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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Hey, chrishaynes, welcome to the forum!
  2. Took me a moment, had to read it three times before I figured out what was wrong. Have you ever read something backwards? Yeah, that's what happened.
  3. Not really. It is much more effective to burn exactly prograde exactly between the planet and moon in this case. Try it, it seems counterintuitive, bit it works.
  4. Welp, it worked. http://arstechnica.com/science/2013/07/parts-installed-upside-down-caused-last-weeks-russian-rocket-to-explode/
  5. What you really heard was that you should burn prograde in your own orbit, but retrograde in relation to the parent body. If the moon is orbiting 'clockwise' and you are orbiting 'clockwise', if you burn prograde when you are between the moon and planet, you will slow yourself down in relation to the parent body. If the moon is orbiting as above, but you are going in the opposite direction, burning prograde when the moon is between you and the planet will have the same effect as above.
  6. Interstage fairings a la Saturn V. A use for their thin profile. ATM they look much better than decouplers, and could be quite nicely used as smaller decouplers with this mechanic. Drag reduction of various bits. Keeping the top section would keep the bottom of the rocket a cylinder instead of an engine if you wanted too. Aesthetics weirdness.
  7. Yep. Don't know why ajburges did so, but this is definitely the case.
  8. Hmm... my rep to post count ratio is 0.4024. Must raise over summer!
  9. Ooooohhhhh, I know the feeling, I know it so well...
  10. How about if decouplers continued to work as they currently do, but separators could individually separate a side? In the staging menu, the separator would continue its current behavior, but in action groups, you would see "separate top" and "separate bottom". This behavior would be even better if decouplers and separators generated their own fairings based on their size and distance to the top fuel tank or capsule or whatever, rather than using the engine's fairing model.
  11. Still would be nice, because then decouplers could hide structural or science bits, or engine clusters. Fairings work though.
  12. Their warranty is also voided if you mean to detect Positive Gravioli Particles.
  13. My post per day ratio is 4.98 or something.
  14. Whoah whoah whoah, you joined in March 2015?!?! That can't be right, can it?
  15. Hi, and I agree. Pewdiepie's video didn't downplay the game at all, nor was it supposed to showcase it. It was just him screwing around with KSP. And that is fine.
  16. I think hello in Kerbese is aloh... Welcome aboard!
  17. They do, yes. I thought you were going to ask why the SRB wasn't feeding into the center stack or something.
  18. Don't worry, the thread is not inactive. I'll send a heads-up.
  19. Did it work? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/78863-FIX-Dock-Undocking-Bug-in-0-23-5?p=1145499&viewfull=1#post1145499
  20. Try going to space center and then going back to your craft. If that doesn't work, I'm going to hunt down a thread on docking bugs.
  21. Are your docking ports facing the right way? They do not have a male or female end. The end with the small circle needs to point outwards on both craft. Pictures would help.
  22. Poorly misinterpreted joke, I believe. Good thing you didn't request something unfortunate!
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