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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. I say, "I like Trains," and everyone is run over by a train. (If you get the reference, big happy face for you) Nobody's hill, because everyone died.
  2. OOOH numbers! Maybe I'll spend time in a few mins. but until that, 10/10 for numberzez.
  3. Ah, my favorite jiggly brony Kraken-in-training... Ten of Ten.
  4. Fine, but not now. I wish for our robot camera thingy to start working.
  5. Affirmative. The user below wants 0.24 out.
  6. Granted. It's made of real lava and burns your house down. It's also shaped like a lemon. I wish for combustible lemons.
  7. Yep. I was like "Oh, god, another one." But it was all good. For me, at least. Anyone get erased?
  8. Banned for Complementary Colors American flag.
  9. Plug hole in boat How do I make a supercomputer that takes over the world?
  10. I summon the Kraken and you are sent flying into space. My hill.
  11. Stick a few model rocket engines up your [REDACTED] and let the magic happen. How to fly?
  12. Kraken. I'll have you know that a Krakeb Drive is under development! RULE THE WORLD! Get your fingers run over by a train or lose your eyesight and hearing.
  13. *finally makes it down after hours of readjusting Phobos's orbit* Yes! *plants flag* *turns around, lander is floating away* NOOOOOOO! *jumps after it, misses, drifts into space* [sECOND RAGE]
  14. *Lander engine pushes Phobos away* Come here, you little [REDACTED] *Burns again to slow down, pushes it further* [RAGE]
  15. Damn you. That's hard. I guess superpowers... No chocolate for the rest of your life or only chocolate (only thing you eat) for the rest of your life.
  16. Granted. Good luck spending that on the Moon. I wish for words.
  17. I don't recall the facts exactly, but it went like this: I was moved from my third-grade classroom, into a classroom with much older kids (but also kids my age). The teacher didn't seem to like me, saying I was too sensitive and that I should be bumped down a grade. Well, I was moved back to my old class, where I did great, and then she seemed to hate me even more. So yeah, great times.
  18. Tectonic Uprising. My normal hill.
  19. Granted. You try to download B9 Aerospace, but your computer is reduced to slag because of the file size. I wish for the ASAS to do something.
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