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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Left-click and drag, it changes pitch. EDIT: Aww, I was beaten to the punch.
  2. I haven't played KSP in a week or two because other games have taken over my life. But it's a shadow. Lurking right around the corner, waiting for me to fall back into the rut. Once a KSP player, always a KSP player...
  3. Just curious, what exactly makes the "report post" page load very slowly/not at all after sending a report?
  4. (Not mine, still relevant) Yes, the "constructive criticism" mindset is unfortunately rather sparse among the members of this community. (Not to say that there are no users that are constructive, but they seem to be the minority at times) And yet, it seems to be such a trivial thing. Is it hard to express oneself logically, instead of ranting about A or B? Ah, there will be mysteries in life.
  5. Yeah that's me too. It's not the most recent version of, but it's close enough... I like it, ThatGuyWithALongUsername. I don't know if I like the fact that I typed that whole thing out or the username alone better. XD
  6. Kaspersky, and it has never lagged my system before. (Unless it has been all this time and I've never realized it. XD)
  7. Oh yeah, I've heard the rumors of the Fault Vault. It ain't pretty.
  8. Huh. Strange. Shouldn't that be a relatively simple fix? EDIT: Presuming you can edit that bit of software.
  9. Oooh! Is that a moderator-only feature or is it for all users? Because I'd love to use it. XD
  10. I'm sure I've gotten rep from Squad employees, though from devs I'm not so sure. Maybe Nova did it once. The main problem is you can only look so far back...
  11. If I am not mistaken, wheels in the VAB are shown with their suspension in the "stowed" position. Once a craft is actually loaded on the pad or runway the wheels will extend just a bit. On Kerbin, gravity counteracts this force. On Minmus... well, not so much. As for the messed-up orientation, well, I would try to switch to the KSC and back to the craft, or reload the game.
  12. Well, I think it's safe to say it's gone... I've got blueprints, it's not all bad. But it's super strange. I used that ship to jump back to base, and then I spawned in the new ship, and then when I turned around the jumpship was gone.
  13. So I think this is the new flag. (It is, right?) I like it. EDIT: What the... where'd my jumpship go?! I spawned in another ship and it disappeared, along with pieces of base.
  14. There was a link that said 2016, hold up, I'll find it. EDIT: http://venturebeat.com/2015/06/16/playstation-4-gets-rocket-science-sim-kerbal-space-program/
  15. Indeed. Hasn't been like this in... oh, 82 days? Looks like the reactions have been more or less civil so far. (That we can see)
  16. The glowing stick figure? (that's what it looked like to me when I last checked.) I like it though we could probably come up with something better.
  17. Starwhip


    Oh, all the fun times are a-comin'.
  18. If you set all the drag sliders to zero it should "disable" the atmosphere. Check the "Drag" section of the alt+f12 menu.
  19. Can we get a noise like that for engines in KSP? Yeah, I'd also like to know why it turns white.
  20. 9/10. Fellow Elcano challenge member.
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