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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Does it actually disable them? (When I tried it through the game options panel, it says it is off, and stays "off" as a button, but the effects persist.)
  2. Yes. If rep were unlimited, one could go up and down a page of posts boosting other people's rep through the roof.
  3. I'm on HDD, but loading times have gone from the five to ten minutes of v0.25 to the three minutes or less of v1.0.2 on my super old laptop.
  4. Yeah, you're a wee bit short of 400 points, my friend...
  5. I've noticed this myself, and it is quite frustrating. If anyone can find a solution, please put it here. I'm going to take a peek at the settings.cfg file, to see if it can be changed there.
  6. What the... no! We must be negative! -26! (-)
  7. That was his username before, I believe...
  8. Congrats! Are we talking about me?
  9. I've noticed in the f3 window that it says "structural failure between x kerman and command seat" if they fall out of their seats. Interesting.
  10. Go to www.kerbalspaceprogram.com, you can buy it there. It comes as a standalone executable. Welcome to the forum!
  11. This reminds me of a story my grandfather told me. He said that an exam once asked "If a rifle is fired with a 0 degree inclination at the same time a ball is dropped, will both the bullet and the ball hit the ground at the same time?" He answered no, because of the curvature of the Earth, which is completely correct. But the professor didn't like that answer. I say it is heterogenous, for all the reasons listed above.
  12. This mod is one of the coolest I've seen yet, great job blackrack! Will download as soon as I get back on my newer computer.
  13. Huh, this is strange. I'd presume it is an issue with one of the mods you run. Can you put up your log file?
  14. Well, given a recipe as a base, I've cooked enough in my life to know how a dish will change if I add x spice, or reduce the amount of y ingredient, or cook it for just a bit longer or shorter. From memory, I cannot cook very many meals, though I know enough to both sustain myself and give a bit of variety. Anything involving pasta is very easy, as are most meats. Eggs are straightforward and fast. Toast and bread work wonders for bases and sides. If preparing things that do not require cooking is under the same category, then I can use basically anything I have available.
  15. Are the ships still linked? This is odd, never seen this bug before.
  16. Try placing several ant engines end to end, then attaching a cubic octagonal strut, and placing the rover wheel on that. Alternatively, place a cubic strut, then surface-attach another one to the first, rotate it 90 degrees, and place the rover wheel on the second strut.
  17. I do believe worir4 was joking....
  18. Banned for not being with the Daleks, they are way cooler.
  19. Hmm... well, besides the preisdents quiz my history class is getting on Tuesday, my exams are over as well.
  20. :facepalm: This is some interesting info, thanks for sharing!
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