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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Not in college yet, though I hope to go to WPI in a few years.
  2. Yeah, it is a ton of money. There's always papercraft KSP. And for me there are renderings. Gotta check if that .mu importer is updated yet...
  3. I used this to make a star system for one of my novel ideas: Gravity Simulator EDIT: I also had this. Might have helped. XD Aurrera Orbital Period: 436.91 Days Rotation Period: 25 Hours 16 Minutes Altitude: 1.197 AU Mass: 7.53181 x 10^24 Kg Diameter: 8,123 Miles (13,080 Km) (Earth is 7,918 Miles, and this planet has more gravity) Density: 6442.951 Kg/m^3 Gravitational Force: 1.2 G’s (11.76 m/s^2) Earth Masses: 1.2603 Orbital Eccentricity: 0.01 Orbital Inclination: 0.02 Asteroid Moons: 83, 230,700 m - 1,000 Km Arreba Orbital Period: 245.28 Days Rotation Period: 31 Hours 9 Minutes Altitude: 0.672 Au Mass: 3.564952 x 10^24 Kg Diameter: 7797 Miles (12,556 Km) Density: 1,146.515 Kg/m^3 (Made of light elements and is entirely cold, massive cave formations) Gravitational Force: 0.6 G’s (6.03 m/s^2) Earth Masses: 0.59693 Orbital Eccentricity: 0.03 Orbital Inclination: 0.05 Zaharra Orbital Period: 200.02 days Rotation Period: 40 Hours 31 Minutes Altitude: 0.548 Au Mass: 6.9905164 x 10^23 Kg Diameter: 2,548 Miles (4,103 Km) Volume: 108,498,673,344,8767 Km^3 Density: 6442.951 Kg/m^3 Gravitational Force: Earth Masses: 0.11697 Orbital Eccentricity: 0.03 Orbital Inclination: 0.2 Asteroid Moons: 3, 30,000-60,000 m Erraldoi Orbital Period: 106.22 days Rotation Period: 5 Hours 3 Minutes Altitude: 0.291 AU Mass: 2.360568 x 10^27 Kg Diameter: 90,237 Miles (145,303 Km) Density: 1469.587 Kg/m^3 Gravitational Force: 3.04 G’s (29.83 m/s^2) Earth Masses: 395.2329 Orbital Eccentricity: 0.02 Orbital Inclination: 0.05 Asteroid Moons: 15, 300,000 - 450,000 Km Average Asteroid Diameter: 7 Km Volume: 250,000 m^3 Mass: 1,610,500,000 Kg ECC: 0.1 INC: 0.25 Distance from E-2: 200,000 Km Density: 6442.951 Kg/m^3 Countless asteroids in Aurrera’s orbital path Simulation of the orbits. Green is Erraldoi, red is Zaharra, White/Gray is Arreba, and Blue is Aurrera Gravity (mâ„s^2 )= ((Gravitational Constant)(Mass of Planet))/〖(Radius of Planet (meters))〗^2 Conversion From Miles to Kilometers (Miles * 1.6102 = Kilometers) Geosynchronous Orbit: Altitude (m)= ∛(((Gravitational Constant)(Mass of Planet) (Rotational Period)^2)/(4À^2 ))-Radius of Planet
  4. Hmm. Try resetting your internet modem/hotspot. And I'll armor the thing myself, if I so please! Besides, it isn't meant for getting up-close and personal. IMO it would be used for a killing blow and quick-salvage of pirate stations. 990,000 damage in one shot is probably enough, eh?
  5. So this is the AUS-1. I'll be stripping the weapons off and redoing them, but the salvage beams work wonders.
  6. Don't know of any of them. Perhaps Ethanadams?
  7. Screw 600 beams. How's 10,000 on for size? Endersmens and I each have a copy of my planet eating miner, the AUS-1. It has about 300k shield hitpoints (I think), and a near-instantaneous jump drive charge period, an ion machine gun (10k per second to shields), an explosive machine gun, same DPS but damages blocks and has a small AOE, and an overdriven machine gun (10k DPS as well) that is for precision bombardments. There the similarity ends. Ender's ship has a massive swarm missile launcher which deals some 25k damage per salvo, while mine has a base-destroyer: locking missile that deals 990,000 damage per shot, with an AoE of 75 meters. We're waiting on you to set up the base or give us permission to start the faction ourselves. Edit: Enders "may or may not have burned up in his variant of the ship". XD
  8. Nice. Probably they were juat having fun: level design can be quite tedious.
  9. KAS and KIS must be really nice. If I lose an engine I basically need to send a new ship. An update to my own entry may come today. We'll be heading to a monolith in the northwestern mountains...
  10. Server seems to be having some issues. Give it a few minutes. On another note, I'm up and running with a 600 salvage beam miner.
  11. It does, yes. But that ship SUCKED. I was reading the wiki and there is a much, much better way to place the power reactors. I was probably getting only 1/4 of the potential total energy. And besides, I don't really want one ship that does everything. I'll also be making it much more organized. EDIT: Though I do miss the 5-second jump drive
  12. Kerbal Republic? I suck at names. Anyways, I'm going to go add some turrets and such to my ship. EDIT: Got nailed by pirates again. Time to start over.
  13. This. One of the reasons KSP is fun is that there is no "magic solution" for everything. I cannot see this part being useful at all, nor do I like its magical qualities.
  14. How are you ever going to survive reentry if your capsule is made of wood? I like that throttle.
  15. Oh, the fun to be had with bigger jet engines... Airboat, anyone?
  16. It is approximately the length of the engine plume.
  17. Stuck in the End. I will call him out now!
  18. In Space Engineers, it has seemed to me that the "Inertia Dampener" was always a guidance system that reduced your relative speed to zero by thrusting in precalculated directions.
  19. Thank you! *checks a few games off list*
  20. I'm not changing my sig any time soon, not least because I don't want to dig through this: [noparse][table="width: 850, align: left"] [tr] [td][URL=http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/113840][img=http://i.imgur.com/KPlugjd.png?2][/URL][/td] [td][SIZE=4][COLOR=#009900]-->[URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/73329-Docking-From-Navball-to-First-Station-and-Beyond"][b][i]Docking: From Navball to First Station![/b][/i][/URL]<-- -->[URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/111633-Starwhip-s-Renderfarm-Taking-Requests%21"]Starwhip's Renderfarm[/URL]<-- -->[url="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/110074-WIP-V-0-5-0-The-Modular-Booster-System-%282-12-15%29"]The Modular Booster System - Build Your Own SRBs![/url]<-- -->[url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XkN7N86-SU"]"To The End" -- Kerbal Space Program Tribute to 1.0[/url]<--[/COLOR][/SIZE][/td] [/tr] [/table][/noparse] EDIT: Stupid BBCode
  21. So Endersmens and I lost our ships to pirates recently. That's not happening again. My current rig has an 86k damage cannon plus two independent 7.4k rocket launchers, and 29k in shields. It can charge the jump drive in about five seconds. Decent acceleration, but will modify it for more. EDIT: Oh, and somewhere around 300 salvage beams in eight groups. EDIT2: What is this faction going to be called, and can you be in more than one faction? Enders and I are part of a faction already. I'll join yours once you make it. I can help with the base! We'll need a pretty decently sized docking area for my ship though, it is not small. 300 tons.
  22. Enders and I were screwing around with our ships... Mine was pretty good. He shot a bunch of missiles and some cannon bolts at me and the shields hardly flinched. Then I fired my missile launcher. One shotted him, death. Ship was obliterated. Now I get to replace his ship.
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