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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. May have found the issue: There are missing belts. EDIT: Nevermind, there are a few leaks in the cooling system. One in the radiator fan, and one near the engine block.
  2. Jeez, Felsmak, your voice is CREEPY. This looks cool.
  3. Hmm... maybe. In which case it's beyond me to fix. We'll find out eventually, it's still pouring.
  4. That definitely sounds like a bug if it is in fact the cause. Can you replicate it?
  5. About thirty minutes ago my father tasked me with figuring out why my grandfather's... maid's(? I don't know the technical term. :|) car was overheating. I've got two different repair manuals for two cars that are not the model of the car I'm attempting to "fix"... Here's what I've figured out and done so far before it started thunder-storming: The coolant level was in the right spot The top of the coolant tank where the hose comes out of was corroded The inside of the cap on the other side of the hose (where it enters the grill area, I believe) and the place where the cap screws in are corroded The coolant/water inside the tank was rusty I flushed out the tank with a garden hose to get rid of the rusty water and cleaned as much of the corrosion away as I could. Still need to run the car for a while to see what happens. Do any of you guys have some pointers?
  6. Eeehhh.... losing 5,000 dollars (assuming US currency) for the sake of a little change seems like too much. Perhaps if you can work something out with your parents to not pay the tuition for the next year.
  7. "Video games are bad for you," my butt. Good to hear that you are recovering so fast.
  8. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/members/59475-daniel-l You may have found this fellow.
  9. Well, Jeremy may have found the problem with the damaged ships: NXE Firestorm's turrets were firing at our own ships by themselves. I've started construction of a superweapon ship; I can't decide if I want machine-gun style cannon, or a massive bolt that hits the target nearly instantly but has an 8 second reload. The massive bolt destroys over 700k shields in one hit, and can go through the entirety of the Kalzoria Star, ripping out many blocks. It's downfall is that it has a low damage per second, and a lot of it's total damage is wasted by the fact that the bolt will exit out of the other side of the ship. The machine-gun takes a much greater time to destroy shields, has a limited range and speed of bolt, but deals catastrophic amounts of armor and system damage once it breaks through. Both of these only have 1 "shot" at a time, however. I'm going to set up a few tests to see what happens with multiple barrels.
  10. What was he doing? (It only takes my ships about five minutes to get to spawn and back using the warpgates...)
  11. Indeed. They said they were working on something for sounds, can't wait for it.
  12. Who needs this "Air-ee-oh-die-nam-ics" anyways? Stay Kerbal, my friend.
  13. One-way highway? Am I the only one who knows of the Starforge gates or have you guys been using those too? When I next get on, I can probably build the other end and connect them. The AUS-2 should be able to fit through the farside gate. It's a slim ship, so unless the enemy's going full Heighliner-style death cylinders, we should be safe from the big guys. EDIT: Unless they've built ships specially designed to make it through even the tiniest warpgate. All that needs to pass through is the core... and now that the core can be exposed without worry, it will be a big problem.
  14. The picture of Bill in that one would work great with a "Bring me the Child" caption. Great work.
  15. Well so far the list of ships that have been mysteriously damaged/destroyed/MIA is: NXE Starblaster James Lawrence NXE Whatever USS Enderprise AUS-2 Kiternyae I have a sneaking suspicion that someone was involved here too, but I found it undamaged. I'm preparing for Plan Z: Pack it all up, kick the non-forum members for now, jump out, rebuild.
  16. These are looking great. Are you still having to fix the UV maps for the textures or was the importer finally sorted out?
  17. Hmm... The settings are refusing to be persistent! Bend to my will, you buttons! EDIT: Finally. EDIT2: Who's brilliant idea was it to make the warpgate from the planet to the base smaller than the one from the base to the planet? Because the AUS-2 doesn't fit.
  18. I believe one could call this a thread derailment. I also believe it is proof that the forum isn't dying.
  19. *GASP* I found something useful! You can set ranks to get kicked from the faction on friendly fire. Setting fourth-rankers to be kicked now. EDIT: Okay, did some rank housekeeping. Let's see them try that again...
  20. Agreed. See, we're doing it right now!
  21. Hmm...... This is not good. I'm kicking into high gear about moving my ships then. @kenbobo: Are you on right now? I can come pick you up (probably).
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