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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. 10/10 It's odd that us few are the only posters I ever really see a lot of.
  2. Floor 489: Odd-looking boxlike turrets hopping around
  3. Whoops, someone else beat me to it. You can only do what you enjoy. I wish for money.
  4. You know you're addicted when: You join the forums.
  5. Granted, you die because the truth is too much. I wish I knew why this thread goes off in so many different directions.
  6. Floor 487: The room is filled with large pipes ferrying blue, white, and orange liquids to the room above.
  7. 10/10 [enter amusing comment here]
  8. "Landead" Kind of self explanatory "Suckcess" Almost-completed mission which ended with a bang.
  9. Eh, I kind of do. I can't remember right now. The user below me has played Portal/Portal II all the way through, several times.
  10. Banned for not remembering (although GLaDOS would probably wipe your memory)
  11. Granted, but since your mind is off you can't turn it back on. I wish for better graphics
  12. Banned for not knowing what The Device is. (No, it's from Portal (Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device))
  13. Granted, but someone else has it. I wish for a TARDIS
  14. Banned for submerging The Device in water, even partially
  15. Granted, but you forget that you wished to be human and turn back. I wish I had some CAKE. (hint, hint)
  16. Granted, it gets even colder. I wish for faster internet
  17. Banned for surviving the April Purge.
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