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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. False, though close. About an hour late. The user below me has sent Kerbs to Duna
  2. Banned for having the letter "e" in your post
  3. Indeed. It would only take him ten more seconds to crash this one...
  4. Keil Kerman --"[hey guys... where's the ladder. OK then, no ladder] One big step for me, one giant leap for kerbalkind...[thud]
  5. When your ship loses all orbital velocity and drops straight down.
  6. Space program staff administering quantum disintegration guns to all of Kerbalkind
  7. Banned for having more than 10 chars in your username
  8. If you're on a Kerbol escape trajectory, you might as well enjoy your last view of the system, because you won't be seeing it again.
  9. My stations are usually in 200 - 500 Km orbits. Rendezvous is easy and the view is great.
  10. Yes, a picture would be nice, as I'm relatively new at this and can't visualize 26 tons. But some SRB's to help get into orbit would help, provided you can safely detach them. You should also have a stage designed solely to get from Kerbin orbit to Mun SOI, and able to retro thrust to circularize in Mun SOI. My current rover (although it isn't 26 tons) is based on this principle. Welcome to KSP!
  11. I sent a manned Apollo mission to the Mun, and realized I didn't have a decoupler OR parachutes on the CSM. Rather than restarting, I played it through and made it back to Kerbin. I ran out of fuel in orbit. Then I undocked one of my station ferry vehicles, met with the CSM, and towed it to the station, where they are still sitting for now.
  12. So far, landing a rover on Eve was my proudest moment. I'm currently planning an unmanned multi-rover launch to the Jool system
  13. Aren't we all? (KSP-ers, I mean)
  14. --GLaDOS Seriously though, if you want to learn KSP, watch Scott Manley. He's the best.
  15. I've never landed on said mountain, nor attempted a return mission to Eve, but landing a rover on Eve wasn't a problem. Show me an orbital map view of Mt. Useful and I'll attempt to land my Eve rover on it and see what happens. (A few shots would be nice) If my rover is anywhere near it I'll try to drive up, but I doubt it as the highest landmark in sight is about ~500 meters.
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