    So... "God" in the sense of destruction? What the heck do you call that, if "demon" didn't cut the deal?
  18. "ForwardForwardForwardBackwardForwardLunge" basically sums up the instruction. But yes, I do. Not in a while, but yes.
  19. Starwhip


    "It doesn't ex..." *Runs screaming into a mental hospital* Excuse me, I have to go and slam my head in the freezer for a minute. That which walks above us all, as we cower in fear, In the skies above and the worlds around, Yet never being quite right here, Always half here and half not; existence unsound. Ne'er a common sight in any world or plane, Our forms are ever something to inspire fear, Though wonder is never far off; in twain Fear and wonderment describe our presence here. My brethren and I are many, but few; Large in number, but all so very different, Even to one another as we wander through Each world and find our efforts and lives spent. What are we? There it is again. I didn't feel like flicking back and forth 2 pages.
  20. Starwhip


    *Repeatedly slams face into desk and flings laptop out the window* I hate the way you say it's something... and then it's not. Humans... no. It's not nukes/aliens/asteroids/comets/constellations/gods/planets/supernovae..... Hmm. It's an overpowering force, it inspires fear, shares characteristics of supernovae... And there are many of them. *sighs* Neutrinos?
  21. Granted. It's cold. I wish for golden shoes. (Because why not.)
  22. Starwhip


    Aliens. I really though nuclear weapons was the answer
  23. Yes. I also make a neat gun. Should I give the gun to the people who are still alive?
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