Two members of the Banana Pirate faction are online right now. Is the operation a go? I'm willing to wait for quite some time to get my revenge. Here's what I'm thinking we do, step by step 1) I log on under a different profile name, totally random and/or stupid. 1.1 Addendum) We need to test in our own faction if I can cut through blocks with the torch if I'm not factioned, or if I'm low-level in the faction and don't have permission to edit. 2) One of you sends me a bunch of credits/we get a torch and grapple and send a ship over to spawn to give it to me. 3) I get on these people's good side, try and see if they've got a base. If they do and the ships are there, wonderful. If they don't, not so wonderful. (If they come and pick me up in my AUS-2 I'll be laughing so hard. ) 4) Head to base and mark coords. 5) Sabotage with torches, take the faction modules out, dock everything together (Should bring a bunch of docking equipment), and escape. or 5a) We get a bunch of warships ready and nuke the place. Would it be too evil if I first joined Nextech Enterprises under the fake name, pretend to want to work as an undercover agent for them, "steal" a ship from our own faction while you guys are online, just to build trust, and then betray them?