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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Granted, but everyone else is bigger than you. I wish I could instantly memorize textbook information. (Studying is so boring)
  2. Granted, but they are on 24/7 and at a massive volume with all the frequencies at the same time. I wish for more boosters
  3. Banned for saying 'thread' with a capital T
  4. Banned for posting on this thread.
  5. Yeeaah... I forgot. True. The user below me is in FIRST robotics.
  6. So much true. look at my signature. (and yes, it does involve a time machine and murder) The next user likes programming
  7. Banned for not saying "What do you get when you multiply 6 by 7?", which is the Ultimate Answer
  8. Banned for the meaning of life, the universe, and everything
  9. Eh, now I do. The user below me knows what the Grandfather Paradox is.
  10. Banned because you are still banning
  11. Banned for joining before it happened
  12. Banned for mentioning the forbidden "incident".
  13. Kerbals have devastated Europe.
  14. Granted, but it explodes and you are incinerated. I wish for an Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device.
  15. True, to some extent The user below me has grammar issues.
  16. Banned for banning someone without spending the time to come up for a reason to ban them.
  17. "Banned for banning a person who was banned before and has banned others who have been banned who in turn have banned you." Very random.
  18. Japan is devastating Krakens now.
  19. Banned because you're still misspelling things, "becuase" is spelled "because"
  20. True. The user below me plays Minecraft
  21. That's still a long way out, but you're right, Gigameters makes more sense.
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